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What Was The Last Movie You Watched?


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Thought the Evil Dead remake was okay, although they pussied out on the nastiness after a while.

And the answer to "why is this being remade?" is always this:


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Exodus: Gods and Kings... really enjoyed Bale and Edgerton in the leads, amazing looking picture although I would have liked a bit more meat on the bone, but classic Ridley Scott . 7.5/10 which might rise if there's an extended version later.

Edited by Pete's Frontier
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Exodus: Gods and Kings... really enjoyed Bale and Edgerton in the leads, amazing looking picture although I would have liked a bit more meat on the bone, but classic Ridley Scott . 7.5/10 which might rise if there's an extended version later.

Apart from the aforementioned visuals an awful film imo. Think I gave it a generous 3, classic Scott it most certainly is not. Some laughable hammy scenes.

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Apart from the aforementioned visuals an awful film imo. Think I gave it a generous 3, classic Scott it most certainly is not. Some laughable hammy scenes.

I know it caught flak and didn't make money, it also upset Muslims (oh dear) and the anti Israel mob as well as some other politicised perma offended types. I just saw it as a piece of entertainment, and as such 7 out of 10. Not quite artistically as good as the Cecile B Demille version.

Edited by Pete's Frontier
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I know it caught flak and didn't make money, it also upset Muslims (oh dear) and the anti Israel mob as well as some other politicised perma offended types. I just saw it as a piece of entertainment, and as such 7 out of 10. Not quite artistically as good as the Cecile B Demille version.

Oh I agree there's certainly nothing to be offended about, apart from perhaps some of the dialogue.

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Just out of an advanced screening of San Andreas. Had seen no trailers so went in with no expectations.. Probably just as well lol B movie tastic tho. One of few films helped by 3d

7/10 just for ticking most of the cliché boxes

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Just out of an advanced screening of San Andreas. Had seen no trailers so went in with no expectations.. Probably just as well lol B movie tastic tho. One of few films helped by 3d

7/10 just for ticking most of the cliché boxes

Spot on. Quite enjoyed it though. Had every cliche possible in it.

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David Icke: Live at the Oxford Union Debating Society - fancied hearing about how shape-shifting aliens are running the planet, so I thought I'd give this a go. Sadly, Icke kept all that stuff to himself, so there was nothing left but a long, dreary drone about The Man. Here are the bullet points, if anyone's interested:

- David Icke once saw Ted Heath's eyes turn black.
- There are a privileged few who control the world, and always have done (loominarty confirm) - shocking stuff.
- Centralisation is bad because it will lead to a privileged few controlling the world (eh?)
- You can't trust people with knowledge because they didn't discover it themselves.
- You can't trust what anyone tells you (so, seemingly, make some stuff up and if nobody with "knowledge" backs you up, you're on the right track).
- Education is bad, because you can't trust the people teaching, and they'll change the way you think with their political correctness and "knowledge".
- You can only trust scientists and data that have been discredited by the establishment (reading between the lines on that one, but I think that's the idea).
- America wanted to go to war before 9/11. Another shocker - how did we not see this coming?!
- CCTV is bad (but I'm not saying why).
- DNA identification is bad (again, not saying why - starting to think there are a few public murders Dave would like to commit).
- We all live in a hologram controlled by The Man (because The Matrix was cool. No, seriously).
If in doubt, repurpose massive numbers of quotes from famous historical figures to make it seem that they're backing you up, awful PowerPoint slides borrowed from the Internet, and a healthy dose of WAKE UP SHEEPLE!
There's also a massive metaphysical section at the end about how we're all under hypnosis and reality is different to what we're experiencing, and we'll all be happier when we're freed like David Icke. Absolutely no explanation of how Icke's perception is different, bizarrely. Details, tsk.
All in all, you get the impression that Icke is thoroughly perplexed by other people, for all of the talk of higher consciousness that he's supposedly achieved. To Dave, we're all blind, controlled by others and unaware that it's happening. There's no such thing as consensus unless we agree with him, and he seems to think that disagreement with the opinions of others is the same as censorship. Frankly, I'm not sure he understands what he's saying himself, but I don't suppose it matters when you're making that much money.
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Seen both

Mad max 7/10. It's good but never as good as the first one.

Tomorrow land 4/10 . It's pretty awful. Sadly the worst film I have seen this year.

I'm not getting the dislike that many seem to have for Tomorrowland. I didn't read any reviews beforehand, I took my daughter along and we both annoyed it. Visually stunning, some laugh out loud funny parts, a pretty enjoyable two hours. Certainly not the worst film I've ever seen, in this year or before.

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The Roommate ( 2011 )

You know the drill. Lassie gets roommate. Roommate is a psycho. Shenanigans ensues. There's absolutely nothing here that you haven't seen before and can't predict. 3/10

Hobo With a Shotgun ( 2011 )

Another movie for the "you know what's coming" list, but thankfully, you can probably be safe in the knowledge that getting what you expect from this is probably a good thing. It's just total b-movie madness, and great fun. 7/10

Ex Machina ( 2015 )

Ended with this cracker. Really well done sci fi with a cracking wee plot. Loved the ending as well. 8/10

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Double indemnity (1944) - 6/10

A decent film. Women getting her hubby killed then trying to get someone else killed. Fairly long film. Think its the oldest film I have seen so far.

Next film is oldboy. 28 to go

Great film. I'd certainly give it more than 6!

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I'm not getting the dislike that many seem to have for Tomorrowland. I didn't read any reviews beforehand, I took my daughter along and we both annoyed it. Visually stunning, some laugh out loud funny parts, a pretty enjoyable two hours. Certainly not the worst film I've ever seen, in this year or before.

How did it show that it was upset?

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The Equalizer:

Pretty much standard Denzel Washington film.

Wee hooker has a problem with some Russian pimps/gangsters. Denzel takes them all out.

Enjoyable nonetheless.


Spoilers Miley, FFS :angry:

Totally ruined any suspense that a film version of the TV show in which Edward Woodward reliably kicked ass on a weekly basis would have. For shame.

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What bit of "standard Denzel Washington film" didn't you understand?

F**k yer spoilers! :P

Must admit, I'm more interested in seeing Malcolm X now.

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Just fancying something with a black man as the focal point?

Are you familiar with the work of Lex The Impaler?

Does he help out the pimps & gangsters by taking out all the wee hookers?

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