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One of the first things I'm doing when the cooncil boundary ban is over is getting a Stephen's bridie*.  I believe that the Co-op in Kinross, where they have a wee Stephen's bakery thing beside the till, is my most local source (a mere 100 miles away). 

*correct name, nane o' this 'bradie' nonsense that you get up in the NE-proper

Edited by Hedgecutter
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2 hours ago, Shandon Par Decorator said:

I’m so busy now I’m getting offers all the time. Booked up for a while and just going for the ones that really appeal.

The decorating business is going fine too. 

I can show you how to get a fag stain effect ceiling? I’m sure the customers will come flocking.

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1 hour ago, Hedgecutter said:

One of the first things I'm doing when the cooncil boundary ban is over is getting a Stephen's bridie*.  I believe that the Co-op in Kinross, where they have a wee Stephen's bakery

A Bridie from Fife and you'll drive past Forfar?


Edited by The Skelpit Lug
Oops, Fife bakery.
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