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1 hour ago, WhiteRoseKillie said:

Well, ferchrissake don't go looking for the level of carcinogens in everday urban air, then. You will lose your shit.

Except there is nothing I can do about breathing in the atmosphere around me, expect for move to the wilderness. Whereas it’s quite easy to actively avoid breathing in people’s second hand smoke.

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5 minutes ago, Honest_Man#1 said:

Except there is nothing I can do about breathing in the atmosphere around me, expect for move to the wilderness. Whereas it’s quite easy to actively avoid breathing in people’s second hand smoke.


On your first point, I live about ten minutes drive from the nearest major retail (2 Huge supermarkets, and the usual M&S, WHS, Sports Direct) and quarter of an hour (30 mins by bus) from the centre of York, with mainline access to the rest of the country. Hardly the wilderness, but when my CO levels were recently tested, my breath didn't even bother the first LED. So one down. 

On your second point, it was always easy to avoid others' second hand tobacco smoke. Either don't go drinking* in pubs, or drink in the extremely popular and cool non-smoking pubs which were all over the place pre-HA2006, because it was such a popular idea**.  

I really do feel for you, though, with Barbecue season coming up. The stats on that smoke should give everyone pause for thought. 

* ..and therefore limit your consumption of a far more dangerous drug, especially if you're looking at "second hand" effects.

** Current guidelines would suggest I have to point out my being facetious here. As an ex-smoker and very occasional drinker, I don't have skin in this game, but as long as the drug is legal, I do think we demonise smokers far too much. The aforementioned outdoor cooking, diesel car drivers (and I drive one, until renewal time gets me onto the hybrid bandwagon), folk who simply drive when they could cycle/walk... they're all fucking your lungs up, mate - and none of them anywhere near the level of industrial pollution, even though we've got next to no industry left. 

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On 22/03/2021 at 11:16, GordonS said:

Ah sorry, I don't mean the teams, I mean the fans. One flight is no biggie, but 5,000 Scotland fans flying to Vienna is another matter.

I thought it was one drop at a time?  You are doing the very thing that you are preaching against here by setting your own arbitary rules.

A one way flight from EDI - LHR = 33 tonnes of CO2.  Even using the worst case studies a large dog is 2.3 tonnes per annum.  Telling people that travel is OK but pets aren't is batshit mental.

Edited by strichener
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1 hour ago, Honest_Man#1 said:

Except there is nothing I can do about breathing in the atmosphere around me, expect for move to the wilderness. Whereas it’s quite easy to actively avoid breathing in people’s second hand smoke.

There's nothing you can do to improve the atmosphere? I'm not sure I believe you. 


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17 hours ago, Honest_Man#1 said:

These places still exist, albeit in far fewer numbers. They baffle me, as it’s a genuinely mental thing to do to actively put off people from giving you money. A while ago in Ayr I went into one of the pubs on the North of the river as part of a pub crawl for one of my mates’ leaving nights, and the old guy sitting at the bar was fucking seething at a group of younger guys being in the place. Making wild comments/accusations about us being posh boys just wanting to see how poor people live etc. Just wanted to buy a few pints tbh mate, and would’ve increased the pubs take for the night at least tenfold, but quickly left after 1 round instead.

I still mind going on a subcrawl and rocking up to the Grapes Bar and the first thing we heard was one of the boys at the bar saying "spoke too soon" which is... Discouraging. He quickly left and it was just 10 of us and a guy in a Stone Island jacket staring at us while he drank his pint. Was even more odd when 20 minutes later the woman manning the bar invited us behind the bar for a big photo! 


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3 minutes ago, NotThePars said:

I still mind going on a subcrawl and rocking up to the Grapes Bar and the first thing we heard was one of the boys at the bar saying "spoke too soon" which is... Discouraging. He quickly left and it was just 10 of us and a guy in a Stone Island jacket staring at us while he drank his pint. Was even more odd when 20 minutes later the woman manning the bar invited us behind the bar for a big photo! 


On the first P&B SubCrawl one of the Rangers pubs at Paisley Road were furious about 20 people turning up when there was only 2 folk in the pub. Wouldn't turn on the lights for the toilets downstairs and some skinhead hardman gave a reluctant nod to the waitress to indicate she was allowed to serve us. Shitehole. Baffling.

Went into the Loudon once, the original one on Alexandra Parade, on a pub crawl once, just me and one other and some old jakey outside tried to stop us going in. Accused us of being "undercover journalists".

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5 minutes ago, Pato said:

Cigarette butts are endocrine disruptors and because a lot of them end up in waterways they can do quite a bit of harm to wildlife.

Anyway the funniest thing about the smoking ban isn't groups of folk outside pubs its folk in hospital gowns and drips sooking on a cigarette outside the entrance. Tick fucking tock.

And now they have to wheels themselves way off the actual hospital site before they can spark up its excellent.

