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The simple pleasures in life are the best, such as wiping your arse with a wet wipe, standing obviously. So refreshing.

I have only ever done that at music festivals but it does feel good and wakes you up a little bit.

My mate started blurting out pished about wiping his arse and imitated how he did it, doesn't lift his arse off the seat and wipes from the back towards his balls. He's 28 and about to be a father :thumbsdown

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The simple pleasures in life are the best, such as wiping your arse with a wet wipe, standing obviously. So refreshing.

Anyone who stands up to wipe their arse was most likely neglected as child, therefore never taught the correct method.

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Anyone who stands up to wipe their arse was most likely neglected as child, therefore never taught the correct method.

I used to be a sitter, but once I broke the thumb on my wiping hand I had to wipe with my left hand which was extremely awkward, so I found it easier to stand. I've just got into the habit of standing and would never go back to the barbaric method of sitting to wipe
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A old boy in my local needed a few slabs cut and laid so I done it last night when I finished. Just got a text to say theirs ten pints in the tap for me at my local!!! Lousing early and challenge accepted

Edited by YHallSaint
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This may have been shared already, but anyway, fucking howling at these. For those who don't know MLG is 'major league gaming' but it's mostly just a load of immature teens that play CoD. I don't know how else to explain these videos...



Get rekt.

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This may have been shared already, but anyway, fucking howling at these. For those who don't know MLG is 'major league gaming' but it's mostly just a load of immature teens that play CoD. I don't know how else to explain these videos...

Get rekt.

I love these. My personal favourite:

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