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Cajun chicken and BBQ fries at Clockwork. :)

Took forever though, got a free pint of orange and lemonade cos they took so long!

Edited by SaltyTON
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Currently munching on a chicken breast stuffed with garlic and herb Philadelphia Light with 2 lean bacon rashers wrapped around it along with some steamed peas, carrots and cauliflower. :D

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Lunch was a nice bowl of homemade watercress and chorizo soup with a couple of oatcakes.

You eat a right strange mixture of stuff at times. I'm guessing you are a keep fit addict?!

That said, your lunch today sounds rather good.

My dinner was Ryvita crackers with houmous, sliced jalapenos and salsa. Tasty.

Edited by 18May1991
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