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Or maybe they were having problems at home or were being bullied? Nice perspective mate.

In your case it was probably no mates.

My sixth year was rather enjoyable actually :lol:

But like others have said, once you get uni offers and the like your motivation plummets.

Were you one of the "Lads" at school?

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Anyone who didn't enjoy 6th year was doing it massively wrong. Or maybe had no mates.

I did all my classes in 6th year at other schools. So 6th year was a bit pish for me...I enjoyed the time I spent at my own school though (basically core PE and the free periods where I wasn't in my house playing Football Manager). 5th year was good though.

Motivation for actually doing well definitely plummeted in 6th year - because uni offers as others have said.

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It's about the usual temperature when you are ill. Your body is fighting what it is you have. What are you on, as in medication?

Anti chest congestion and chesty cough syrup. Will be placed on antibiotics soon! Feel minging :(

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Just as I think Aberdeen's 'Union St Piper' is becoming semi-competent, he comes out with the worst rendition of Highland Cathedral I've ever heard. I just burst out laughing whilst standing at the traffic lights, couldn't help it!

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Oral, i can't seem to find much about my age group on the internet though.

Be careful what you Google, not sure typing "Hot" and "Oral" in the same sentence will end well

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Handed in my dissertation today. Bit of a milestone. Treated myself to an iPad 4 as well. Quite nifty.

How can a student afford an iPad 4? :P

Well done anyway, weight off the mind?

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I did 6th year as despite all unconditionals from universities I would have been going to uni 200+ miles away at 16 and a half, nae wise.

I loved it, cocked about and still got 4 CSYS passes somehow!

Great days!

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I did 6th year as despite all unconditionals from universities I would have been going to uni 200+ miles away at 16 and a half, nae wise.

I loved it, cocked about and still got 4 CSYS passes somehow!

Great days!

Sounds just like me although I had to lie and tell her I needed to resit maths and get a higher grade to qualify for the 5 year masters course. Thankfully I got it so no questions asked but obviously I had to put 'some' work into that. I do feel guilty now though.

Teachers of every other class must have hated me, especially in computing which was my only proper access to the internet at the time.

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Got my skillstest for my joinery apprenticeship soon. If I pass I become a time served joiner. <br /><br />Confident about passing, but shitting it at the same time. Only downside is travelling to Arbroath for it.

Well today was the day, ended up getting lost and couldn't find the college, ended up outside gayfeild, then made it.

And I only gone and passed. Thank god for that.

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Well today was the day, ended up getting lost and couldn't find the college, ended up outside gayfeild, then made it.

And I only gone and passed. Thank god for that.


*doffs cap

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In five years' time, when proper statistics are available on the damages to the country that have been caused by gambling, we're going to look back and say there should never have been as much advertising as there is.

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