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Liked this from today's The Australian.

Perhaps Las Vegas could tender for the 2022 World Cup. Elvis would have been proud to see neon signs reading “FIFA Las Vegas”.

Retrieve your jacket and had straight for the nearest exit!
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I find this shit interesting, although i am a very strange man with too much time on my hands

Weird. I just watched that: http://www.pieandbovril.com/forum/index.php/topic/17402-what-was-the-last-movie-you-watched/?p=9506421

The TL;DR version is "the rich and powerful run the world for their own benefit - I've just discovered this and you've clearly never noticed, you idiots!"

He got close with the hologram stuff, but where was all the entertaining shit he picked up from watching Robert Englund in V? :huh:

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Thats funny Dave, i just found him on youtube under recommended. I had been interested in him for a while but that was first thing of his i sat through! A lot of people think he is a dick head

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It's almost my 10-year P&B anniversary. I aim to make my 10,000th post on the very same day. In due course, I'll open up a thread where people can share their favourite TRS moments of the last decade and discuss the many reasons which explain why I've been voted one of the best and most influential posters in Pie & Bovril history.

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It's almost my 10-year P&B anniversary. I aim to make my 10,000th post on the very same day. In due course, I'll open up a thread where people can share their favourite TRS moments of the last decade and discuss the many reasons which explain why I've been voted one of the best and most influential posters in Pie & Bovril history.


Brilliant. Will you be receiving a letter from the Queen (i.e. Div)?

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Thats funny Dave, i just found him on youtube under recommended. I had been interested in him for a while but that was first thing of his i sat through! A lot of people think he is a dick head

He's bang on the cash about loads of things.

Takes things a wee bit too far with the whole shape-shifting alien/lizard thing.

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He's bang on the cash about loads of things.

Takes things a wee bit too far with the whole shape-shifting alien/lizard thing.

He certainly is, i could listen to him for days! I have been pretty much into this sort of stuff for about 3 years now and its crazy how long its taken me to actually get round to him! Obviously when he first starting his stuff in 1990 he was laughed at but nowadays he's pretty much the norm when you search the internet

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He's bang on the cash about loads of things.

Takes things a wee bit too far with the whole shape-shifting alien/lizard thing.

He's certainly made a lot of cash banging on about the self-evident and poor sci-fi ripoffs.

He certainly is, i could listen to him for days! I have been pretty much into this sort of stuff for about 3 years now and its crazy how long its taken me to actually get round to him! Obviously when he first starting his stuff in 1990 he was laughed at but nowadays he's pretty much the norm when you search the internet

If that doesn't tell you to run screaming, nothing will.

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Start my new job tomorrow.

Left my last employer a few months ago due to my own mental health and best thing i could have done.

Here`s to 40 hours a week minimum once more. Cannot wait.

Congrats and all, but it sounds like your problem was that you were working less than 40 hours a week, which is the ideal situation for most people. Were you on a zero hours contract or something? :huh:

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