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16 minutes ago, Sweet Pete said:

On the first P&B SubCrawl one of the Rangers pubs at Paisley Road were furious about 20 people turning up when there was only 2 folk in the pub. Wouldn't turn on the lights for the toilets downstairs and some skinhead hardman gave a reluctant nod to the waitress to indicate she was allowed to serve us. Shitehole. Baffling.

Went into the Loudon once, the original one on Alexandra Parade, on a pub crawl once, just me and one other and some old jakey outside tried to stop us going in. Accused us of being "undercover journalists".

Bizarre as f**k. In fairness to the Grapes, they were brand new every other time and the woman at the bar was class when the two guys disappeared. Nobody had anything to say about my Muslim pal killing himself laughing at the Afghan "Kabul Loyal" flag and us getting pictures with it either.

Only been to the Southside Loudens. My only memory of the Ibrox was paying 7 quid for two flat pints. The Cessnock one was great tho. The Rangers pubs are the best part of the Subcrawl as well so it's shite if some arse tries to get wide and spoil it. We did get that over at Kinning Park or somewhere tho and ended up in a Republican pub which turned out to be the local of Jacqueline. She spent most of the time we were there telling us Griffiths was her boyfriend... And I believe her!


 Jacqueline for anyone who's unaware or mercifully forgot


Also shouts to the boy who quietly advised me not to stick Depeche Mode on the free jukey in the Iron Horse or whatever it's called along the road from the Laurieston. Head's gone from the entire establishment safely averted.

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1 minute ago, virginton said:

Sounds like The Lord Nelson which yeah, the name itself should have been the giveaway.

I was steaming and at the wind-up. Felt comfortable that I could reload the save and avoid if it went bad.

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On 05/04/2021 at 14:45, ICTChris said:

Yeah, I have been on a few smoking planes when I was a little kid.  My dad used to take me into the office sometimes when I was a nipper, everyone smoked.  When he ran his own busienss we were clearing one of the offices and when we took the pictures down there were brown borders on it from all the tar and smoke.  

My dad smoked when we were kids and he always smoked in the house, no-one thought anything of it.  When we went and visited people they would cheerily give him an ashtray, even if they were non-smokers.  It wasn't that long ago but imagine showing up in someones house and smoking now. 

This is very similar to my own experience.

In my first proper job, we had a small drawing office complete with clerk and cabinet of masters (all the master drawings were transparencies, for my first year there). A contract draughtsman and the DO clerk were both cigarette smokers, and an incident occurred where a hole was burned through several master drawings that were hanging in the suspension cabinet, clearly in a position that indicated the drawings were pushed by a hand brandishing a cigarette.

Could have been either of them, but the DO clerk was livid because of his generally livid personality the allocation of half the "Schrödinger blame" to him. This was exacerbated (to the ill-disguised glee of us youngsters - and I suspect the better disguised glee of the grown-ups) by the slobbish contract draughstman pointing out to anyone who would listen that it was "impossible to tell which one of us did it!" - as though that made him definitely blameless in some way.

The chief draughtsman in that place was quite a dapper fellow, an image enhanced by the way he puffed on and gestured with his pipe the whole day long.

Different times, indeed.

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3 hours ago, The Moonster said:

There's nothing you can do to improve the atmosphere? I'm not sure I believe you. 



I’n assuming you’re being deliberately obtuse here, but no there is nothing I can do as an individual that will alter the quality of the air that I breathe, to any significant degree, in the city centre of Edinburgh. If a large enough number of people did certain things differently then yes of course, but me as an individual, no.

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And now they have to wheels themselves way off the actual hospital site before they can spark up its excellent.
Well yes, in theory the hospitals all have signs up saying "No Smoking on Hospital grounds" but in the several hospitals I've been to in the past couple of years, nobody pays a blind bit of notice to that.
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Just now, Salvo Montalbano said:
3 hours ago, 101 said:
And now they have to wheels themselves way off the actual hospital site before they can spark up its excellent.

Well yes, in theory the hospitals all have signs up saying "No Smoking on Hospital grounds" but in the several hospitals I've been to in the past couple of years, nobody pays a blind bit of notice to that.

I give them dirty looks and saw a load of folk who had presumably smoked their leg(s) off being told to beat it by the security guard, which was good.

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I give them dirty looks and saw a load of folk who had presumably smoked their leg(s) off being told to beat it by the security guard, which was good.
I'm sure there was a hospital in fife somewhere they got rid off the smoking security from the amount of abuse they were getting
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Just now, Empty It said:
9 minutes ago, 101 said:
I give them dirty looks and saw a load of folk who had presumably smoked their leg(s) off being told to beat it by the security guard, which was good.

I'm sure there was a hospital in fife somewhere they got rid off the smoking security from the amount of abuse they were getting

That sounds like a NHS fife solution to the problem, rather than getting the polis out to deal with the fuckers everytime.

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