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1 hour ago, Boghead ranter said:

Saw this on Twitter today. The owl obviously got a decent snack. 

Whatever the snack was didn't have such a nice night. 



Shouldn't there be tracks around the imprint?


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Spoken like a true wannabe tory.

Haven't you ever heard of a thing called "street hobos / street scum"? I bet they're not so keen on it.

As long as it's nice to look at though.

Wannabe tory because I like the snow I must hate all homeless people, check the absolute state of you.
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Not much snow on Dumayat this afternoon, bairns been out on the sledge all day and in bed knackered already.

Class day all round including clearing the drive to get the car up it until Thursday as last night was a no go after my drive home from work that included someone abandoning their motor on Graemes road leaving me stuck behind them and having to spin a 180 to get back down and away as they just left the hazards on and grabbed a bag and looked like they were running for a train bizarrely.


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People who don’t like snow also vote Conservative
I think the person with an alias based on someone who's made a living exploiting vulnerable people is more likely to vote Tory than people who just like a wee bit snow tbh.
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