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I never see faces in dreams. I thought that was the same for everyone.


I always see faces. :huh: My dream last night was rather pleasurable due to this fact. :D

Did you have a wet one over Travis Barker again?

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Had a dream about the football last night, so it's certain that I'm looking forward to the big kick-off. Minor flaws in the dream being the game against Stranraer was at home when we're away, only winning 1-0, and the Norseman having been closed down in the close season. Boy was I glad to wake up.

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I seen Kilt at Glasgow Airport yesterday talking to the postie. laugh.gif

You should have said hello! smile.gif

My Admin Assistant is on holibobs, hence me, his manager, having to stoop to menial tasks like taking out the days' post in his absence. He will not be back until 2nd July! dry.gif

It's at times like this I should be annoyed at the daft twat who authorised his leave - except, that was me!sad.gif

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Just remembered it's my mums birthday on Monday and I have about a fiver in my wallet


Borrow £3 to buy a card and an envelope, and hey presto, you have a ready made present for only £8!

Anyway, a double edged sword of a RTBC, my hair is absolutely magnificent today. I didn't brush it after my shower, and I've got a hairband in, so its dried into wonderful ringlets, and the hairband lifts it off my neck. Frankly, how the hell can I be expected to work with hair like this? All I've done so far in my office today is mime to pop punk and do a hell of a lot of headbanging and posing. I absolutely adore my hair. :wub:

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Borrow £3 to buy a card and an envelope, and hey presto, you have a ready made present for only £8!

Anyway, a double edged sword of a RTBC, my hair is absolutely magnificent today. I didn't brush it after my shower, and I've got a hairband in, so its dried into wonderful ringlets, and the hairband lifts it off my neck. Frankly, how the hell can I be expected to work with hair like this? All I've done so far in my office today is mime to pop punk and do a hell of a lot of headbanging and posing. I absolutely adore my hair. wub.gif

I always thought you were a bloke

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I always thought you were a bloke

Oh hush, I'm perfectly manly, but with awesome, awesome, awesome, magnificent, sexy hair.

He is! But post likes that make you worry that there is a woman in there screaming to get out!

Maybe, but I keep her heavily sedated.

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You should have said hello! smile.gif

My Admin Assistant is on holibobs, hence me, his manager, having to stoop to menial tasks like taking out the days' post in his absence. He will not be back until 2nd July! dry.gif

It's at times like this I should be annoyed at the daft twat who authorised his leave - except, that was me!sad.gif

I thought it would be awkward me shouting "Kilt" in the middle of the arrivals area.

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