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Just read on facebook that there is a third year at the school I went to been caught doing lines of coke in the toilets. Her punishment? Lunchtime detention. Stay classy PGS.

There isn't the slightest chance that this is true. The school will have called the police immediately.

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There isn't the slightest chance that this is true. The school will have called the police immediately.

Not sure about that. When I was at school a boy in my year took a funny turn after going a bit daft on eccies in between classes and they definitely didn't call the police on him.

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Was at the golf at Carnoustie today and Michael Phelps refused to sign autographs

So did Gary Anderson at the weekend, unless it was done in the appropriate place and £15 was handed over first, fucking w****r !
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Watching the Jimmy Savile programme from last night; "he asked me masturbate him and insert my finger into his anus"

I felt kinda bad for laughing for fucking ages.

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