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The frost finally lifted in the back yard on Friday, a lot milder these last couple of days.

However, the snow is still cooried down on the peaks of the Sperrins, so winter isn't over yet.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Heavy sleety snow, here. (Will give an update on the Sperrins situation after I venture into town, Mm.)

Looking forward to it, JG.

Sperrins are covered in snow. Went up the Glenshane for a nosy, and nothing but snow in all directions. Hardly surprising, it was 4.5 C in the town and 0.5 C at the top of the Glenshane.

Turned at The Ponderosa and went home, halfway down the hill green fields everywhere.

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Snowed last night, and there was a blizzard blowing when I got up, so decided to wait until the rush hour was over to avoid my blood pressure matching my wife's. By the time I decided to head out it had all melted, although the Sperrins were still covered.

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Snowed last night, and it was there was a blizzard blowing snowing when I got up, so decided to wait until the rush hour was over to avoid my blood pressure matching my wife's.

Same as last Monday, except no blizzard. No doubt it will all melt away again.

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Same as last Monday, except no blizzard. No doubt it will all melt away again.

Absolutely horrendous conditions half way to Coleraine, traffic ground to a halt, road a sheet of ice, heavy snow showers, eventually got moving (although nothing going in the opposite direction) - half way up Garvagh Main Street conditions changed and road became perfectly driveable. Sitting in Coleraine now and the sun is shining, no snow in sight!

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