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The New Raith Rovers Thread

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If United had given us 1340 tickets in the Fairplay stand and sold the rest of the ground including the Shed to home fans I'd grudingly say fairplay... maximise your home advantage.

To leave loads of empty seats especially if our allocation includes restricted view tickets is tinpot.

I'm going but I won't be spending a penny in the ground. Boycott the pie stands. It's not exactly a huge thing but if done en masse it sends a message.

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Scottish football at it's finest, I thought Raith were being a bit tin pot moaning about reduced allocation in the Fair Play stand. But for United then not to back themselves selling out the ground for a top of the table clash is decidedly small time imo.

Demand is clearly there get the tickets sold FFS.

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1 minute ago, FitbaSupporter said:

So are they giving us the whole Shed after all? Makes no sense 

They'll cut off the section which is up on the left. A really farcical decision - there are people claiming it's due to "segregate" from the home fans, I'm spite of the fact there was no bother at the first game, and that you're literally walking past hundreds of United fans on Tannadice Street. 

All this will do is drive away fans into the home end which is a far worse alternative. Nobody wants for that to happen, so the sensible solution is for them to open up the rest of the stand.

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2 minutes ago, buchan30 said:

In the last game, did they just release the whole stand?

They released the middle three blocks then gradually added others as demand grew. Naturally, there was a big surge when the buses offer came up.

Edited by Broken Algorithms
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Wasn't going to bother this time as before Christmas I didn't see much of the first half because of the twats at the front who wouldn't  sit down while the stewards did naff all about it. Still the way they've sold the tickets this time seems to be a shambles. Tinpot.

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They surely must have demand for those tickets from the home fans? 
 It’s totally conkers to fling money away like that otherwise. 
What bizarre emotions this game has for me, I want the Fife team to hump that lot, but that could be a league decider, and I don’t want to miss out on derby games next season. 😵‍💫

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2 minutes ago, Wacky said:

They surely must have demand for those tickets from the home fans? 
 It’s totally conkers to fling money away like that otherwise. 
What bizarre emotions this game has for me, I want the Fife team to hump that lot, but that could be a league decider, and I don’t want to miss out on derby games next season. 😵‍💫

They can't sell the tickets they're not selling to us to home fans- they are in the same stand.  They're just having 600 empty seats while there are probably at least a thousand more Raith fans wanting to buy tickets.

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9 minutes ago, Wacky said:

They surely must have demand for those tickets from the home fans? 
 It’s totally conkers to fling money away like that otherwise. 
What bizarre emotions this game has for me, I want the Fife team to hump that lot, but that could be a league decider, and I don’t want to miss out on derby games next season. 😵‍💫

I blame the Pars for this shambles.

If you clowns hadn't pumped them last Friday, they'd have less of a grudge against Fifers and given us the whole stand.

Hope you're proud of yourselves.

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