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Out of the mouth of babes...


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One of our cats was in a fight with a snake a few months ago, and it was injured.  There is no way I was going to wring its neck, I wouldn't even know where the neck starts and finishes on a snake.  I used a wooden stake to finish it off.  

Edited by hk blues
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2 hours ago, hk blues said:

One of our cats was in a fight with a snake a few months ago, and it was injured.  There is no way I was going to wring its neck, I wouldn't even know where the neck starts and finishes on a snake.  I used a wooden stake to finish it off.  

There was a big f**k off snake under my house when the wee man was just born.  I thought it was coming in the house to eat him.  So I sprayed it with deodorant until it was confused, then chopped it's head of with a hoe.  Threw it in the river, neighbours were running a mile, they are all shitbags.  Headless snake and they were still all screaming.  Complete roll reversal, I  was the jungle man, they were become all city slicker westerns.  :thumbsdown.   Now I cook them.

ETA - I cook the snake, not the neighbours.  I'm no madman.

Edited by SlipperyP
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11 minutes ago, SlipperyP said:

There was a big f**k off snake under my house when the wee man was just born.  I thought it was coming in the house to eat him.  So I sprayed it with deodorant until it was confused, then chopped it's head of with a hoe.  Threw it in the river, neighbours were running a mile, they are all shitbags.  Headless snake and they were still all screaming.  Complete roll reversal, I  was the jungle man, they were become all city slicker westerns.  :thumbsdown.   Now I cook them.

ETA - I cook the snake, not the neighbours.  I'm no madman.

We don't get many, I've only had 2 in my area in the past 6 years. Saying that,  my mate's wife was having a square go with one last week - both my mate and their son were standing well back (as were me and the wife).   

I have tried snake soup in China but wasn't a fan!

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3 minutes ago, hk blues said:

We don't get many, I've only had 2 in my area in the past 6 years. Saying that,  my mate's wife was having a square go with one last week - both my mate and their son were standing well back (as were me and the wife).   

I have tried snake soup in China but wasn't a fan!

I used to work here https://www.billabongsanctuary.com.au/  had many an encounter with snakes.

Snake is better when fried with lots of chilli.  Not a fan of snake soup.


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4 hours ago, hk blues said:

One of our cats was in a fight with a snake a few months ago, and it was injured.  There is no way I was going to wring its neck, I wouldn't even know where the neck starts and finishes on a snake.  I used a wooden stake to finish it off.  

I can't be the only one reading this, and being terrified at the idea of vampire snakes.

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A wee coal tit flew into our living room window last year and stunned itself. It was lying on a bush in the front garden. The missus spots it and says “might as well put it out if it’s misery then, I’ll get you a big rock”.

Picked the wee fella up, gave him a stroke, he shat on my hand and flew off.

Think the missus was disappointed tbh.

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37 minutes ago, Melanius Mullarkey said:

A wee coal tit flew into our living room window last year and stunned itself. It was lying on a bush in the front garden. The missus spots it and says “might as well put it out if it’s misery then, I’ll get you a big rock”.

Picked the wee fella up, gave him a stroke, he shat on my hand and flew off.

Think the missus was disappointed tbh.

She was taking to the tit.

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59 minutes ago, Melanius Mullarkey said:

A wee coal tit flew into our living room window last year and stunned itself. It was lying on a bush in the front garden. The missus spots it and says “might as well put it out if it’s misery then, I’ll get you a big rock”.

Picked the wee fella up, gave him a stroke, he shat on my hand and flew off.

Think the missus was disappointed tbh.

She's maybe got a taste for the old ultraviolence. One of my mum's relatives liked to go for long walks in rural Perthshire and would tell stories about the animals she'd "put out of their misery" on her travels. She told me about seeing a cat by the road near her house that had clearly been run over, so she grabbed a pointy stick and decided to "run it through it's head" to stop it suffering. She got within a few feet when it got up and ran off; definitely seemed a bit disappointed.

Heard Billy Connolly tell a similar tale years later, which was funnier and less likely to leave a young child terrified that someone might decide to put them out of their misery when they were sleeping  :mellow:

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2 hours ago, Melanius Mullarkey said:

A wee coal tit flew into our living room window last year and stunned itself. It was lying on a bush in the front garden. The missus spots it and says “might as well put it out if it’s misery then, I’ll get you a big rock”.

Picked the wee fella up, gave him a stroke, he shat on my hand and flew off.

Think the missus was disappointed tbh.

Why, is she the one who usually shites on your hand?

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5 hours ago, hk blues said:

This one was!

@Jacksgranda is correct, snakes are not slimy, they may look it, but when held, they are more or less smooth but have traction/grip to them them can be very unnerving. 

I have a photo of me at the billabong with a massive boa, must have been at least 3 metres long all round me.  If it went for, I'm sure it would have got the fight of it's life, then won. However, it was well fed and quite docile.

Other story I have of big snakes......I was on my moped heading to the local shop about 2km away, when a big dog came out of nowhere to challenge my riding skills, I was in no mood, for a square go, so put the foot down to get away, as you know they run faster....I then hit a massive boa that was strung right over the 2 lane road, fell of the motorbike, to look back expecting the dog to be on me.  Little shitebag had noticed the snake as was running the opposite way.   Snake hardly moved.

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