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It's days like this that make you ask yourself whether drinkings worth it. I am horribly hungover today, tactical spews aren't helping and I'm craving Maccy D's. That would require a bus to town and back again. I can't face it and I reckon I wouldn't be able to eat it anyway. Then I have work in 2 hours or so. I'm away to curl up in bed like the pathetic little man I am.

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It's days like this that make you ask yourself whether drinkings worth it. I am horribly hungover today, tactical spews aren't helping and I'm craving Maccy D's. That would require a bus to town and back again. I can't face it and I reckon I wouldn't be able to eat it anyway. Then I have work in 2 hours or so. I'm away to curl up in bed like the pathetic little man I am.

I would like to think there are many St Johnstone supporters on the same boat after last night.

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I would like to think there are many St Johnstone supporters on the same boat after last night.

Indeed. I celebrated in style my man.

Update: hangover is gone and I finished work an hour ago. Pleasing. But I now have a new problem. I have been ravaged by mosquitoes, and their bites have flared up big time. I'm itching like f**k. Was entertaining to watch peoples reactions today as I revealed my torso. Some have said I should go see a doctor... :unsure2:

Tomorrow I think I'll buy repellent.

Edited by jamamafegan4
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I would like to think there are many St Johnstone supporters on the same boat after last night.

I had been holding off an illness for weeks until the game. The game wore me down so much that I'm now filled with it, I've still not had a celebratory drink

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Indeed. I celebrated in style my man.

Update: hangover is gone and I finished work an hour ago. Pleasing. But I now have a new problem. I have been ravaged by mosquitoes, and their bites have flared up big time. I'm itching like f**k. Was entertaining to watch peoples reactions today as I revealed my torso. Some have said I should go see a doctor... :unsure2:

Tomorrow I think I'll buy repellent.

Skin So Soft by Avon.

Thank me later.

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It's days like this that make you ask yourself whether drinkings worth it. I am horribly hungover today, tactical spews aren't helping and I'm craving Maccy D's. That would require a bus to town and back again. I can't face it and I reckon I wouldn't be able to eat it anyway. Then I have work in 2 hours or so. I'm away to curl up in bed like the pathetic little man I am.

If you can't drink wi' the men, don't hing aboot their feet.

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I had been holding off an illness for weeks until the game. The game wore me down so much that I'm now filled with it, I've still not had a celebratory drink

This saddens me. You should have at least had a dram in celebration/to clear your airwaves.

Skin So Soft by Avon.

Thank me later.

I shall look for this in town tomorrow, cheers bud.

If you can't drink wi' the men, don't hing aboot their feet.

I can drink wi' the men, Sergeant - on that you have my word. But I'll be lying at your feet the next day...

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This saddens me. You should have at least had a dram in celebration/to clear your airwaves.

I'm meant to be doing the Mile tonight. I can't see it ending well

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This is my new favourite photo. Showing the desperate lengths The Rangers fans will go to, to try and see a European game..


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A friend of mine posted this on Facebook and felt it was too hilarious not to share.

"In a pub in town last night one of the bar staff mentions there's an art exhibition across the road, handing out free drink. As you do, go for the sauce and try to look like ye dig art pish. This whopper clearly loved it that bit more..."


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I've created a Fantasy Football competition for the top 4 Scottish leagues.

There is a thread on each of the forums, but it's also available via the blog at: http://spflfantasyfootball.wordpress.com Simply click on the relevant category for the division you wish to enter. (Categories are on the right for PC/Laptop and at the bottom for mobile devices.)

Free to enter and should be a good laugh, so get yourself involved if you fancy it!!

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Last night at the pub I saw a girl who had the best arse in the entire universe and this morning I'm a bit sad because the Newky Broon's given me a sore head and now I can't catch a cheeky swatch at the wondrous arse :(

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