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7 minutes ago, throbber said:

I’m not a bot - I just have a good memory for things that happened 20+ years ago and remember this strange occurrence very vividly. This friend of mine also stayed in a huge house which always crept me out, his dad was Polish with a very posh accent and a beard and his hobbies included picking mushrooms and taxidermy. 

As P&B’s artist in residence, could you present us with a portrait of him? 

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21 minutes ago, throbber said:

Just that it might not have been sinister and he had just figured out how to do using some technology that was fancy for the 90’s. I’d imagine most parents I know would have a thing or two to say about it if it happened in current times.

Is that how he phrased it? "Holy shit, look at this cool thing I've just discovered my phone can do?"

Or was it more, "sit down, young Throbber...I've been monitoring you and your family for some time..."

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I’m not a bot - I just have a good memory for things that happened 20+ years ago and remember this strange occurrence very vividly. This friend of mine also stayed in a huge house which always crept me out, his dad was Polish with a very posh accent and a beard and his hobbies included picking mushrooms and taxidermy. 
'Inside No. 9' script incoming.
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The construction of a stool isn't pointless as it provides a comfortable place to sit down.   I don't like tasks that provide no 'added value'.    For example tomorrow I'm constructing a wooden bird table for the back garden and I don't mind that because I end up with a bird table.   Cutting the grass on the other hand I hate because it's return to the same length in a matter of days.  
Bizarre viewpoint, Andrew. Have you considered the opportunity cost element?
If you don't cut the grass, you possibly have 'x' number of days of nagging grief from your other half.
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25 minutes ago, Florentine_Pogen said:

Bizarre viewpoint, Andrew. Have you considered the opportunity cost element?
If you don't cut the grass, you possibly have 'x' number of days of nagging grief from your other half.

The mowing is what keeps him going. Keeping the grass between 0.8 and 1.1 inches long at all times is one of the primary weapons in his "wooing back Moira" armoury,

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3 hours ago, throbber said:

One of my childhood friends Dad died the other day, which was sad to hear but it reminded me of a very strange thing he did one time I was staying at his house when I was about 10 years old in the 90’s. I was staying there one weekend and on the Saturday night I called my mom from the house phone, the conversation was fairly normal and then the dad approached me afterwards and told me to come into his office where he then proceeded to play back the phone conversation I had with my mother as if it was something incredibly intriguing to him. I never told anyone about it for years after but when I did the reactions were fairly mixed with some people thinking he was probably a wrong un and some people giving him the benefit of the doubt, I personally think it was an odd as f**k thing to do and could have been incredibly awkward if my mum had slagged him off in some way which was a genuine possibility as she thought he was a weirdo. 


Edited by Busta Nut
Went a bit daft
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2 hours ago, throbber said:

Well he was sat in his office and in the room next to it was a phone so I asked to use the phone then after the conversation he invited me into the next room and played it back to me with a big smirk on his face.

"So, young Throbber, if I were to delete this incriminating conversation in which you profess that you 'love' your mother, what would it be worth to you?"

That is just weird. Had you called him a dick in a prior call from their house, or something? That just seems like a very "I know what you said, and you know what you said, and now you know that I know what you said" situation.

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Nothing untoward happened apart from what i said and I never felt uneasy when at their house., he never struck me as a beast and at the time I was hearing the conversation back I was more concerned I had said something rude about my hosts than anything else. But fucking hell it’s a weird thing for him to have done.
Has this boy ever played pool against Philpy?
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2 minutes ago, Day of the Lords said:
27 minutes ago, throbber said:
Nothing untoward happened apart from what i said and I never felt uneasy when at their house., he never struck me as a beast and at the time I was hearing the conversation back I was more concerned I had said something rude about my hosts than anything else. But fucking hell it’s a weird thing for him to have done.

Has this boy ever played pool against Philpy?

He would have to actually exist outside of throbbers head first.

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