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1 minute ago, Savage Henry said:


I think the real issue is that a 16 year old kid is having to take the podium because so many adults have negated their responsibilities on the issue. The fact that so many white men are so outraged by her very existence is great, but most of those men would take offence at anything she said.

I see Donald Trump is now having a pop at her. Good on Greta, I say, but shame on the adults in the “green” movement who have failed to stand up.

Is it not more the case that she's in the news because of who she is, rather than what she's saying?

45 year old white male climate scientist tries to talk about climate change.... BOOORING.

16 year old school girl with Aspergers.... novelty... "out of the mouths of babes" type platitudes and facebook posts.

We probably agree at the root of it. Fair play to her for starting something that sparked people's interest. People are morons for needing their interest to be sparked by her though.

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This is what's going on just now.


Indonesia will do hee haw to change the situation because doing so would require their government to actually think of an economic solution that gives people in the burn zones an alternative way to make money. It's much easier to just turn a blind eye to the situation, claim there's nothing can be done and stand by idly as millions of people are poisoned every year.

The long-term impact of this is heart attacks, cancer and stunted growth. Every year people actually die in August and September because of this haze. Just last week a wee girl died. This is not some far off dystopian future. This is happening this very instant and it happens every year.

Indonesia is far from alone. Governments and corporations the world over are choosing to poison the planet and kill people to make money.

This time next year exactly the same thing will be happening here. Children are growing up with this. Many of them will die early because of it.

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59 minutes ago, Stellaboz said:

Nah doesn't count mate. If it's not the gammon children that are getting fucked, it doesn't count. So nothing to worry about...

I think they would even sell their kids future to get a bit extra cash.

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Much of the anger with her parallels very closely what was directed at the Stoneman Douglas survivors when they decided to campaign for gun control.

The vitriol about her is part of the dreary, inexorable March of the culture wars. Lots of the usual suspects also like to create outrage on the back of her building their personal brands as horrible Col Blimps. That works both ways as well, people then automatically back her because of who is slating her and everyone turns up the dial until you have one side saying she is a dead eyed Nazi and the other saying she is Jesus.

I try not to think about the present in terms of how future generations see us but I can’t help wondering what will happen in ten years if we aren’t all on fire and reenacting Mad Max. We will look back on this and a few other things in a puzzled manner.
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This is what's going on just now.
Indonesia will do hee haw to change the situation because doing so would require their government to actually think of an economic solution that gives people in the burn zones an alternative way to make money. It's much easier to just turn a blind eye to the situation, claim there's nothing can be done and stand by idly as millions of people are poisoned every year.
The long-term impact of this is heart attacks, cancer and stunted growth. Every year people actually die in August and September because of this haze. Just last week a wee girl died. This is not some far off dystopian future. This is happening this very instant and it happens every year.
Indonesia is far from alone. Governments and corporations the world over are choosing to poison the planet and kill people to make money.
This time next year exactly the same thing will be happening here. Children are growing up with this. Many of them will die early because of it.
To be fair it's made the main evening news over here so at least it's not going unnoticed by the rest of the world.
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6 hours ago, Savage Henry said:


I think the real issue is that a 16 year old kid is having to take the podium because so many adults have negated their responsibilities on the issue. The fact that so many white men are so outraged by her very existence is great, but most of those men would take offence at anything she said.

I see Donald Trump is now having a pop at her. Good on Greta, I say, but shame on the adults in the “green” movement who have failed to stand up.


Donald trump is many things, but white is not one of them. More terracotta or burnt sienna imo. 

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We've lost the climate change battle.

Earth is fucked. The tipping point has been reached and all we can is try and slow down the damage being done. That's the battle now and we're losing it. 

Money has won out and always will. The biggest contributors to climate change (those doing the most damage) make top much money to even care let alone stop. It's short sighted idiocy but if folk are coining it in they just won't care.

If we could monetise stopping climate change then it would be stopped very quickly.

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16 minutes ago, DA Baracus said:

We've lost the climate change battle.

Earth is fucked. The tipping point has been reached and all we can is try and slow down the damage being done. That's the battle now and we're losing it. 

Money has won out and always will. The biggest contributors to climate change (those doing the most damage) make top much money to even care let alone stop. It's short sighted idiocy but if folk are coining it in they just won't care.

If we could monetise stopping climate change then it would be stopped very quickly.


Agreed, I've been saying for years that whilst we can all do our bit by recycling and trying to minimise our car travel, we're at a point where stopping climate change isn't happening and I think it's more realistic to try and adapt to live in a warmer climate society.

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On 24/09/2019 at 07:47, Bairnardo said:

Because Thunberg is so young, the media have no opportunity to push her off message and sabotage her with sketchy indiscretions from her past, real examples of hypocrisy. There is purity in what she is doing. This is why so many grown adults in positions of power have resorted to trying to belittle her as a child etc. It will get more vicious the more she gets her message across, but it can and never have substance and will just make more and more people look fucking ridiculous.

Case in point, an idiot like Malky digging out a 16 year old lassie because of the mode of transport she used, whilst she was on her way to take strips off the leaders of the planet with billions of eyes watching. Greta Thunberg represents a magnet. One pole attracting millions to her cause, the other pole drawing in idiots and making sure we all know who the idiots are.

I approve.

I was very uncomfortable watching her latest speech and now feel she is being used. She's obviously a very unstable teenage girl and I wish she could take a break from her activism although I doubt this will happen.

If she continues down this road I fear it is going to make her very ill.

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