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Modelling disease / population control

Do you really need the degree for that though? Definitely an important use for Maths, but for the degree?

I see you've posted again, but again the degree wouldn't be necessary to work as a programmer - a computing one probably would be though!

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Final thing...

Name one.

Not a use for maths, of course Maths is useful - the degree we are talking about.

Oh and: the RSC changed my course for "accreditation" purposes on the first adding much more chemistry than was originally in the final year, didn't enjoy the second and lost will to care about the subject when I finished, and don't want to do continue at uni! If you can find somewhere that I said my degree was "so good" let me know!

You do have a bit of form for this though, you frequently have a go at things you don't know about and terms. The three that come to mind right now are this, marking schemes, and class prizes. You give out insults frequently, so you can't expect to be surprised or hurt when you receive them back.

And a maths degree is useful for mathematical fields. A lot of research, both industrial or not consists of building mathematical models. So, for example, modelling the life cycle of fish and developing scenarios to handle disease outbreaks, taking in cancer data and using it to predict symptoms for patients undergoing chemo, or perhaps building mathematical models to calculate potential scenarios, such as predicting hurricane damage, factoring in things like time, preparations, weather, tide etc. When scenarios are predicted, do you think people pluck them out of the air?

No, mathematicians build extremely sophisticated models, and where do you think they learn the mathematics and the techniques? A degree in the humanities?

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Just had my mid-evening nap, gutted I missed the university wars, or rather Salty v the rest.

Strathclyde library currently open 8 hours a day, Glasgow library currently open 19 hours a day.

Library opening hours are a good indication of an institution's commitment to its students. Can you tell I've not been impressed?

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Just had my mid-evening nap, gutted I missed the university wars, or rather Salty v the rest.

Strathclyde library currently open 8 hours a day, Glasgow library currently open 19 hours a day.

Library opening hours are a good indication of an institution's commitment to its students. Can you tell I've not been impressed?

Despite Glasgow's near round-the-clock library service, I'm ashamed to say that during the exam diet in May I once ended up waiting over half an hour before the porter would open up and let me in... there have been few moments in my life when I've felt more pathetic than being turned away by a library at 6:30am.

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I tried all day to get throught to SAAS for my son and never even got put on hold just a message saying try later dry.gif

Give them a hard time on Facebook Keith, worked for me last year and absolutely no issues with my funding this year, everything in place well before the course starts.

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Do you really need the degree for that though? Definitely an important use for Maths, but for the degree?

I see you've posted again, but again the degree wouldn't be necessary to work as a programmer - a computing one probably would be though!

Vast tracts of mathematics have been described completely in isolation to the applications that eventually uses them. From classical euclidean geometries comes pythagoras' theorem, a relatively inane piece of numbers theory until applied to vector theory, when it becomes the keystone of pretty much all mechanics and electromagnetics.

Or Einstein's theory of relativity which would have remained an unproven notion but not for Reimann tensor theory, developed by a German mathematician 60 years before Einstein, as a means of unifying higher dimensions in non euclidean space, a completely obscure piece of work by the time of Einstein and developed with no practical application.

Or Alan Turing who developed the universal laws of logic twenty years before engineers devleoped a machine that would actually need them.

Pure mathematics is highly sought after and massively important. Mathematicians and physicists (and I include engineers in this) approach problems from two different sides, one from developing abstract theory, the other from applying practical context to the theory. Both are needed, and both tend to be - outside of some branches of theoretical physics - are largely exclusive of each other.

Speaking as an engineer, you can be the best cabinet maker in the world, but you are going to get nowhere without a bloody toolkit. Someone has to make the tools, pure mathematics then, the degree itself and those who go into that world, are very much necessary beyond short term notions of what is apparently useful.

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I'm well aware I'm coming across as a total c**t, but it annoys me when others sneer at someone else's career choice, or degree choice, or University choice, and Salty has previous for slagging off other people's universities / degrees because they don't fit into the same model as Strathclyde's.

It's ok. I retract my statement :ph34r:

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I tried all day to get throught to SAAS for my son and never even got put on hold just a message saying try later <_<

Have you not tried to do it on the net?

Last year I made my application on the last day it said on the internet, around the 30th of June I think, and got a letter back 2 weeks later. Some of my mates left it and didn't apply until around October/November time they didn't seem to have any problems. This year I had my letter in by April with no problems again. I've heard of people having problems but they have been fine with me.

Edit: That is a shite post. What I'm trying to say is if you're applying for SAAS funding then it's better on the internet than on the phone.

Edited by buddie06smfc
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Have you not tried to do it on the net?

Last year I made my application on the last day it said on the internet, around the 30th of June I think, and got a letter back 2 weeks later. Some of my mates left it and didn't apply until around October/November time they didn't seem to have any problems.

From SAAS:

Latest figures show that we received around 109,000 applications by the ‘guarantee date’. Within that group, we are processing those with the earliest course start dates and are currently working on those starting in the week beginning 12 September.

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So avoiding the crap formatting that P&B now does when you quote, if you haven't had your award notice (like myself) but have a late start date (like myself) then you should wait impatiently at the incompetence of SAAS (like myself).

If it's something else then phoning is the only way, they claim to be still working only on e-mails received on July 5th. Not joking. wacko.gif

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I've never heard the term Junior Honours either. And I have absolutely no idea what percentage of my final degree classification third year will make up either, which is a little worrying given I start it in a fortnight. Should probably look that up.

I don't know either...

I tried all day to get throught to SAAS for my son and never even got put on hold just a message saying try later <_<

Tell him to do it.

I don't think I've ever called, I tend to get mildly frustrated then send them emails and wait my 2 weeks like every over sucker.

Swing and a miss, chum. It's been my intention for years to go into teaching (hence why I've been tutoring for six years), but doing the joint degree (my degree isn't in maths, coincidentally, there's another miss) gave my studies a bit of variety.

I thought it was for the easy money. And keeping it real with the teenagers.

Strathclyde library currently open 8 hours a day, Glasgow library currently open 19 hours a day.

We should also point out that it has 2,564 seats for 23,000 students.

Meaning you're fucked at exam times, even Theology on the top floor is filled by 10.

Give them a hard time on Facebook Keith, worked for me last year and absolutely no issues with my funding this year, everything in place well before the course starts.

I've heard f**k all after submitting mid July. The account it is being paid into also no longer exists.

Everything about university is fucked for me at the moment.

Vast tracts of mathematics have been described completely in isolation to the applications that eventually uses them.

Fair play to anyone who read past this opening sentence.

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We should also point out that it has 2,564 seats for 23,000 students.

I want to know who counted the chairs in the library. And how they decided how many people fit in the booths on level 3. Really.

Meaning you're fucked at exam times, even Theology on the top floor is filled by 10.

Get up earlier. There are other libraries throughout the University anyway. The Adam Smith one is quite good and there's usually space as few people think to go there.

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Maybe the quality of service doesn't matter when your getting educated for free, but when your paying a substantial amount of money you expect good service.

Erm, the quality of service doesn't matter because the vast majority of students don't start their courses until September 26th.

But you're right, they really should have 11 extra pointless hours opening time for a currently deserted library to avoid being marked down on your cretinous league table.

Edited by vikingTON
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I thought it was for the easy money. And keeping it real with the teenagers.

I'm down with the kids B-)

Edited by Gaz
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