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Wife is watching some utter shite TV series, Carnival Row I think it's called and it really is terrible. I'm sitting munching on a giant jar of chocolates contemplating getting back on the drink after having a dry day yesterday.

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Not long drove from Edinburgh airport to Clydebank. Weather was fucking atrocious, at one point the rain was so heavy there was zero visibility and every c**t was at a standstill. Counted at least 4 fairly major looking accidents on the way(One overturned van, one two car collision and two motors who just went straight off the road). New underpants required, and also an explanation on how/why Scotlands busiest road was built in such a way that it retains so much surface water for so long after the rain has fucking stopped.

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3 hours ago, Stellaboz said:

Annoying things I've not heard or read in ages:


"You want some?"


"Suits you sir"

"Can you tell what it is yet?" 

Pretending a pen is a cigar and going "Now then, now then.. "




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