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Well, after a decade of putting up with office fire drills, being sent to the car park assembly point in all weather (pretty sure the fire warden was just being a c***), I finally experienced a real 'fire'. By fire I mean that the toilet hand dryer seems to go up and fill the corridor with black smoke. Of course, as is traditional, everybody in the room just looked around at each other for about a minute until "we'd better get up then huh?" was spoken. Lovely day to stand out and watch the drama unfold.

Being the 21st Century, somebody of course said "damn, left my phone, this would be ace for FB" as everyone rushed around to get the best photo of smoke from a window.

Eta: I went to a toilet once, could have been me. There, beat you to it.

Edited by Hedgecutter
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My girlfriend has lost upwards of two stone this year. She is 5'6" and was 13st1lb at her heaviest in September and, looking back, she was quite a big lass. That is how I had first seen her though so that's how I fell for her. Now she's in the 10st-odd range I'm like holy shit she's got even more beautiful 😂

This has got me thinking at 1am about the whole "love at first sight" nonsense. I'm not vain so I don't judge books by their covers but had my now-girlfriend been any heavier then I feel like I'd have not been as attracted to her, for the reason of her likely not caring about her appearance if that makes sense? Like morbidly obese people or muscly as f**k body builders of either gender seem to have a real disregard for themselves and their health

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My girlfriend has lost upwards of two stone this year. She is 5'6" and was 13st1lb at her heaviest in September and, looking back, she was quite a big lass. That is how I had first seen her though so that's how I fell for her. Now she's in the 10st-odd range I'm like holy shit she's got even more beautiful 😂

This has got me thinking at 1am about the whole "love at first sight" nonsense. I'm not vain so I don't judge books by their covers but had my now-girlfriend been any heavier then I feel like I'd have not been as attracted to her, for the reason of her likely not caring about her appearance if that makes sense? Like morbidly obese people or muscly as f**k body builders of either gender seem to have a real disregard for themselves and their health

^^^Nearly as creepy as Gunther.
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^^^Nearly as creepy as Gunther.

I can only presume he went down the "she's fat with a pretty face and nobody handsome wants her just now, but this project has serious potential" route.

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There was an article in the paper this morning about the fact that one of the Swiss supermarket chains, Migros, is going to start selling sex toys in their stores.


Migros do not sell alcohol in store, something to do with the founders thinking it was immoral.


I can't think of anything else I want to share right now.

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