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Guest The Phoenix

xbl's posting in reasons to be cheerful.

Unlikely, he'd just been beaten into second place in Britain's Got Talent by a performing dog.

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Decided to appeal my medical discharge from the navy. Spent most of the day in faslane with the doctor writing up an appeal to present to the medical board. Hopefully with the doctors recommendation that I am still fit to serve in the navy and the fact that the minewarfare branch is heavily undermanned I can stay in the navy.

My thinking has been a lot clearer since I've came off my anti depressants and I feel I can still do a job in the navy. I guess I can only try.

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Decided to appeal my medical discharge from the navy. Spent most of the day in faslane with the doctor writing up an appeal to present to the medical board. Hopefully with the doctors recommendation that I am still fit to serve in the navy and the fact that the minewarfare branch is heavily undermanned I can stay in the navy.

My thinking has been a lot clearer since I've came off my anti depressants and I feel I can still do a job in the navy. I guess I can only try.

Good Luck. Hope it goes well for you.

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1337118223[/url]' post='6241232']

If most folk on here haven't heard of Moray Cup, there's a pretty high chance they haven't heard of 'Guitar Wifie' yet either.



I'd never heard of her until I started working up here. Now I see her every other day.

Edited by lanky_ffc
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Reminds me of this one; second review:


"There is no way you will ever get closer to the utopia you experience when you listen to this outstanding album. I hope for the sake of every being in the universe that we will see many, many more Macho Man albums in the future. When I first caught a glance of this CD at Walmart, I turned and fell to my knees while time literally stopped. Once I regained consciousness I quickly filled a crate with the album and handed the cashier a flying elbow drop! When I placed the CD onto the tray of my stereo system, I knew at once that my life had culminated to that point, my purpose was to witness the sick, wicked, and nasty beats that were about to pulsate through the earth itself and energize my very life force. When the tray recalled itself back into the stereo console, it was as though the final puzzle piece of human existence had been put into place. Rainbows began to pour inexplicably out of the speakers and onto my terrace. The windows flew open and The Macho Man himself floated in on a winged platinum unicorn. He gave me a $5 gift certificate at Radio Shack and told me that I was the chosen one. He said that He and I would lead mankind out of poverty and strife forever. He said we must hurry, unimaginable evils were gathering and following him and there was not much time before he would have to face them. As we prepared to embark a low rumble could be heard in the distance. Hardly decipherable at first, but it began to grow louder, and apparently closer. The sky darkened rapidly and took on a red-orange tint. The rumble grew exponentially louder and more fierce, and the ground began to shake. Without warning an enormous crack in the planet's surface appeared and a great mountain of rock and molten lava shot up from the center of the earth with the force of ten trillion mighty buffalo. Satan himself stood before us, in all of his evil majesty. Despite this apocalyptic series of events, Randy was not at all intimidated. He stood fast, and with a mighty cry of 'OOOOOOHHH YEAHHHHHH!' he was suddenly 250 feet tall and was made entirely of gold. Satan lunged towards Savage with blinding speed, but The Macho Man was suddenly gone. Satan spun back around just in time for a vicious Macho Man drop kick to the throat. Again, Savage disappeared, leaving Satan dazed and confused. As Satan tried to recover Randy leapt at him from out of nowhere with a punishing sunset flip, sending The Dark Lord directly into a black hole on the other side of the universe. Savage explained to me how his musical talents inspired the Greek God Zeus, and so Zeus gave him super powers and ultrasonic vocal cords. I told him he's the illest, the true chief warrior. The bottom line is I used to steal cars and buses all the time, but ever since I heard this album I only smash fire hydrants. I no longer sleep or eat or talk, I just absorb the lyrical extremes that this album surpasses time and again and train to fight The Hulkster. Everything that you've ever done, are doing now, or will ever do is a complete waste of time unless it directly involves Randy 'Macho Man' Savage. If you don't own this album, I sincerely hope that this review has helped you realize what a clueless and wretched piece of waste you really are. And seriously Hogan, be a man for once in your life. If you just take the beating maybe Savage won't banish you from the universe....OOOOOOOHHH YEEEAAAHHHHH!!! I just crapped on myself."

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Haven't been around for a while but I just thought I'd share that I have lost over 4 stones in weight in the last year.

Surely not a coincidence. I can almost feel myself getting fatter whilst I browse on this. Fair effort though!

The thing I want to share is that I'm missing a night out with all of my mates tonight. Two of them have only just got over a falling out with each other and it would have been the first time we could all get drunk without anybody missing out. Apart from me. sad.gif

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Guest The Phoenix

Haven't been around for a while but I just thought I'd share that I have lost over 4 stones in weight in the last year.

Nice one. :D

Is Monster heading in the same direction? :unsure:

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What a fucking creep that guy is.

In regards to the guy in the video, he has balls.

Edited by smpar
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Umm....right. Also, does this person happen to resemble a certain banned Morton poster... ph34r.gif

What the f**k? :unsure::lol: He pissed himself? What an absolute chode. He looks a bit like Alan Partridge as well!

Also I never even noticed that McKee was banned!

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What are RTBC's and PTTGOYN's by the way?

Took my girlfriend up to Arbroath today (uni work placement interview). Parked in the car park behind Spink's Fish Smokery and it was free, which was a bonus. Killed a bit time looking round the shops, went into Burton's and tried on a pair of chinos from their 70% off sale rail. Today I realised that I am too fat to be fashionable, so I consoled myself with a steak pie and a mince and onion bridie from J&M Bakers on the High Street.

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