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The New Raith Rovers Thread

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4 hours ago, Ding Dang Doo said:

Barry Smith reminds me too much of Locke. Got a lot of leeway whilst at Dundee due to his connections but generally Dundee fans were happy to see him go. Was then awful at Alloa (worst win ratio than Locke with us) and did nothing at Aldershot.

Yes he's had a good start at East Fife but then Locke had the same with us. We should be staying well clear!

I'd advise you not to appoint him but I do think he could potentially be a decent enough manager in time. I'm interested to see how his time at East Fife goes but 

He's quite likable and has a brain of some sort but he's just a bit timid. He gets the players respect but he's quite cautious in making bold decisions and is quite loyal. If he could be a bit more ruthless, he could do quite well for himself.

I'd say he generally meets the minimum reasonable expectation wherever he goes. At teams like Alloa and Aldershot (and Dundee in the 2012 season) who are competing with teams who have much more in the way of financial resources, they need to formulate a different sort of threat.

The worst thing that happened in his career was Rangers going bust. He would have had a real shot at building a second tier side with reasonable resources and the early signings he made (Davo, Baird and Gallagher) and others (McAlister, Boyle and Toshney) would have been very good if we were competing at our, then, true level.

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6 hours ago, Poet of the Macabre said:

Personally, Rovers did far better than I thought they would under Locke. Probably won't get relegated at least. Plus, your next appointment can't be any worse on paper.

How much worse did you think it could get.. :blink:

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1 hour ago, true_rover said:

Fairly sure Utd were 11th when he took over and had a transfer window to help. They got worse under Mixu.

Not sure who I'd want at the moment as there doesn't seem many great names being thrown about.


We were 11th when McNamara got the boot but had dropped to 12th by the time Mixu was appointed. We were only 2 points adrift though and barely a third of the way through the season so it's hardly like the situation was irreparable.

I've got a bit of sympathy for Mixu. He's an intelligent, honest, hard-working guy and I'd say he was a bit unlucky at the start in that we lost a few games whilst actually playing quite well. Performances improved and you could at least see what he was trying to do. Once the gap started to grow though he lost it completely and started making increasingly bizarre and desperate changes in the hope that something - anything - would turn things round. By the end of January (or thereabouts) his head was gone entirely and we were in a death spiral long before we were relegated mathematically.

Edit: In conclusion - I'd be steering well clear of Mixu at this point in time. Might do well with a clean slate but not the guy to turn to when fighting fires.

Edited by Pull My Strings
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Just having a look at the league table. I actually didn't realise we're only a point behind Dunfermline with the same games played. Didn't quite realise how pish Dunfermline were at the start of the season if it's as close as it is just now. 

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1 hour ago, Dindeleux said:

As an outsider looking in.....if you guys made a move for Jim Duffy would he take it? Would Raith be looked at as a step up from Morton?

Raith and Morton are very similar clubs. About the same size of support, have more poor seasons that good season, but ever now and again have a good one (Morton this season, us last). We have both spent a few seasons at a lower level and not a higher one (for a long time). 

Duffy would be silly at this point, to make a move to a similar club when the club he is at is doing so well. They still have a chance of promotion - as we did last season. More importantly - we likely can't afford to buy out his contract so it's very unlikely that hes even in the frame. 

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Raith and Morton are very similar clubs. About the same size of support, have more poor seasons that good season, but ever now and again have a good one (Morton this season, us last). We have both spent a few seasons at a lower level and not a higher one (for a long time). 
Duffy would be silly at this point, to make a move to a similar club when the club he is at is doing so well. They still have a chance of promotion - as we did last season. More importantly - we likely can't afford to buy out his contract so it's very unlikely that hes even in the frame. 

He wasn't being serious. Dindeleux asked that just to get a rise out of Morton fans :lol:
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Utd were in free fall so can't judge him solely on that.  look at the rest of the jobs he been in gives you a good idea of what hes capable of.  For the record I still think Hughes would be the better choice if available.

Would be astonished if Hughes is interested in job. Rumoured to have turned down St Mirren previously and saying things like he was waiting for an opportunity in England. That said the longer he is out of the game may force a reassessment of his ambition level.

The Manager who is seriously outperforming his budget and PT status on a consistent basis is Stephen Aitken. He also did a good job at Stranraer..

Not a good time for anybody to give up a job and move to Raith. Risk of second bottom can't be ignored - no risk for the unemployed but more of a decision for those who may have to leave a job and go FT.
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10 minutes ago, Rovers_Lad said:

He's win % is a damn site better than some that's been mentioned

He was given bags of money to get that win rate. Any way, he hasn't worked for 5 or 6 years and there's a reason for that - ask his wife and daughter.

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Would be astonished if Hughes is interested in job. Rumoured to have turned down St Mirren previously and saying things like he was waiting for an opportunity in England.

An opportunity that has never arisen.

I believe he is quoted as saying he has a soft spot for the Rovers. Whether that would be enough to have him at least consider stepping in til the end of the season, I don't know; a shop window for him if you like.

Of course, he would run the risk of not being able to pull Locke's players out of their current malaise and have a play off/relegation on his CV.

It's tricky as there's a case for both sides.
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Would be astonished if Hughes is interested in job. Rumoured to have turned down St Mirren previously and saying things like he was waiting for an opportunity in England. That said the longer he is out of the game may force a reassessment of his ambition level.

The Manager who is seriously outperforming his budget and PT status on a consistent basis is Stephen Aitken. He also did a good job at Stranraer..

Not a good time for anybody to give up a job and move to Raith. Risk of second bottom can't be ignored - no risk for the unemployed but more of a decision for those who may have to leave a job and go FT.

Aitken has really turned things around since the Bonnyrigg disgrace and for that I'd much rather he stayed but don't kid yourself on that he's working with a small budget. I have no doubt it's lower than most, if not all in the division but it wont be by a great deal and it's absolutely not a pittance.

We have guys who will be on a very, very healthy part-time wage. I'd say our current squad is on a hell of a lot more than any Ian Murray squad was.
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