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That is a sensible and forward thinking decision. I had to go to pick a friend up from the airport on Tuesday after all the public transport was cancelled. Knowing that the roads were icy and slow, and that I could be delayed (as it happens, the M9 was okay),

I drove on the M9 from Grangemouth to Newbridge on Tuesday lunchtime and it certainly was NOT ok. It was treacherous with black ice covering it. The A8 towasrds the airport and back towards the Newbridge roundabout was at snails pace with compacted ice - it was like driving on cobblestones! Again black ice!

However, we got hubby's car back home - just! but I was scared shitless and hated every minute of it. There was some idiots still overtaking. Was it you??? <_<

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However, we got hubby's car back home - just! but I was scared shitless and hated every minute of it. There was some idiots still overtaking. Was it you??? <_<

No, because, again, I take account of the conditions when I drive. So I drove slowly, kept a big gap between me and the car in front, and managed it without any problems. It was a bit slippy, but I've driven on far worse.

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No, because, again, I take account of the conditions when I drive. So I drove slowly, kept a big gap between me and the car in front, and managed it without any problems. It was a bit slippy, but I've driven on far worse.

Where and when have you driven on "far worse"? I know people who do 60k miles a year across the UK at all times of the year who say this is the worst they can remember it being for years.

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Just Googled this!

On a serious note,take care everyone

Yes, people can be killed by falling icicles.

<BR style="CLEAR: both">"Thawing Moscow fights killer icicles"

Moscow is slowly emerging from its heaviest snowfall in almost 40 years, but as temperatures rise, people are faced with a new hazard - falling icicles. Three people have been killed this winter and city authorities say they are doing all they can to prevent any further tragedies.

The city's pavements have turned into a freezing obstacle course of ice and melting water. Many are now cordoned off by red and white tape and signs admonishing pedestrians to beware of falling icicles. It is a warning Muscovites take very seriously.

The icy stalactites can reach several metres in length and many begin their descent to earth from buildings a dozen or more stories high. Across the capital, city authorities report 74 people have been unfortunate enough to be struck by plummeting ice this winter. The latest person to die, an 18-year-old conscript, was killed this week by a falling shard at his military base.

The mayor's office says it is doing everything possible to keep the situation in control. Amateur mountaineers are employed to climb Moscow's roofs and knock the icicles safely to the ground. A small army of 25,000 is currently on the city's books, keeping the streets clear of snow.

Moscow's annual cold war has been joined again in earnest and once more is not without its victims.

I was standing outside a boozer on sauchihall st last friday and a massive chunk of ice (about the size of two bricks) fell from a ledge above and smashed just missing a couple of folk who were standing having a fag. Maybe wouldnt have killed anyone but would have put them in hospital!

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Where and when have you driven on "far worse"? I know people who do 60k miles a year across the UK at all times of the year who say this is the worst they can remember it being for years.

I'm a country boy. I grew up driving antiquated tractors on mud tracks that cars can't go near.

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Could the idiots who went out driving in such conditions not have thought about taking these basic steps rather than rely on someone elso to do it for them? I certainly would have.

Except, the weather forecast on Sunday night did not indicate we would have any snow. I worked from home all of last week so I checked the weather forecast numerous times during the week & on Sunday. When I set off for work on Monday morning there was no snow. I had actually reached my work in Edinburgh before it started snowing. I was stuck through in Edinburgh for two nights and didnt have any supplies with me as the weather was supposed to be clear all week. I know a few folk who got caught on the M8 overnight when they realised how bad it was they about turned at Newbridge and started heading home and were stuck at Livi from 9AM.

It also didnt help that they didnt communicate just how bad the weather was in the east and that the M8 was like a giant car park as there was still people setting off from further west who hadnt yet been hit with the weather.

A guy from the MET office was on newsnight on Monday to say there was a change to the forecast at 11PM. Anyway, lesson learned I'll be putting an overnight bag in my boot.

