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i've just spent three full days in the company of 27 female Primary School teachers on a course, I was one of only two guys and one of only four secondary teachers.

Three things - It was hell on earth (women are mental), it was a total mess and far too all over the place (because Primary teachers are mental), and Dundee City Council make shite sandwiches.

Well this could have went in may threads, PTTGOYN, Have I Got Local News for You etc however, it seems like its something best to share.

Syphilis outbreak hits Tayside
Young people in Tayside have been hit with an outbreak of syphilis. NHS Tayside has seen a surge in cases of the sexually transmitted infection among heterosexual people aged 15 to 25. The number of cases currently stands at about 20 — compared to a usual three or four — and those affected pass on the disease to partners in unprotected sex about 50% of the time, leading to fears the problem could escalate.


Ok, so who's got it?

Hopefully these two posts are only linked by geography! :ph34r:

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Why the f**k are payday loan companies allowed to trade? It's fucking mortifying what they do to people.

I completely disagree with this.

If you need some cash just before payday to pay bills etc then paying quite literally a few pounds in interest is more than worth it for having a black mark on your credit rating and potential bank charges. If you can't use it responsibly, that's not their fault.

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I completely disagree with this.


If you need some cash just before payday to pay bills etc then paying quite literally a few pounds in interest is more than worth it for having a black mark on your credit rating and potential bank charges. If you can't use it responsibly, that's not their fault.

We need to address the issue of people being in the position to need these sort of loans to get by.

Society as a whole should ensure that people aren't in these sort of positions.

You have people needing these to feed their kids for goodness sake? What on earth has went wrong there?

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We need to address the issue of people being in the position to need these sort of loans to get by.

Society as a whole should ensure that people aren't in these sort of positions.

You have people needing these to feed their kids for goodness sake? What on earth has went wrong there?

Problems of poverty and deprivation have existed for thousands of years. Not 'acceptable', but hardly a new thing.

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Problems of poverty and deprivation have existed for thousands of years. Not 'acceptable', but hardly a new thing.

So a matter of "it's always been, so meh"?

Not good enough I'm afraid. Having the most vulnerable exploited in the most lecherous way is in no way acceptable and it should most certainly be either heavily regulated or outright banned.

They don't even care what you spend it on, as long as you pay it all back + more.

"What's the loan for, Sir? "

" Just buying some drugs "

" Very well, Sir. "

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If you are a little bit short of cash and can pay the money back responsibly for a few quid, than the service is fine. Payday loan companies however lend to people with shite credit (even those unemployed) which isn't very smart. Never going to end well.

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If you are a little bit short of cash and can pay the money back responsibly for a few quid, than the service is fine. Payday loan companies however lend to people with shite credit (even those unemployed) which isn't very smart. Never going to end well.

You don't even need a payday. You only need tax credits and they will give you money, which is absolutely scandalous.

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If you are a little bit short of cash and can pay the money back responsibly for a few quid, than the service is fine. Payday loan companies however lend to people with shite credit (even those unemployed) which isn't very smart. Never going to end well.

And don't forget the massive interest rates. Wonga has something like 4700% APR Representative. Of course it's in tiny writing and when you're desperate you're not going to look at it.

I'd rather be flat broke than have an overdraft, let alone a loan from one of these companies.

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And payday loan companies aren't going to solve the problem.

Of course they aren

So a matter of "it's always been, so meh"?

Not good enough I'm afraid. Having the most vulnerable exploited in the most lecherous way is in no way acceptable and it should most certainly be either heavily regulated or outright banned.

They don't even care what you spend it on, as long as you pay it all back + more.

"What's the loan for, Sir? "

" Just buying some drugs "

" Very well, Sir. "

Folk who need them to buy food and survive day to day are fucked with or without them. Tackling poverty is an issue for the government and something they're very poor at.

What I am all about is personal responsibility. Too many people (not everyone) are quick to blame the government for their problems without taking a look at themselves. Obviously there is a vicious cirlce of poverty from one generation to the next but I've seen countless children from 'bad' families apply themselves incredibly well at school and have all the attributes to do reasonably well for themself after they leave school.

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^^^^ riddled


Matty's posts in this page have cheered me up a bit :lol: :lol:

that'll be £24.99

Matty if it turns out you are riddled, just turn it round on her, blame her ex.

nah i'd be well proud

Awkward if she was a virgin before she met Matty. :P

she wasn't

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Of course they aren




Folk who need them to buy food and survive day to day are fucked with or without them. Tackling poverty is an issue for the government and something they're very poor at.


What I am all about is personal responsibility. Too many people (not everyone) are quick to blame the government for their problems without taking a look at themselves. Obviously there is a vicious cirlce of poverty from one generation to the next but I've seen countless children from 'bad' families apply themselves incredibly well at school and have all the attributes to do reasonably well for themself after they leave school.

You're all for personal responsibility fair enough, but of all the children you've seen who have done well at school have came from bad families, how many of the children have you seen that haven't done well, and suffered as a result due to the wider failings of society? They are the ones who have literally f**k all and are living on the streets.

We are all humans, and we all have an equal responsibility to look after each other. To condemn someone to the scrapheap and say "you should have had more responsibility" is not the right attitude.

Why did the person who got into that situation not take responsibility? I'm sure if he had the choice he wouldn't be in that situation, but due to his personal circumstances, choices and external influences from society, he is in that situation. We need to stop people getting into the situation, and that begins with addressing problems in society as a whole.

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