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6 minutes ago, DA Baracus said:

Whilst Father Ted is tremendous, Father Jack is a shite character and is deeply unamusing. He isn't vital to any plot and could be replaced by any one off character. Shouting  'arse' and 'drink' etc feels massively out of place with the type of comedy the show otherwise employs.

Mrs Doyle is the same. Pointless catchphrase shite.

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15 minutes ago, DA Baracus said:

Whilst Father Ted is tremendous, Father Jack is a shite character and is deeply unamusing. He isn't vital to any plot and could be replaced by any one off character. Shouting  'arse' and 'drink' etc feels massively out of place with the type of comedy the show otherwise employs.

Mrs Doyle is the same. Pointless catchphrase shite.

Mrs Doyle is magnificent. She's brilliant in Speed, I love loads of her scenes like when she's trying to guess the priest's name, when they buy her a teasmaid, when she's fighting an old lady to the death to pay the bill in the cafe, following the pop star around, falling off the roof. There's a clutch of Mrs Doyles attached to every Catholic church.

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2 hours ago, DA Baracus said:

Whilst Father Ted is tremendous, Father Jack is a shite character and is deeply unamusing. He isn't vital to any plot and could be replaced by any one off character. Shouting  'arse' and 'drink' etc feels massively out of place with the type of comedy the show otherwise employs.

Mrs Doyle is the same. Pointless catchphrase shite.

It's a bit of a stretch to say that he's not "vital to any plot" when one episode revolves entirely around his assumed death and another is based on his being replaced by another priest. The episode with the three visiting bishops is also massively improved by his input. 

Mrs Doyle gets a pass as she is Villa IRL.

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6 hours ago, DA Baracus said:

As harsh as it sounds; yes, I couldn't give a f**k.

Good on them and it was horrible what they were forced to do, but I just don't give a f**k.

You're steering yourself towards an almighty crash, mate.

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As harsh as it sounds; yes, I couldn't give a f**k.
Good on them and it was horrible what they were forced to do, but I just don't give a f**k.
Really odd opinion, picked the right thread though. In amongst the poppy and remembrance being used a tool these days for the deification of todays armed forces, it should never be forgetten was it was/should be about.

They lads were literally no different to you or I. We cant even imagine the bravery or the horror it would take to leave an office job and pick up a gun, and we cant imagine it because they did it.

I find it odd that you are so anti this stuff in other threads if its not because you are sickened by the b*****disation of the memory of true, actual heroes. The reason I dont care for the remembrance stuff anymore is exactly that. Its no longer about what it should be.

Anyone with an ounce of sense views the British Army and its colonial, slave driving past with the contempt it deserves but the guys who fought in the two World Ward werent really the British Army were they? They were folk like us.
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2 hours ago, Bairnardo said:

Really odd opinion, picked the right thread though. In amongst the poppy and remembrance being used a tool these days for the deification of todays armed forces, it should never be forgetten was it was/should be about.

They lads were literally no different to you or I. We cant even imagine the bravery or the horror it would take to leave an office job and pick up a gun, and we cant imagine it because they did it.

I find it odd that you are so anti this stuff in other threads if its not because you are sickened by the b*****disation of the memory of true, actual heroes. The reason I dont care for the remembrance stuff anymore is exactly that. Its no longer about what it should be.

Anyone with an ounce of sense views the British Army and its colonial, slave driving past with the contempt it deserves but the guys who fought in the two World Ward werent really the British Army were they? They were folk like us.

Can't disagree with any of that.

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Vodka and coke is the shittest drink combination imaginable. 

Was at a party in Dumfries in my youth. Only thing they had to drink was Peach Schnapps and Irn Bru.

Vodka n coke is the nectar of Gods when compared to that combo. Can still taste it near 30 years on.
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The cheaper the better. I remember drinking it with one of my mates when I was about 18, i feel pretty uncomfortable talking about it to this day. It was fucking horrendous.

Get yourself a can of Iraqi whiskey

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31 minutes ago, ICTChris said:


Get yourself a can of Iraqi whiskey



You're not leaving us much to work with in the background of those photos. Next time can you have some dirty clothes strewn about or The Sun lying on a table. 

Anway, Jaigermeister is the worst drink known to man. Absolutely horrific yet I always seemed to have a tray of Jaegerbombs land on my table no matter what company I kept. That's why I emigrated. 

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12 hours ago, DA Baracus said:

See all the folk who fought in actual meaningful wars that genuinely defended our democratic freedoms (i.e. WW2); I couldn't give a f**k about 'their sacrifice'.


12 hours ago, DA Baracus said:

As harsh as it sounds; yes, I couldn't give a f**k.

Good on them and it was horrible what they were forced to do, but I just don't give a f**k.

Agree with Bairnardo in terms of my view of the poppy stuff nowadays and how it’s used, but the above is pathetic. Especially when coming from a workshy, lazy bum who complains mercilessly about having to do an easy admin job.

Throbber is correct, you don’t know how easy you have it.

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2 minutes ago, Bairnardo said:
4 minutes ago, Melanius Mullarkey said:
Modern Chemical Industries Company Whisky.

The entire back of the can could have been taken from the Simpsons....

I once nearly bought a bottle of “Bagpipe Whisky” from a dodgy offie in Delhi but at least they had the decency to name the alcohol as being ethanol.

Mmmmmmmm ethanol.

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