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15 hours ago, GrahamJags said:


I'm refraining from watching The Shins' set as I'm seeing them in London on Wednesday, but the setlist looks great and I'm digging the new stuff. Totally agree with BSF on Honeyblood though. Saw them last year and they didn't sound any better than average. Far better and more intense on record, compared to their very dull live show.

The Shins were great, I enjoyed that set much more than when I saw them at the Barras last time. You should have a great time, the new songs sounded terrific live and I've been listening to Heartworms a lot.

Fair enough about Honeyblood I can see why they don't appeal to all, I'm not really that bothered about people jumping about the stage or putting on a 'show', I thought they were both solid musicians and made a lot noise for a two piece. The fact they sound different live isn't a bad thing at all, (in fact it's something people praised Grandaddy's set for), if I wanted to listen to a record I'd listen to a record! :P

The BBC recording doesn't do them justice at all tbf, it sounds very 'hollow' and lacks any weight they carried live. Besides that, it must be difficult to get yourself 'pumped up' for a gig at 6.45.

PS I have spotted myself on the BBC coverage!! :blink:

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They didnt sound different live Tommy, except when Stina was fucking things up. Thats their problem for me.

She made a couple of mistakes aye, most bands do (although if you've seen her do it regularly then you're in better place to judge) but if you think that they sounded anything like they do on record then we'll just leave it there. There's much more than 2 instruments getting played on their studio albums for a start.

Was very funny watching the young guys behind the bar go all doe eyed while they were on!

Felt like there was far too much talking going on all night , annoys me immensely when people go to a concert and blether constantly.
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On 26/03/2017 at 22:01, GrahamJags said:

Thoughts from 6 Music festival this weekend - 

Sparks were absolutely incredible. New stuff sounded great, and the older stuff seems to have benefited with the new band. Amateur Hour was unreal. Future Islands were very good as well. Left about halfway through Goldfrapp because it all got a bit boring.

The layout for the Tramway was a total shambles. Roasting in the venue, but weren't letting anyone outside because it was too rammed. Despite this, Craig Charles' DJ set was fantastic (even though a group of absolute fucking morons were acting the p***ks right next to me), and Temples were decent as well.

The Lemon Twigs were one of the best live acts I've seen this year. Echoing what a previous poster said, I didn't really warm to the album, but they are absolutely nuts live. Almost seemed like show tunes done by a rock and roll band. Was massively disappointed with Car Seat Headrest though. First few songs were good, but all got a bit self-indulgent after about three or four songs. A shame, as I really like their last record.

I'm refraining from watching The Shins' set as I'm seeing them in London on Wednesday, but the setlist looks great and I'm digging the new stuff. Totally agree with BSF on Honeyblood though. Saw them last year and they didn't sound any better than average. Far better and more intense on record, compared to their very dull live show.

Was that the dicks doing the limbo under someone's belt? Other than them Craig Charles was absolutely excellent and arguably my highlight of the whole Saturday.

Would 100% agree about the venue layout being a fucking shambles. Limmy & Shaun Keaveny in a fucking tiny wee room despite knowing that would be a big draw for the crowd was mental decision making from them. Queue was about an hour long and there was no chance I was up for that no matter how much I wanted to see them. Then John Lydon I thought just came across as being a bit of a w****r.

I was then at Honeyblood, Grandaddy & The Shins. Would pretty much echo what others have said. Honeyblood are great on record but need to up their game live. Kind of feels like they're trying to play their set and get off stage ASAP as they are terrified to interact with the crowd. 

Grandaddy were alright live, but I could have done with a seat by that point. 

I really like The Shins, but I think having been out since Friday night with only about 4 hours sleep and about 6 pints of Crossing the Rubicon + multiple shorts I wasn't in the best state to enjoy their set. :lol:


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1 hour ago, well fan for life said:

Was that the dicks doing the limbo under someone's belt? Other than them Craig Charles was absolutely excellent and arguably my highlight of the whole Saturday.

Would 100% agree about the venue layout being a fucking shambles. Limmy & Shaun Keaveny in a fucking tiny wee room despite knowing that would be a big draw for the crowd was mental decision making from them. Queue was about an hour long and there was no chance I was up for that no matter how much I wanted to see them. Then John Lydon I thought just came across as being a bit of a w****r.

Yeah, the very dicks. One of them passed their phone to my mate and asked him to video them so he proceeded to go back with his pals, jump around shouting at the camera for about 10 seconds then took his phone back and just stood there. 

Agreed about John Lydon. Eventually the right call moving that to the big stage, but he seemed like he was just saying things for the sake of a reaction. Made even more evident when he kept looking to the crowd after every statement. Thought he came across like David Brent at times as well with the whole "I'm all about everyone having a voice and being nice to everyone, yeah?" patter.

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Blackberry Smoke tonight at Barrowlands. Seen them twice on Sauchiehall St where they come out for a wander to mingle with the fans. Bumped into Charlie Starr coming out of noodle bar with his dinner. Somehow I can't see them taking in the sights of Gallowgate and Bairns Bar tonight!!!

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Blackberry Smoke tonight at Barrowlands. Seen them twice on Sauchiehall St where they come out for a wander to mingle with the fans. Bumped into Charlie Starr coming out of noodle bar with his dinner. Somehow I can't see them taking in the sights of Gallowgate and Bairns Bar tonight!!!

Blackberry Smoke were superb as usual tonight. Support band The Biters deserve a mention too
As I was leaving Richard the bass player was being escorted to their bus as some mad zoomer was trying to get on the bus asking for any spare change
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