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A lot of the humour is at the expense of the ‘gang’ and their attitudes. The episode with the male nanny, the humour is at the expense of Ross and his reaction to him. The same with Chandler and his dad - there are also jokes about Chandlers mum and the point of it is that the divorce and upbringing has created his character.

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A lot of the humour is at the expense of the ‘gang’ and their attitudes. The episode with the male nanny, the humour is at the expense of Ross and his reaction to him. The same with Chandler and his dad - there are also jokes about Chandlers mum and the point of it is that the divorce and upbringing has created his character.

Indeed. A lot of people miss the point of the male nanny thing.

The three of them get upset at a man being a nanny and then spend the rest of the episode doing girly things to the point Ross breaks down in tears at the end.

The point being they were being all macho about a male nanny when in actual fact they’re all quite feminine in many ways themselves.

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Yeah would agree that it's over thought now, and include myself in that (by which I mean whenever I think about the show, which is only when prompted like this thread for example).

As I said, I don't think the show ever intended to be offensive/homophobic/chauvinistic/etc, the same as many shows of the time.

The characters are still abysmal trash as people though! 

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The story with Chandler and his dad wasn’t Chandler being transphobic.
Chandler had a hard time growing up and being at school with his father who was exuberantly transsexual but he eventually came to accept his dad for who is he.

Also the story with Carol and Susan raising Ben as a same sex couple was pretty rare is the 90s.

Friends was ahead of its time. There’s a reason it’s still popular with people in their 20s.

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2 hours ago, ICTChris said:

A lot of the humour is at the expense of the ‘gang’ and their attitudes. The episode with the male nanny, the humour is at the expense of Ross and his reaction to him. The same with Chandler and his dad - there are also jokes about Chandlers mum and the point of it is that the divorce and upbringing has created his character.


It's the same with the possessive (and pretty creepy) way Ross reacts to Rachel's handsome colleague in one of the early series not long before they break up. I read an article a while ago that it was a poor example of a man being over-bearing and intimidating a woman. But that's the whole point. Ross looks like a complete arsehole as that story unfolds. They ultimately break up and he's chased away a woman he really liked by being an arsehole. It's not endorsing this behaviour.

Like the nanny episode. Ross has backwards views and looks stupid. I think it can only be seen as offensive if you haven't thought it all the way through, and that's the viewer's problem, not the show's.

It's like the 'not that there's anything wrong with that' Seinfeld stuff. I know people who consider that homophobic. It's lunacy, but that's what they think.


Edited by JTS98
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5 minutes ago, Cerberus said:

Also the story with Carol and Susan raising Ben as a same sex couple was pretty rare is the 90s.


Indeed. And they are portrayed sympathetically most of the time. In many of their storylines they are in the right and Ross is being a dick.

But the nuance is good in that it avoids becoming patronising "GAYS ARE GREAT" nonsense by making it clear that Susan is actually a bit of a bellend. Because gay people can be bellends too. It's well-handled, I think.

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The episode was the highest-rated television program for the week, with 31.6 million viewers.[4] According to Marta Kauffman, 'NBC expected thousands and thousands of phone calls and hate mail' but actually received only four complaints by telephone.[5]


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Yeah would agree that it's over thought now, and include myself in that (by which I mean whenever I think about the show, which is only when prompted like this thread for example).
As I said, I don't think the show ever intended to be offensive/homophobic/chauvinistic/etc, the same as many shows of the time.
The characters are still abysmal trash as people though! 

Are they?

To me they are just flawed human beings like anyone else. I have no idea where the hatred towards them comes from.
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The P&B collective opinion on the following subjects is dreadful nonsense and stupidly ill informed. Whilst, as with everything, there are some examples that are true of the stereotype, the majority shows that the P&B popular opinion is wrong.

- Cyclists: Yes, there are folk who fire around in lycra and/or Team Sky tops. So what? How is that any different to wearing a football top? But most cyclists don't wear that stuff, although even if they did, so what?

Some jump red lights and cycle on pavements. Most don't.

The massive, massive rage they cause by delaying folk by 30 seconds is astonishing.

Don't ever form your opinions on a twattish right wing host of Top Gear.

- Students. They don't say 'random' these days. They did in the early 2000s, but it's long since died out. Students aren't lazy layabouts. As a group they really never were. But these days they especially aren't. My experience (which has been interacting with students across college and university courses since 2013) suggests that students are usually pretty committed. As with everything there are exceptions, but in my experience students as a group are no more lazy than people in full time work.

- Rugby. The stuff about pish in a pint glass or similar definitely has happened at some places, and there definitely is a type that will play rugby who is in to that dickhead culture. They tend to be toffs. However, they're a minority these days, and have been for years. The demographic of rugby fans is definitely hugely different to what it was in the 80s and 90s, as folk from every demographic are fans of the sport now. To say that they're all middle class Tory wanks is massively wide of reality. There are of course plenty of such fans at rugby, but there are plenty of such folk at pretty much all sports. Also to say that rugby fans don't care about the result is disingenuous. Maybe some don't, but that would hardly be exclusive to rugby. I used to be raging when the Pars lost, and once was on a total downer for a week. Now I'l be over a result after stepping out the ground. Only fools let football affect their life like that.

- Craft beer. I like it, others don't. Fine. To suggest that folk who like it are some sort of arrogant tossers who drone on about it is totally inaccurate. I don't doubt it happens but in my experience it's very rare. Brewdog seems to have folk here in a fury. In any Brewdog bar I've been in there's been a wide range of folk, like many other bars. They're not full of beardy hipsters who bore you about hops or some shit.

- Tennents. It's fine. I could drink it all day and wouldn't complain. A perfectly decent beer. I personally wouldn't buy it over many others, but would have no issues with it if options were limited. In Arbroath a couple of weeks ago I had many a pint of Tennents. It's so far above shit like a Carling. I really want to do the brewery tour.

However the worst beer snobs and hipsters are definitely Tennents fans on here.

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It may be a coincidence, but the quality of programmes on Comedy Central appears to have diminished considerably since they bought up the Friends back catalogue. Can't remember the last time I bothered looking for anything on that channel. Don't know if they blew their budget for the next ten years on the purchase.

Edited by Pumpkin Escobar
Missed something out.
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It may be a coincidence, but the quality of programmes on Comedy Central appears to have diminished considerably since they bought up the Friends back catalogue. Can't remember the last time I bothered looking for anything on that channel. Don't know if they blew their budget for the next ten years on the purchase.

Apparently the cast members each make $2m a year from syndication rights so it must’ve cost them a few quid to buy it up.
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Guest Moomintroll
Roger Moore was much better as Bond than Sean Connery.
Sean Connery played the character much closer to the original, rapey misogynistic person he was. Roger Moore was clearly taking the piss & his Bond was much better as a result, he had clearly seen the light after that episode of The Saint.
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