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The New Raith Rovers Thread

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OK it was only 1 match and a friendly at that but come on, only 1 person mentioned Joe Hamill and that was that he made a run - he had a great game completely different from the Joe Hamill of last season. He was Davoesque with some of his passing and he really didn't put a foot wrong all night, surely you have to give the guy some credit for the turnaround, he's obviously been working hard during the close season.

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OK it was only 1 match and a friendly at that but come on, only 1 person mentioned Joe Hamill and that was that he made a run - he had a great game completely different from the Joe Hamill of last season. He was Davoesque with some of his passing and he really didn't put a foot wrong all night, surely you have to give the guy some credit for the turnaround, he's obviously been working hard during the close season.

Seriously, what? :blink:

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It wasn't davoesque at all, Hammil actually found his man most of the time, and when he did - he meant it.....

I never want to hear the word 'Davoesque' used to complement passes again. Ever. Granted he played the odd good diagonal - his only good passing move - all I can see are hoofs down the middle to no-one and back passes to the CBs.

As for Hammil as a whole, I don't think his ability is in question. He does look composed when he gets the ball and can pick out a pass, it's just that he all too often fades out the game and offers little.

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I never want to hear the word 'Davoesque' used to complement passes again. Ever. Granted he played the odd good diagonal - his only good passing move - all I can see are hoofs down the middle to no-one and back passes to the CBs.

As for Hammil as a whole, I don't think his ability is in question. He does look composed when he gets the ball and can pick out a pass, it's just that he all too often fades out the game and offers little.

I still maintain that if we ever want to play him through the middle he could be excellent rather than merely good for us.

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I still maintain that if we ever want to play him through the middle he could be excellent rather than merely good for us.

His abilities would suit being played there, but I worry about his tendency to go missing if we play him there. I think Ive seen him play in the middle once and he did nothing (though the team as a whole were poor that day).

It would also mean having to sign someone to play on the left and I think that's unlikely.

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His abilities would suit being played there, but I worry about his tendency to go missing if we play him there. I think Ive seen him play in the middle once and he did nothing (though the team as a whole were poor that day).

It would also mean having to sign someone to play on the left and I think that's unlikely.

That could be one of our quota'd loanee signings for the season. Hoping we can at least get Spence signed up and then rely on loans to fill the midfield slots for now.

Really looking forward to the game on Sat now

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That could be one of our quota'd loanee signings for the season. Hoping we can at least get Spence signed up and then rely on loans to fill the midfield slots for now.

Really looking forward to the game on Sat now

I'm looking forward to saturday, but not the actual game. I think anyone bouyed up by last night has to remember that we are facing a team likely to include Holt, Walker etc - who know our guys and how they play.... and the Hearts manager, who probably knows the team better than anyone.

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Joe Hamill is a decent footballer and can pick out a pass. However he isint a grafter. Therefore people in the audience misinterpret this and think he's shite! Which is harsh. He does drift out of games though. When he gets forward he's better I think.

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I'm looking forward to saturday, but not the actual game. I think anyone bouyed up by last night has to remember that we are facing a team likely to include Holt, Walker etc - who know our guys and how they play.... and the Hearts manager, who probably knows the team better than anyone.

Regardless of the result i want a chance to give McGlynn a proper send off and welcome Murray into the role. Plus i can see this being my only friendly game before Wick away and better i know in advance what our players look like :lol:

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That could be one of our quota'd loanee signings for the season. Hoping we can at least get Spence signed up and then rely on loans to fill the midfield slots for now.

Really looking forward to the game on Sat now

I really don't want loanees to fill the midfield slots. Our midfield last night was Anderson, Walker, Callachan and Hamill. I was delighted with the contribution of all four but the stand out was Callachan and both he and Anderson deserve extended runs. Loanees can fill the bench.

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I really don't want loanees to fill the midfield slots. Our midfield last night was Anderson, Walker, Callachan and Hamill. I was delighted with the contribution of all four but the stand out was Callachan and both he and Anderson deserve extended runs. Loanees can fill the bench.

