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Who's Going To Uni?

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I was stopped on my way into the library last year on a couple of occasions by people from the Strathclyde Marxist Society (or something along those lines). The first time they invited me to go to a reading of Das Kapital one night. I politely declined.

You do however see a lot of slightly mental people with very "extreme" and naive viewpoints (not necessarily political) at uni. I think I've mentioned it in this thread before but I had a boy in my tutorials last year for politics who saw himself as a kind of Che Guevara figure. He took a couple of tutorials completely off-topic so we could listen to his well thought out plan to "rise up and against the establishment" in whatever way possible. He also told us that he and his mates once tried to put Stephen Purcell under citizen's arrest on Argyle Street until they saw his mobster goons walking a few yards behind him.

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Its easy to forget at uni that the people there are basically the equivalent of the smartest people at their schools, and when I look back to the smartest people at my school (except me 8)) a lot of them were a bit, well, weird. Sometimes you have to stop yourself and think 'wait, would I have given this guy the time of day if I he had been at my school, or would I have thought he was a nutjob?'.

I still think like this sometimes. I was by no means Chad Hogan at school but it annoys me at times that there isn't really a "social order" at Uni.

I realise this probably makes me a massive c**t but there you go.

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Glasgow Uni is awash with every shade of ultra-lefty-fuckwit. There must be about 5 or 6 different expressly left/socialist/communist groupings and they're all vying to be the biggest morons on campus. That said that Coalition Against Cuts lot that usually have their table that looks like it was knocked up by a 3 year old have been less imposing this year. With any luck it's a sign that the Uni have reminded them about those degrees they're supposed to be working towards or they've been kicked out for wasting Uni resources...

I noticed that the other day. Was speaking to a few girls at Glasgow Uni who where Feminist Stalinists who where criticising the Anti-Cuts coalition for being Trotskyist. Sectarianism amongst the left wing politically interested at Glasgow seems somewhat extreme. According to them I was positively right-wing for admitting to being a liberal.

The Freshers Fair seemed to be full of them as well, The Anti-War coalition, then the Socialist Workers Party, then the Communists, then the Scottish Socialist Party, then the Morning Star newspaper sellers. It was almost a relief to see the Labour Party stall.

Never had this problem as an Undergrad in Stirling.

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Its easy to forget at uni that the people there are basically the equivalent of the smartest people at their schools, and when I look back to the smartest people at my school (except me 8)) a lot of them were a bit, well, weird. Sometimes you have to stop yourself and think 'wait, would I have given this guy the time of day if I he had been at my school, or would I have thought he was a nutjob?'.

Meh, with the proportion of kids that go to uni nowadays you get all flavours of sound people, legends and wankers.

And don't worry, these twats are widely ignored by pretty much everyone.

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Mushroom, that is a fucking superb signature.

What episode of the IT crowd is that?


But I can't believe I turned up 1 hour early for my lecture. Being too knackered to check your timetable and it costing you dearly <_<

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I was just in helping out in a couple of 1st year tutorials. It was Stats 1C which is for psychology students, and all I had to do was stand with a computer and click through multiple choice questions for people to vote on with those wee handset things.

Got my first proper tutorial tomorrow witha group of 8 first years. I'm not too worried about it at the moment - the work is vert straightforward so I should know what I'm talking about!

I haven't actually been able to start any real work on my PhD though because my computer hasn't been set up yet. I have a couple of books to read, but that's all.

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Just had my first tutorial. It was like pulling teeth. Cant stand these people who turn up to tutorials and then say literally nothing.

That really gets on my tits as well. Hate it when they do that. It's probably less so in sciencey subjects, but in law and politics stuff, the whole tutorial or seminar should really be about everyone chipping in and challenging, scrutinising and offering alternatives. Instead you get, well, 2 or 3 people max in a discussion with the tutor while everyone else looks on blankly without an opinion or at the very least no desire to express it.

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I was teaching a tutorial yesterday morning, and the folk in it were a lot better than I expected. There were supposed to be 8 of them, but only 6 turned up, and each of them was willing to contribute answers. I didn't have anything to wipe the board clean with though, so I had to use my hand which brought a great deal of amusement.

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