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The New Raith Rovers Thread

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McGurn is surely the only positive from tonight. Showed his hero status is well deserved five minutes later by casually leaving that deflected shot that hit the post. Nae bother to Davie.

What a lot of fucking garbage that was. We do indeed have a number of injuries and it's far too early to be making any proper complaints, but Murray's view of Mark Stewart as a winger is a bit alarming. Far as I could see tonight he was chubby striker lost on the wing. We'll have to cross our fingers Ellis and Laidlaw don't get a proper game at any point too.

Concerning, most certainly. All out civil war before the league is underway?

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Is it too early for a Murray must go thread? The same rotten crap as we served up last season. Murray has learned nothing and nothing has changed defensively. 3 games and the defence looks awful still.

There's still a thread on Fantalk. Go nuts.

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McGurn is surely the only positive from tonight. Showed his hero status is well deserved five minutes later by casually leaving that deflected shot that hit the post. Nae bother to Davie.

What a lot of fucking garbage that was. We do indeed have a number of injuries and it's far too early to be making any proper complaints, but Murray's view of Mark Stewart as a winger is a bit alarming. Far as I could see tonight he was chubby striker lost on the wing. We'll have to cross our fingers Ellis and Laidlaw don't get a proper game at any point too.

Concerning, most certainly. All out civil war before the league is underway?

To be fair, I only saw him in the 45 minutes against Edinburgh City but he looked utterly - eh, I dunno, nothing.

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It is unacceptable because these are all teams that we should be finishing above. These are the games we should be taking max points from because God knows we're getting f all from Rangers, Hearts, hibs, Falkirk and probably qots.

So if you think it is only disappointing not to beat livi then you clearly have far lower expectations than I do.

It isn't unacceptable at all. Losing one game isn't unacceptable. If we followed that with another 3 then yes but one game? Nah.

I expect at least 6th btw. I could cope with 7th and hope for 4th but I expect 6th. Entertaining football would be nice too

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No. He should've got the boot at the end of last season. He's got 4 games for me - Pars, Forfar, Dumbarton and Livi. All winnable, anything short of unbeaten over these games is unacceptable.

Grant Murray is our manager. Unless things get really, really bad, he'll be here at least half the season.

I'd have canned him last season as well, but he's going nowhere for the time being. I fully understand your frustration with him but you're being overly harsh to the point of ridiculousness here.

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I know friendlies mean nothing, but that was genuinely awful tonight.

Hopefully that at least showed Murray what he can't ask of those players, i.e Stewart wide, or Fox and Callachan together in the middle.

The only thing worse than the performance was that interview with Barr at half-time.

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The wicked witch that is davie mcgurn put the old spell on his penalty box and goals tonight when he came on, played as casual as you like, mad a save, trusted his post and let one fly passed the gos without a flinch. The confidance in watson changed when mcgurn came on.

Elliot and anderson are still as infuriating ad last season, fox and ellis are far too slow! Callachan has started of miles away from where he finished last season.

Seem to remember getting a hiding from hearts then sheffield utd last pre season too!! We make this a regualar thing im guessing, get the players used to getting humped!

Im a betting man so putting some cash on grant murray the first championship manager casualty!

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It's a friendly... I'll start getting worried when we're losing goals like this to Cowdenbeath and Alloa..

Have you seen some of the goals you've lost to us in the last couple of seasons. Haven't been to any rovers alloa games so don't know about that.

Sure someone tried to dig me out when i pointed out your optimism was similar to last season with the class squad you're assembling,

Raith. Oh dear. You must be thankful Hibs are in the league. The only club in a worse state than yourselves

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Have you seen some of the goals you've lost to us in the last couple of seasons. Haven't been to any rovers alloa games so don't know about that.

Sure someone tried to dig me out when i pointed out your optimism was similar to last season with the class squad you're assembling,

Raith. Oh dear. You must be thankful Hibs are in the league. The only club in a worse state than yourselves

Still, it could be worse, we could be off on fishing trips on other teams threads. :rolleyes:

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Not on a fishing trip. Genuinely concerned about Rovers getting relegated. We need a derby next season.

You should really be more concerned about your own squad at the minute.

The one thing that is keeping us rovers fans sane at the minute is knowing at least we won't finish below Cowdenbeath..

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You should really be more concerned about your own squad at the minute.

The one thing that is keeping us rovers fans sane at the minute is knowing at least we won't finish below Cowdenbeath..

We're fine mate. Top manager has our remaining squad places sorted but can't announce them yet. He is still hunting for a fifth striker but thats a nice to have. What would you give for a gaffer like Jimmy?
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Not on a fishing trip. Genuinely concerned about Rovers getting relegated. We need a derby next season.

Sure thing. Because missing five first team players and losing four goals to a team from a far superior league to us makes us a state. Might want to focus on the fact you've replaced Hemmings and Stewart with Sean Higgins. ;)

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Heard that we couldn't afford him.

Seriously doubt that. Sounds like an excuse for him not being offered terms.

I'd doubt that we'd be able to offer any better wages...unless we can help get him a job which could boost his earnings.

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