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The New Raith Rovers Thread

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Yoss thats a great idea and if you or someone can organise collecting the money to pay the bus company then i will donate £100 aswell.It will come from the rock the rovers fund which i use to help the club and charities.If you do organise it see me before the hearts game or send me a pm through this site or fantalk. ;)

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Been neglecting this forum a bit as been sucked into the BRA/L thread :D

Glad I looked in tonight, great idea Yoss I'm happy to pitch in!

All the best to John McGlynn at Hearts, looking forward to blooding some more HMFC youngsters, ( don't think Jamie Walkers ready for SPL yet tbh ;) )

And Turnbull Hutton, you are the man, possibly the best statement/speach so far in the whole RFC saga and you came across very well on Sportsound, I will most definately be buying a new Raith top this year and wearing it with renewed pride!

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What now..... Someone good enough to complete the job John started..... But I don't know who......

Steven Pressley's your man.

Fifer, a couple of years' experience, won the glorious double of Ramsdens Cup and Stirlingshire Cup last year.

What more do you want? :rolleyes:

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we've got this game at Wick coming up, for the club it's the worst draw they could have got financially, a significant extra cost they could have done without. So how about we have a whip-round (probably best done via the Trust, or somesuch) to see if we can sponsor that specific cost for them.

It'd be a very visible demonstration of support for their stance [...] to the wider world. There's been a fair amount of focus on us this week - and on the relationships between clubs and their supporters more generally. If we were able to do something quickly and tie it directly and explicitly to our support for their stance then it'd be something we could publicise and I expect there are at least some corners of the press would be happy to mention it.

Happy to start with a pledge of £100, though I wouldn't be expecting others to put up that much. If enough people could find ten or twenty I'd hope it ought to be doable.

Apologies for cutting up your post, but I've left the bits that are relevant to me and no doubt fans of other diddy clubs.

Your Mr Hutton now has hero status among most of us, for saying what most of us are thinking.

For that reason, if you get this off the ground, I'll happily chip in one of those tenners you're after.

If fans of other teams chip in too, it would also be a visible demonstration of support for their stance from the (slightly) wider world.

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Today's Scotsman has it down as highly likely that Grant Murray will be the new manager.


Not an appointment that wets the mouth in excitement but hopefully with Paul Smith alongside him we can see some continuity alongside Grant's own ideas.

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My relationship with the club has been strengthened by their stance over the past few days, and over time that will of course be reflected financially in one way and another. But I know they're tight for cash right away, so I was trying to think of some way of making an immediate and concrete gesture to show my support.


Does that seem like a plausible idea? FanTalk would have been a better place for this, but I don't have an account there. If it looks like it might catch on I'd invite someone to transfer the post across.

Happy to start with a pledge of £100, though I wouldn't be expecting others to put up that much. If enough people could find ten or twenty I'd hope it ought to be doable.

Count me in Yoss. Can't afford £100 but will certainly contribute.

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Today's Scotsman has it down as highly likely that Grant Murray will be the new manager.


Not an appointment that wets the mouth in excitement but hopefully with Paul Smith alongside him we can see some continuity alongside Grant's own ideas.

The sooner the better, so that we may hopefully get back to finishing the squad.

To be honest, I'm happy enough with the prospect of Murray, and in many repsects he's probably the only realistic candidate in term sof availablility and, yes, cost.

As long as he is able to maintain McG's on the pitch work ethic, and assuming he's not a complete idiot we should be fine, so long as we can bring in a couple more players of reasonable quality (at the very least, he probably won't be dabbling in the French midnight 7 -a side market for players....)

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Right, I'm about to head out for the day, but just before I leave I'm going to throw in this idea.

My relationship with the club has been strengthened by their stance over the past few days, and over time that will of course be reflected financially in one way and another. But I know they're tight for cash right away, so I was trying to think of some way of making an immediate and concrete gesture to show my support.

One idea I've come up with - we've got this game at Wick coming up, something myself and a lot of the matchgoing fans are well chuffed about and looking forward to. But for the club it's the worst draw they could have got financially, a significant extra cost they could have done without. So how about we have a whip-round (probably best done via the Trust, or somesuch) to see if we can sponsor that specific cost for them. I'd imagine it'd be in the region of a four figure sum but we can mail the club for costings if need be.

Not only would it help the club, it'd be a very visible demonstration of loyalty and support for their stance, both to the club itself and to the wider world. There's been a fair amount of focus on us this week - and on the relationships between clubs and their supporters more generally. If we were able to do something quickly and tie it directly and explicitly to our support for their stance then it'd be something we could publicise and I expect there are at least some corners of the press would be happy to mention it.

Does that seem like a plausible idea? FanTalk would have been a better place for this, but I don't have an account there. If it looks like it might catch on I'd invite someone to transfer the post across.

Happy to start with a pledge of £100, though I wouldn't be expecting others to put up that much. If enough people could find ten or twenty I'd hope it ought to be doable.

If anyone has any other ideas then please, fire away.

Like the idea Yoss suspect you will get alot of support to this but how it goes down on FT who knows. I will make a contribution if I can

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I would be happy to contribute something aswell Yoss, I have been delighted with the board recently and I would like a way to show its appreciated by the fans. If it gets going just let me know how to donate as I am not very gifted with technology.

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I've never used it myself, but I'd have a wee look at that JustGiving site, Yoss. Sounds like the easiest way to set up this kind of thing, 'donations' and such.

Be alot easier to coordinate that rather than picking up cash in hand, create the page and send out the link, job done

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Yeah, I've just had a wee look because I wasn't sure if it had to be affiliated with an official charity, but that doesn't seem to be the case. I'll let Yoss fire it up...

If this kicks off if someone can fire it on the RR facebook page (dont have access from work) and i can in turn put it on the FF page

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Worth saying Yoss that if and when you do get such a thing running, there's a lot of love for the Rovers on the big Rangers thread in the SPL forum - quite a few people pledging to go to Rovers games, making lottery subscriptions and in a couple of cases even giving season ticket money purely because of Turnbull Hutton's stance on the whole Sevco issue.

Could be worth posting as a lot of people, like ourselves, feel indebted to Turnbull. His words this morning (which can be seen here) are just terrific.

Edited by Paco
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