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25 minutes ago, chomp my root said:

Sorry for the late reply, I've been unemployed and in a complete rut (and probably depressed at one point) and while I was lucky enough to have a family that I could have fallen back on (and did when me and the artist formerly known as Mrs Root parted ways). One of the things that MIGHT have helped was being given a job, as in "this is what you're doing" kind of thing, probably over simplifying it but with hindsight looking for a job seems a bit like a dating website (I've never been on one, not cos I'm so Goddamn beautiful, just been with the same burd for way too long) in that its easy to wait for the 'perfect' gig. 

In Chompland I'd be giving compulsory training for the completely feckless, which would vary, whether its for low self esteem or to learn to read/write or whatever. While its maybe not feasible to guarantee everybody a job, its what we should be aspiring to. I honestly think people are happier when they're 'pulling their weight', most of us have bitched about our jobs, I don't know anyone who is truly happy working but accepting an 'underclass' and writing them off isn't fair either, whichever side of the divide you fall in to. In Chompland the living wage would be enough to motivate people to work, especially combined with the Hitleresque 'not working' diktats. What I would go with though is if the state can't find you a job then you'll get generous dole but you'll be expected to take a job as soon as one can be found for you. I'd also give people who've contributed for so many years 3 months worth of minimum wage dole if they're made redundant, that gives them 3 months to find another job that suits them, if after that they're still on the brew it would be a case of they take what they can and look to get a better gig while doing whatever job they get. Fair, maybe not but its not fair to expect society to bankroll people either, as you say, "f**k knows how to sort all that out", vote Chomp though. :lol:

Do the dole not offer training for the "completely feckless"?

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10 hours ago, chomp my root said:

Sorry for the late reply, I've been unemployed and in a complete rut (and probably depressed at one point) and while I was lucky enough to have a family that I could have fallen back on (and did when me and the artist formerly known as Mrs Root parted ways). One of the things that MIGHT have helped was being given a job, as in "this is what you're doing" kind of thing, probably over simplifying it but with hindsight looking for a job seems a bit like a dating website (I've never been on one, not cos I'm so Goddamn beautiful, just been with the same burd for way too long) in that its easy to wait for the 'perfect' gig. 

In Chompland I'd be giving compulsory training for the completely feckless, which would vary, whether its for low self esteem or to learn to read/write or whatever. While its maybe not feasible to guarantee everybody a job, its what we should be aspiring to. I honestly think people are happier when they're 'pulling their weight', most of us have bitched about our jobs, I don't know anyone who is truly happy working but accepting an 'underclass' and writing them off isn't fair either, whichever side of the divide you fall in to. In Chompland the living wage would be enough to motivate people to work, especially combined with the Hitleresque 'not working' diktats. What I would go with though is if the state can't find you a job then you'll get generous dole but you'll be expected to take a job as soon as one can be found for you. I'd also give people who've contributed for so many years 3 months worth of minimum wage dole if they're made redundant, that gives them 3 months to find another job that suits them, if after that they're still on the brew it would be a case of they take what they can and look to get a better gig while doing whatever job they get. Fair, maybe not but its not fair to expect society to bankroll people either, as you say, "f**k knows how to sort all that out", vote Chomp though. :lol:

Time was when punters who left school with zero qualifications and ambition would be able to fall into a job in the more manual sectors of heavy industry, which doesn't exist to any great extent any more in the UK. Cheers Maggie.

Another avenue for them to go down was joining the forces, but when you consider we've now got a small, highly technical army which could fit inside Old Trafford with no real need for old school cannon fodder, that's closed to them too.

We're now at the stage where there are some families who have had no-one in work for three generations. It's become the new norm - how you break that circle, I don't know.


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1 hour ago, Hillonearth said:

Time was when punters who left school with zero qualifications and ambition would be able to fall into a job in the more manual sectors of heavy industry, which doesn't exist to any great extent any more in the UK. Cheers Maggie.

Another avenue for them to go down was joining the forces, but when you consider we've now got a small, highly technical army which could fit inside Old Trafford with no real need for old school cannon fodder, that's closed to them too.

We're now at the stage where there are some families who have had no-one in work for three generations. It's become the new norm - how you break that circle, I don't know.


Spot on, it has become a cultural thing in some families.  It's a huge societal problem and one that will need massive resources to put right, but it will be in all our interest if we can address it and break the circle of dependency.

However the right wing 'let's just cut/stop their benefits' approach is not a solution and is insulting in its simplicity.

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10 minutes ago, Granny Danger said:

Spot on, it has become a cultural thing in some families.  It's a huge societal problem and one that will need massive resources to put right, but it will be in all our interest if we can address it and break the circle of dependency.

However the right wing 'let's just cut/stop their benefits' approach is not a solution and is insulting in its simplicity.

Sterilization of these types is the only option. We could administer the necessary drugs by lacing Sterling Superkings.

The profits of Sky TV will plummet. Orders of massive corner sofas on hire purchase from DFS will dry up within months.

The population of Scotland will decline to medieval levels.

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1 minute ago, gavin_3110 said:

Sterilization of these types is the only option. We could administer the necessary drugs by lacing Sterling Superkings.

The profits of Sky TV will plummet. Orders of massive corner sofas on hire purchase from DFS will dry up within months.

The population of Scotland will decline to medieval levels.

Let me know when you plan to implement this, I will sell my shares in ASDA and all manufacturers of cheap trainers.

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Spot on, it has become a cultural thing in some families.  It's a huge societal problem and one that will need massive resources to put right, but it will be in all our interest if we can address it and break the circle of dependency.

However the right wing 'let's just cut/stop their benefits' approach is not a solution and is insulting in its simplicity.

So what is the solution?