Sorry i meant in terms of squad depth to cover injuries suspensions. Also with us not having a huge budget that a player or 2 from Hearts is no doubt on the cards as part of the McGlynn deal. We are pretty much covered in defence tho we need at least 1 extra striker and maybe 2 midfielders

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I fear that Hammill shows up well in friendlies because he is allowed time on the ball. This suits him down to the ground but he isn't given that time in league games hence he is completely inneffective.

Completely agree with that. He had quite a positive start to last season too, scored a few goals and had a few assists. Did very, very little from about September on though.

I found myself thinking in the first half that Hamill on the right Anderson on the left might work a bit better because Thomson loves to overlap and it's difficult to do that with an out-and-out winger in front of him. Murray seemed to have similar thoughts but it didn't work really, Anderson didn't touch the ball on the left.

For me, in an ideal world we'd get a new left winger with Callachan, Walker and Hamill (maybe even Murray I guess?) fighting it out for the two central berths. Our wingers/full-backs are going to have to step up to the marks if we're playing Graham and Clarke up top, they won't create much themselves. And sadly I don't see a left-hand side of Malone and Hamill being terribly threatening.

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My mate just flagged this up for me, brillant


Raith Rovers director Turnbull Hutton believes the Rangers situation should be used as an opportunity to “rebalance” Scottish football and bridge the gap between the SPL and the SFL.

Hutton, who described plans to parachute the newco Rangers into the First Division last week as a move to “bully and railroad” SFL clubs, says he doesn’t buy into claims by those at the top of the game that £15.7m a year could be instantly lost if the Ibrox side are instead placed into the Third Division.

Raith will vote against any move to allow Rangers into the second tier and Hutton sees something positive out of the current crisis for other clubs in the Scottish game.

“I can understand the argument but I am not convinced at the figures which have been produced and distributed,” Hutton said of the SPL's claims of financial meltdown. “They are a worst case scenario and I don't believe it's that bad.

“There are two ways to look at this. One that says it is a tragedy, doomsday, Armageddon and all those things.

“The other is to say it is an opportunity. Maybe the game needs rebalanced. There is a massive difference between the SPL and SFL1. The SFL1 clubs are the one who would aspire to be in the top division.

“But if the whole financial structure is against that, what chance do you have? It seems over the years, since the SPL was set up, the gulf has got wider and wider and wider.

“It probably takes something like this to give you the chance to start again. It should be an opportunity I think.”

Hutton also questioned the positions of Scottish FA chief executive Stewart Regan and his SPL counterpart Neil Doncaster, saying he isn’t convinced they have the greater interests of the Scottish game at heart.

“I wonder if they really understand Scottish football. I think they understand the money making concept and look at the English Premier League as a role model.

“But I don't think either of them have been to a game at Annan, Brechin, Peterhead or whatever else. They don't understand what goes on in the lower leagues.

“If you don't understand that, then your job in the SFA especially is to have an overall brief watching Scottish football. If we are focusing on Premier League and cutting deals to protect the Premier League, I think that is wrong.”

Asked if he felt their positions were untenable, Hutton replied: “I think it is difficult. I think there is a feeling that they've lost the plot in one or two ways. It is going to be difficult for them to regain the trust I think they have lost.”

SFL clubs will decide on Friday whether to allow Charles Green’s newco Rangers into the league, before then voting whether to give the league board a mandate to put the club into the First Division if a deal can be struck with the SPL and SFA for sporting and financial concessions.

“I am not all that convinced Friday is the important day,” said Hutton. “I think Friday will be indicative of what's happened with clubs being lobbied and promises made.

“There are two issues. There is the Rangers issue and there is the need to reorganise Scottish football. They are two separate issues but they are being thrown together to come up with a quick, magic solution.

“I am not sure that's the right way to go. I think a bit of time is needed. Whatever way the vote goes, it won't be the end of it. It will continue after Friday.

“There will be more pain, more revelations, more new stories that come along and we will have to take it from there.

The best suggestion I had was that all the SFL clubs should send their mascots. Our Roary Rover and Sammy the Tammy from Dunfermline should go up arm in arm up the stairs at Hampden.

“It would be a fine pantomime finale for what has turned out to be a pantomime all through.”

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Completely agree with that. He had quite a positive start to last season too, scored a few goals and had a few assists. Did very, very little from about September on though.

