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Is Arizona part of the "bible belt" of America?

Generally, the bible belt is considered to be the south-east of the USA.


However, this sort of lunacy can be found pretty much anywhere that Republicans and Christian Conservatives hold office. This comes for example; in the same week that Indiana's Governor, a loathsome piece of work called Mike Pence, passed a bill, which allows businesses the legal right to discriminate against gays. Naturally, he doesn't call it discrimination, he prefers the phrase "Religious Freedom."

This is why I get angry when I'm told I "must" respect religious beliefs. These people aren't harmless eccentrics; they're evil scum.

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Mind you it's worth pointing out that while "State Senator" sounds impressive from here it turns out that she represents a town of less than 6,000 people in the middle of nowhere.

I hope outsiders don't judge Scotland by what happens in Stornoway

Edited by topcat(The most tip top)
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I can't sleep tonight. Had a coffee earlier. I don't drink coffee but I've got a dissertation due so it had to be done.

I feel unwell. Like someone's laced my coffee with a pill. I feel like I'm on a come down right now. Wtf is going on.

I'm genuinely frightened.

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I can't sleep tonight. Had a coffee earlier. I don't drink coffee but I've got a dissertation due so it had to be done.

I feel unwell. Like someone's laced my coffee with a pill. I feel like I'm on a come down right now. Wtf is going on.

I'm genuinely frightened.

Maxwell House?

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Mind you it's worth pointing out that while "State Senator" sounds impressive from here it turns out that she represents a town of less than 6,000 people in the middle of nowhere.

I hope outsiders don't judge Scotland by what happens in Stornoway

She is 'from' a small town in the middle of nowhere but she represents a Senate District in which over 60,000 people voted in the last election. I couldn't find the population of her district but it is one of 30 in Arizona, each with equal say when it comes to passing the laws of the state.

In addition to this week's idiocy, Ms Allen has also attempted to pass laws ensuring that felons and the mentally ill don't have to undergo background checks before obtaining guns, and deny voters access to public meetings. Last year, used her position to interfere with an internal investigation looking into her detention officer son-in-law's conduct around women prisoners.

The woman is a lunatic and she has power.

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There's a religious influence in Arizona, but it's combined with a deep mistrust of everyone and everything, along with a belief that there's nothing that Arizonans shouldn't be allowed to do. There's still the old Wild West mentality that you need to barricade the door and have your rifle ready, because the guy with the black hat (or the Mexicans, or the Injuns) will be along momentarily to take everything you hold dear.

People say Texas is bad for this, but when the US starts to disintegrate, Arizona will be one of the first states to secede. It also wouldn't surprise me if they voted in favour of something ludicrous like a citizen's personal right to own nuclear weapons. So long as you aren't Hispanic, considering that they're passing laws that discriminate on racial grounds these days. As already mentioned, you're allowed to discriminate based on sexuality too, but I'd guess they'd assume that those pansy queers wouldn't be interested in weapons anyway <_<

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Dunno what the f**k is wrong with me. I think I might be having a panic attack. But apparently they last 30mins tops so maybe not.

I feel really on edge though, pretty scary.

Hopefully the bowl of cheerios I just had makes me feel better

Is that a Lichtie23 prescription?
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I've just had steak Lorne toasties. Part cooked,the Lorne, put it on bread with my aunts 'homemade BBQ sauce' which tastes suspiciously like Levi Roots sauce ( :lol: ) and some grated cheese, then put it in the toastie machine. It took fucking ages to make, but this is my favourite Saturday breakfast this year, no doubt.

That sounds horrific.

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I've just had steak Lorne toasties. Part cooked,the Lorne, put it on bread with my aunts 'homemade BBQ sauce' which tastes suspiciously like Levi Roots sauce ( :lol: ) and some grated cheese, then put it in the toastie machine. It took fucking ages to make, but this is my favourite Saturday breakfast this year, no doubt.

I'd have fish fingers on toast with salad cream if I could be arsed making it!

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In these days of beasty DJ's and MP's all over the news, there's just some things that I can't sit back and ignore.

What gave it away Poirot? Toast, fish fingers, salad cream, or a combination?

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