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Except, the weather forecast on Sunday night did not indicate we would have any snow. I worked from home all of last week so I checked the weather forecast numerous times during the week & on Sunday. When I set off for work on Monday morning there was no snow. I had actually reached my work in Edinburgh before it started snowing. I was stuck through in Edinburgh for two nights and didnt have any supplies with me as the weather was supposed to be clear all week. I know a few folk who got caught on the M8 overnight when they realised how bad it was they about turned at Newbridge and started heading home and were stuck at Livi from 9AM.

It also didnt help that they didnt communicate just how bad the weather was in the east and that the M8 was like a giant car park as there was still people setting off from further west who hadnt yet been hit with the weather.

A guy from the MET office was on newsnight on Monday to say there was a change to the forecast at 11PM. Anyway, lesson learned I'll be putting an overnight bag in my boot.

I realise that the extent of the snow on Sunday and Monday caught a lot of people by surprise and the lack of communication certainly didn't help, but given that we had already had a lot of snow prior to that then anyone who was undertaking any journey of a significant distance should have been prepared for the worst anyway. It must have been horrendous for the people stuck on the M8, but even a little bit of preparation would have made it a lot easier for themselves rather than relying on the police to bail them out.

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<br />No comment, no analysis, just evidence:<br /><br /><a href='http://newsnetscotland.com/politics/1182-first-ministers-questions-a-newsnet-scotland-special' class='bbc_url' title='External link' rel='nofollow external'>http://newsnetscotla...cotland-special</a><br /><br />Radio forecast, tv forecasts, FMQ's all timed.<br />
<br /><br /><br />

Have you actually listened to any of them? "1 or 2 cm of snow", "back to work for most people on Monday with all schools open".

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Have you actually listened to any of them? "1 or 2 cm of snow", "back to work for most people on Monday with all schools open".

These are the forecasts that were apparently bang on. Apparently, these forecasts predicted heavy snow at exactly rush hour.

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I was amazed this morning at how much of a difference there is already.

Yeah the cars had over 3 inches of snow sitting on them, now its gone, plus 2 JCB's have just cleared our road, its ll going right this morning.

Hmm just have to go and check everything iis fine.

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A few folk this morning seem to have forgotten that a day of thaw + frozen temperatures = black ice and treacherous driving conditions...

Came into Uni early for last-minute studying as I have an exam at 2pm and on my way in I seen a car that had went off the road and overturned onto its side on Stirling Road between Larbert and Torwood, with the police and Burgoyne's in attendance.

Then in Stirling, a Graham's Dairy delivery lorry has failed to stop at the roundabout just outside the Uni and went straight into the roundabout. As a result, there's no right turn at the roundabout into the Uni (if you're coming from the Causewayhead way) - you'll have to go towards Bridge of Allan, turn, and come back and then turn left.

The Uni car park is like an ice rink this morning as well.

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A few folk this morning seem to have forgotten that a day of thaw + frozen temperatures = black ice and treacherous driving conditions...

Came into Uni early for last-minute studying as I have an exam at 2pm and on my way in I seen a car that had went off the road and overturned onto its side on Stirling Road between Larbert and Torwood, with the police and Burgoyne's in attendance.

Then in Stirling, a Graham's Dairy delivery lorry has failed to stop at the roundabout just outside the Uni and went straight into the roundabout. As a result, there's no right turn at the roundabout into the Uni (if you're coming from the Causewayhead way) - you'll have to go towards Bridge of Allan, turn, and come back and then turn left.

The Uni car park is like an ice rink this morning as well.

This is spot.

I used to be a police (civilian) photographer years ago and the time we used to get called out to most serious RTA's was when there had been a thaw after a prolonged period of lying snow.

People tend to forget that its still extremelly cold,but since the visual indications that they had become used to were no longer there, started driving at normal speeds again,often resulting a very unfortunate ending.

On another note,hope you're pipes have thawed out and you got somewhere with the CAB about that w****r below your flat.

Edited by Unleash The Nade
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