I found myself thinking in the first half that Hamill on the right Anderson on the left might work a bit better because Thomson loves to overlap and it's difficult to do that with an out-and-out winger in front of him. Murray seemed to have similar thoughts but it didn't work really, Anderson didn't touch the ball on the left.

For me, in an ideal world we'd get a new left winger with Callachan, Walker and Hamill (maybe even Murray I guess?) fighting it out for the two central berths. Our wingers/full-backs are going to have to step up to the marks if we're playing Graham and Clarke up top, they won't create much themselves. And sadly I don't see a left-hand side of Malone and Hamill being terribly threatening.

I thought there was some nice interplay between Hammill and Malone at times, it won't be the paciest but if Hammill can stay fitter/more interested he will make more of an impact on games. Malone I think is a technically better player than Dyer as well and that should help.

Anderson didn't do too much out on that left hand side but that was during a spell when RC wer wepushing baqck on us, by the time we were pushing back into the game, Anderson was back on the right. There may obviously be cuase and effect there, but woulsd like to see some more of him on that side....

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My mate just flagged this up for me, brillant


Raith Rovers director Turnbull Hutton believes the Rangers situation should be used as an opportunity to "rebalance" Scottish football and bridge the gap between the SPL and the SFL.

Hutton, who described plans to parachute the newco Rangers into the First Division last week as a move to "bully and railroad" SFL clubs, says he doesn't buy into claims by those at the top of the game that £15.7m a year could be instantly lost if the Ibrox side are instead placed into the Third Division.

Raith will vote against any move to allow Rangers into the second tier and Hutton sees something positive out of the current crisis for other clubs in the Scottish game.

"I can understand the argument but I am not convinced at the figures which have been produced and distributed," Hutton said of the SPL's claims of financial meltdown. "They are a worst case scenario and I don't believe it's that bad.

"There are two ways to look at this. One that says it is a tragedy, doomsday, Armageddon and all those things.

"The other is to say it is an opportunity. Maybe the game needs rebalanced. There is a massive difference between the SPL and SFL1. The SFL1 clubs are the one who would aspire to be in the top division.

"But if the whole financial structure is against that, what chance do you have? It seems over the years, since the SPL was set up, the gulf has got wider and wider and wider.

"It probably takes something like this to give you the chance to start again. It should be an opportunity I think."

Hutton also questioned the positions of Scottish FA chief executive Stewart Regan and his SPL counterpart Neil Doncaster, saying he isn't convinced they have the greater interests of the Scottish game at heart.

"I wonder if they really understand Scottish football. I think they understand the money making concept and look at the English Premier League as a role model.

"But I don't think either of them have been to a game at Annan, Brechin, Peterhead or whatever else. They don't understand what goes on in the lower leagues.

"If you don't understand that, then your job in the SFA especially is to have an overall brief watching Scottish football. If we are focusing on Premier League and cutting deals to protect the Premier League, I think that is wrong."

Asked if he felt their positions were untenable, Hutton replied: "I think it is difficult. I think there is a feeling that they've lost the plot in one or two ways. It is going to be difficult for them to regain the trust I think they have lost."

SFL clubs will decide on Friday whether to allow Charles Green's newco Rangers into the league, before then voting whether to give the league board a mandate to put the club into the First Division if a deal can be struck with the SPL and SFA for sporting and financial concessions.

"I am not all that convinced Friday is the important day," said Hutton. "I think Friday will be indicative of what's happened with clubs being lobbied and promises made.

"There are two issues. There is the Rangers issue and there is the need to reorganise Scottish football. They are two separate issues but they are being thrown together to come up with a quick, magic solution.

"I am not sure that's the right way to go. I think a bit of time is needed. Whatever way the vote goes, it won't be the end of it. It will continue after Friday.

"There will be more pain, more revelations, more new stories that come along and we will have to take it from there.

"The best suggestion I had was that all the SFL clubs should send their mascots. Our Roary Rover and Sammy the Tammy from Dunfermline should go up arm in arm up the stairs at Hampden.

"It would be a fine pantomime finale for what has turned out to be a pantomime all through."

Turnbull Hutton just seems to get better and better through this whole thing.

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