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Playing 5's last night and I reckon I have pulled some tendons in my foot!

Quite bad bruising just under the ankle bone and can't put any weight on the heel of my foot so walking like a fud on the ball of my foot.:angry:

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I had a migraine yesterday and phoned in sick. Now I'm sure all my colleagues think I skived off.

A few years ago I was off for a month because I had an operation on my hand and because of the type of job time off was the only option.

This appeared in the local paper the second week I was off, I was told it caused quite a stir, I found it hilarious. You will notice the dodgy hand is behind my back.


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A few years ago I was off for a month because I had an operation on my hand and because of the type of job time off was the only option.

This appeared in the local paper the second week I was off, I was told it caused quite a stir, I found it hilarious. You will notice the dodgy hand is behind my back.


Are you the one in the middle?

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A few years ago I was off for a month because I had an operation on my hand and because of the type of job time off was the only option.

This appeared in the local paper the second week I was off, I was told it caused quite a stir, I found it hilarious. You will notice the dodgy hand is behind my back.


The only one with a good hand showing is dressed like a woman, no wonder it caused a stir at your work :lol:

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The only one with a good hand showing is dressed like a woman, no wonder it caused a stir at your work :lol:

My good hand is gently and lovingly squeezing young John's firm buttock, why do you think it's only me and him that's smiling in the picture?

edit for smelling mistook.

Edited by stimpy
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If Charles Green needs proof of bigotry in this corrupt f**k-up of a so called footballing country, then he has all he needs here.

Hang your heads in shame you fucking retards.

A Scotsman who plays for his country should be judged on his performance.

You use other methods to judge. That makes you a bigot, or don't you understand what the word means.

Fucking scum, and I hope your clubs die soon.

Scottish football fans? What a fucking joke.


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