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14 minutes ago, Newbornbairn said:

When my dad drove buses it sent him mental when pensioners would get on the worker's buses in the morning with their free passes just to go one stop and get off again.

I might be misremembering but I think in Dundee pensioners weren't able to use their bus passes before 9am or something like that. 

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Just now, hk blues said:

I might be misremembering but I think in Dundee pensioners weren't able to use their bus passes before 9am or something like that. 

I think they ended up changing the rules to that.

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1 hour ago, hk blues said:

I might be misremembering but I think in Dundee pensioners weren't able to use their bus passes before 9am or something like that. 

That was certainly the case in Edinburgh. Bus drivers used to refer to pensioners as "twirlies" because they would get on, brandish their pass and ask, "Am I too early for this?"

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1 hour ago, Newbornbairn said:

I think they ended up changing the rules to that.

Definitely did. When I was a #BW there was an old boy who would get on, pocket at 80% of the free papers then get off at the next stop.

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4 hours ago, hk blues said:

I'm already compiling a list of fun stuff I can do to piss off the young squad in the nearish future.  

This might be a thing of the past soon, and maybe not something that happens in the Philippines, but when you end up in a home, try making a bi-weekly journey to the Post Office with the other residents' cards and withdraw their pension for them. Do it at lunch time when everybody's trying to get served before their break finishes. Bonus points for always doing it at the same day & time so the local jakes can work out when there'll be a pensioner wandering the streets with a few grand in cash.

If that's not possible, open half a dozen different bank accounts, and take all the cards to a busy ATM. Insert one, request a printed statement, study it carefully, then repeat for each card. At no point should you withdraw any money, or offer to step aside between transactions. Leave the statements lying at your arse when finished, so everyone in the queue can see you're financially comfortable.

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5 hours ago, Newbornbairn said:

When my dad drove buses it sent him mental when pensioners would get on the worker's buses in the morning with their free passes just to go one stop and get off again.

I see students do that now- from the student halls to the Uni is walking distance. 

I used to walk 3 miles a day when I was a tax dodger. And that was in Aberdeen. In the winter. And our lecturer used to bore us to death and dance about on our graves singing "Hallelujah".  And if you tell the young folk that these days, they won't believe you. 

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1 hour ago, tamthebam said:

I see students do that now- from the student halls to the Uni is walking distance. 

I used to walk 3 miles a day when I was a tax dodger. And that was in Aberdeen. In the winter. Uphill both ways. In the snow and ice. With no coat. And our lecturer used to bore us to death and dance about on our graves singing "Hallelujah".  And if you tell the young folk that these days, they won't believe you. 

Improved it for ya.

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18 hours ago, Shandon Par said:

This lad was the head steward on my flight back from New York last Thursday. After 7 hrs with my Mrs on a plane it’s no wonder he hit the bottle. 


Was he the pilot or the head steward?

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11 hours ago, hk blues said:

Old c***s are the same the world over, wanting to do stuff when they want to rather when it suits others. Absolute f*****s. 

That's us! :lol:

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12 hours ago, Dan Steele said:

The bad news is I had a tooth removed at the dentists earlier, the good news is co-codamols are brilliant.

I always found getting a tooth removed to be the least traumatic of the dental treatments. I'd have that over root canal any day.

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27 minutes ago, GordonD said:

Best place to have it done, TBF.

😄 Couldn't find a practitioner of Eastern transcend dental medication.

4 minutes ago, scottsdad said:

I always found getting a tooth removed to be the least traumatic of the dental treatments. I'd have that over root canal any day.

Totally agree, but I always find any visit traumatic. 

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1 minute ago, Dan Steele said:

😄 Couldn't find a practitioner of Eastern transcend dental medication.

Totally agree, but I always find any visit traumatic. 

I still have the same dentist I had when I was a wee boy. 

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Yesterday while going to work I turned onto the slip lane to join the A90 and a car was about 20 yards behind me on the dualer to I braked to let him past. The guy flashed his lights but I was no longer ready to go and he was right on top of me so I sat waiting for him to realise I wasn't going and to get out of my way. Nope, he actually stopped on a busy dual carriageway and started waving his arms at me. I indicated for him just to go but he just kept waving his arms at me so I became more insistent and he finally took off. Couldn't believe someone would just stop on an A class road like that, it's my job to safely join the busy road and his job not to do anything stupid. Madness. 

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23 hours ago, BTFD said:

This might be a thing of the past soon, and maybe not something that happens in the Philippines, but when you end up in a home, try making a bi-weekly journey to the Post Office with the other residents' cards and withdraw their pension for them. Do it at lunch time when everybody's trying to get served before their break finishes. Bonus points for always doing it at the same day & time so the local jakes can work out when there'll be a pensioner wandering the streets with a few grand in cash.

If that's not possible, open half a dozen different bank accounts, and take all the cards to a busy ATM. Insert one, request a printed statement, study it carefully, then repeat for each card. At no point should you withdraw any money, or offer to step aside between transactions. Leave the statements lying at your arse when finished, so everyone in the queue can see you're financially comfortable.

The locals here can teach us a lesson or two on how to piss people off 1) At ATMs; 2) In MacDonald's (or indeed any fast food outlet); 3) at the checkout in supermarkets.  And that's not even the old f***s. 

I'll spare you the details.

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