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I need PnB's verdict on a statement I made in the pub which divided opinion, about 2/3's thought I was right and the other 1/3rd called me a total poof.

Basically when you're watching porn, if the guy is really fat/old/hairy/ugly or a combination of any of those things, it puts you off big time. Most people agreed but some were saying you aren't looking at porn for the men so I was in fact being massively gay. That clearly isn't gay though, right?

It depends entirely on whether you are watching gay porn or not

Yeah but you just made up a scenario and answered it yourself.

It was nowhere near what I was looking for.

You asked the world record for fastest goal scored. I told you it. Accept you don't have a record and stop harassing me

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It depends entirely on whether you are watching gay porn or not

You asked the world record for fastest goal scored. I told you it. Accept you don't have a record and stop harassing me

erm I asked for the world record when you don't start with the ball.

Take your fail elsewhere please.

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I've no idea what you look like but from reading your posts I get the impression you're so physically repulsive that seeing someone else who looks hilariously bad naked actually managing to have sex is quite a turn on for you.

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I feel terrible, both mentally and physcially. I've got work to do and have to play 5's tonight. However, because I'm feeling so sorry for myself I'd going to make the greasiest and largest fry up I can, then have a good sleep.

One day I'm actually going to have a proper word with myself and stop being a disgrace, but that day is not today.

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Want to curl up in a ball and die. I'm so ill it makes me want to commit, can't sleep cause I'm too hot and have to force myself to practice for my theory on Wednesday.

Good times all round.

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