If people aren't used to working and are therefore used to having all their time to themselves, they are unlikely to want to give that situation up. They've probably filled their day up just nicely. You would have to give them more than a gentle nudge to get them working. You'd have to pretty much force them to do some form of training and the training would have to be worthwhile stuff that would definitely get them a job at the end of it. The job would have to be something that wouldn't bore them to death and have them going on the sick all the time. Basically the hell of the modern workplace where nobody in their right mind actually wants to be. That, and lack of training, are two of the reasons productivity in this country is so low in comparison to other developed countries.

However, they'd be up against other candidates with the same skills and better employment history. You may also have to teach them skills that others take for granted, like good time-keeping, general manners, interview skills.

Given a few different governments have tried and failed to sort this it it makes you wonder if they'll ever sort it. Probably not. It's too difficult and would either take loads of money and resources or a totally draconian response to sort it.
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These are some massive issues you are discussing. 

I think we need to send in Raymond Terrific. 


If The Johnson can't solve it then no-one can.

On the unpopular opinions front: I am bored to fucking death of superhero films. Batman v Superman? seriously? Get to f**k, Hollywood!
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The death penalty is totally justifiable in certain cases.

Pizza is the most bland food ever.

Whiskey is the worst tasting thing ever.

Methadone users should never be allowed to jump the queue in the chemists.

anyone cutting about the shops in their pyjamas should be stripped and tied to a lampost 

The shoot to kill policy on the IRA was perfectly warranted

you should never hit a woman, no matter how much of a bitch she is. 

No matter the speed i'm doing in my car, everyone going slower is an idiot and everyone going faster is a maniac

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6 minutes ago, Mr Pikey said:

The death penalty is totally justifiable in certain cases.

Pizza is the most bland food ever.

Whiskey is the worst tasting thing ever.

Methadone users should never be allowed to jump the queue in the chemists.

anyone cutting about the shops in their pyjamas should be stripped and tied to a lampost 

The shoot to kill policy on the IRA was perfectly warranted

you should never hit a woman, no matter how much of a bitch she is.

No matter the speed i'm doing in my car, everyone going slower is an idiot and everyone going faster is a maniac

An ex-psycho bitch of mine flew at me with a massive steak knife when I was 17 and I knocked her clean out.

Perfectly justified imo.

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35 minutes ago, Scary Bear said:


So what is the solution?

If people aren't used to working and are therefore used to having all their time to themselves, they are unlikely to want to give that situation up. They've probably filled their day up just nicely. You would have to give them more than a gentle nudge to get them working. You'd have to pretty much force them to do some form of training and the training would have to be worthwhile stuff that would definitely get them a job at the end of it. The job would have to be something that wouldn't bore them to death and have them going on the sick all the time. Basically the hell of the modern workplace where nobody in their right mind actually wants to be. That, and lack of training, are two of the reasons productivity in this country is so low in comparison to other developed countries.

However, they'd be up against other candidates with the same skills and better employment history. You may also have to teach them skills that others take for granted, like good time-keeping, general manners, interview skills.

Given a few different governments have tried and failed to sort this it it makes you wonder if they'll ever sort it. Probably not. It's too difficult and would either take loads of money and resources or a totally draconian response to sort it.


I don't know what the solution is, my main point is pointing out the stupidity of people who claim that there are simple remedies.  There are not simple remedies because this is a huge, complex, multi-layered and multi-faceted issue.

I agree that it would take massive financial resources (and I mean massive) and, yes, probably some Draconian measures.  Personally I would like to see an investment of that magnitude because the 'do nothing' option will exacerbate the problem.  However I can imagine the reaction amongst the right-wing and the reactionaries, not to mention the MSM, if we tried to spend vast sums on this, even on a pilot project.


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23 minutes ago, Mr Pikey said:

Methadone users should never be allowed to jump the queue in the chemists.

No matter the speed i'm doing in my car, everyone going slower is an idiot and everyone going faster is a maniac

Heh. The latter one is certainly true. 

But the former. If I ran a chemist, I'd want to get the junkies out of my nice shop ASAP, rather having them milling about eyeing up stuff to steal and intimidating the paying customers. 

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41 minutes ago, Mr Pikey said:

The death penalty is totally justifiable in certain cases.

Pizza is the most bland food ever.

Whiskey is the worst tasting thing ever.

Methadone users should never be allowed to jump the queue in the chemists.

anyone cutting about the shops in their pyjamas should be stripped and tied to a lampost 

The shoot to kill policy on the IRA was perfectly warranted

you should never hit a woman, no matter how much of a bitch she is. 

No matter the speed i'm doing in my car, everyone going slower is an idiot and everyone going faster is a maniac


29 minutes ago, throbber said:

Male domestic abuse problems are very common and if a psycho woman is attacking her man than he has every right to punch her back what else is he supposed to do?


24 minutes ago, Bairnardo said:

The commonly held belief that you should never hit a woman is a perfect example which proves that men and women are NOT equal. Not saying one is better than the other, they are just very very different beings.

Of course a woman should be paid the same as man for doing the same job to the same standard, but how often is it the case that for the exact reason of being a woman, she is not able to do so? A lot id imagine. And again, not saying better or worse, just different.

So I guess a possibly unpopular opinion is that the equality drive so prevalent in the media just now is a load of picking and choosing bullshit.

Hammock incoming

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As long as you hit the target, there is no such thing as a bad penalty, it all depends on what the keeper does. If you roll it into the bottom corner and the keeper guesses wrong, you look like a hero, if he guesses right, you're a pantomime villain.

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I've been punched by four or five women. I think they're just harder than me. I've sparred with girls at boxing too. That's a strange dynamic as they're trying to punch your lights out and you don't want to patronise them by not hitting them but you can't go giving them a black eye. 

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