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Certainly in my experience, outside of the big courses like Law, Medicine, Dentistry, Life Sciences and a collection of the design courses, given how many places go to clearing, I'd be surprised if personal statements are regularly looked at.

Correct, they're not.

The reason why medicine etc require them is probably because all students are pretty much expected to have straight A's. If you have twenty applicants all on AAAAA then you're obviously going to need something else to differentiate them. A personal statement saying that you once amputated your thumb in 2nd year woodwork but you successfully managed to self-stitch it back on that afternoon with no complications or infection would do your application no harm.

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If anyone is interested in getting into an IT graduate programme, give me a shout. I can refer you to the one my company runs, I get a fee if you make it.

You don't have to have an IT related degree, minimum is 2:1 in any subject, so those who are entering the job market with a joint honours in Classical Civilisation and Beekeeping, all is not lost.

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Sitting reading a textbook on International Trade Agreements and the following passage ensued:

"Raising wages above their equilibrium level will very likely lead to unemployment. In extreme cases, workers laid off from manufacturing jobs in developing countries might be forced into prostitution or other illegal activities that are far worse than the low-wage factory position they held."


Bizarre stuff. Why prostitution was named specifically I have no idea.

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Maximum of 3 sources for a 3000 word report, why?

Looks like most of my report will be unreferenced.

They perhaps want to see only the most relevant articles/journals cited? Seems a bit strange. I'm working my way through a 2000 word essay just now and they're looking for around 20 references!

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Anyone on here went on to do a degree in Construction & Project Management? Currently doing a HND in Construction Management at college and considering going down the uni route to achieve a degree. Anyone able to shed some light on what this course involves? Is it worth it? What did you end up doing once you achieved the degree? etc, cheers.

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Maximum of 3 sources for a 3000 word report, why?

Looks like most of my report will be unreferenced.

Maxing out sources is the easiest way to all but guarantee good marks.

I have 20-50 per essay. Most from googlling what I want to say anyway into google books.

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I had the weirdest tutorial of my life this morning. Only 4 people showed up and only 2 had done the work. The tutor asked for a reminder of my name when I answered a question and misheard it as a Colin. I'm too nice a guy to correct him. I was regularly asked for input and referred to as Colin since I was the only one with good answers. There was then a point when he dropped his board duster and I essentially responded like this:


In a room of 4 other people, none of whom even cracked a smile. Thank f**k that's my last ever tutorial.

Edited by Marshmallo
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I had the weirdest tutorial of my life this morning. Only 4 people showed up and only 2 had done the work. The tutor asked for a reminder of my name when I answered a question and misheard it as a Colin. I'm too nice a guy to correct him. I was regularly asked for input and referred to as Colin since I was the only one with good answers. There was then a point when he dropped his board duster and I essentially responded like this:


In a room of 4 other people, none of whom even cracked a smile. Thank f**k that's my last ever tutorial.

Four people? Bloody hell, that's grim! How many were meant to be in it? We had a lecture last week that started off with 120 odd people in week one, and we were down to 14 (I think) last week. Lecturer wasn't best pleased.

I'm feeling really smug just now compared to others in my group. We have five papers due in within the next week or so (3500 word report, 3000 word report, 2000 word essay, 1000 word report and a 400 reflective appendix for one of the reports). I've finished the essay, the 1000 word report and am half way through the 3000 word report. One guy I spoke to yesterday hasn't made a start in any of them!

What's the latest any of you have left a paper before handing it in?

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Getting 55% on a statutory draft which I did the wrong way round and missing a key section, first year is quality cool.gif

edit, On reading my appraisal sheet, my marker has managed to misspell the word "thoughtful"laugh.gif

Edited by Sloop John B
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Four people? Bloody hell, that's grim! How many were meant to be in it?

Should've been about 20. With it being 9am and the majority of Edinburgh Uni students being lazy yahs the most there has been apart from the first week was 9 people. Usually we get paired up at the start of it to work through the questions/answers we've prepared but with there only being 4 of us this week we had 10 minutes as a group. The two people who hadn't done any work didn't even pay attention when me and the other boy who had done some were talking it through. They got asked for answers by the tutors and just waffled utter shite which wasn't relevant to what we'd discussed or the question they were asked. I've noticed this is prevalant amongst a huge number of people at this University, not having a clue what's going on but just throwing a load of meaningless words as an answer to try and sound brainy. They'll soon be finding out though that this doesn't work in the real world.

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Got two politics essays due in next week (each 2.5k, one already complete) then I'm off for Christmas. Got a 5k essay that I'll need to have done by mid-January but I can get going with it when I'm back up in Aberdeen over the holidays just before Christmas. Won't have time over New Year to work on it as in Berlin from 27th-4th.

Need to make some proper progress with my (10k) dissertation soon (not moved since I got a plan in place in September, due in end of March). Thankfully I front-loaded all my politics modules this year, so next semester I just have my law honours course (7 more seminars of Constitutional Law) and my dissertation to work on during term-time, then a 5k politics essay due in about a month after my dissertation, two politics exams and a law exam and that's me finished the LLB.

Applied (speculatively) for a Masters abroad, but funding will play a big part in whether I can go even if I get a place. Failing that, it's the DipLP next year for me...

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Applied (speculatively) for a Masters abroad, but funding will play a big part in whether I can go even if I get a place. Failing that, it's the DipLP next year for me...

What in?

No idea about your situation, but this may be of interest - http://www.carnegie-trust.org/our-award-schemes/postgraduate-schemes.html

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What in?

No idea about your situation, but this may be of interest - http://www.carnegie-...te-schemes.html

That's where I got my PhD funding from. It pays about £1500 per year more than the standard grants that the department usually gets for PhD students, and I also have an allowance for travelling expenses and have access to a fund for research expenses. I'd certainly recommend applying to them - it's quite competitive but someone like Ad Lib would presumably stand a decent chance.

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I've barely thought about Postgraduate study, there is a few scholarships I'd qualify for but I'd likely just go to Strathclyde for a MSC. But it's really a backup to getting a job and moving into this fabled real world I've heard so much about.

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