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The Walking Dead

King Kebab

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On 01/11/2016 at 18:07, RandomGuy. said:

Also, surprised that one of thee slower, character introducing/building, episodes didn't get the usual response of "boring shite, thats me done with this show now, won't ever watch it again" from some folk on here. Maybe they actually did stop watching after one of the hundred times they threatened it <_<

Maybe not...

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I actually think Negan is decent, a much better bad guy than the Governor. Will be interesting to see how Daryl gets out of his situation, as it doesn't look like he is gonna make it out alive.

He will though as TWD is far too safe a show to kill him off. It takes away from the drama somewhat when you know there's no danger he'll be killed off.
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3 hours ago, 19QOS19 said:

He will though as TWD is far too safe a show to kill him off. It takes away from the drama somewhat when you know there's no danger he'll be killed off.




Are we not just two episodes removed from two of the main characters - one of whom has been in from the very first episode - being brutally beaten to death with a barbed wire baseball bat by the guy currently keeping him captive?

Enjoyed last night's episode, I liked the development of Dwight, and the simmering tension between he and Negan was well portrayed. Dwight as his reluctant lapdog.

Early bells, but Negan looks like he's going to be by far the best villain the show has had. It's completely believable that someone that's as charismatic and simultaneously capable of extreme violence without remorse would thrive and take command in a situation like they've found themselves. He's exactly the sort of person that people scared and looking for answers would gravitate to - much like Ezekiel said in the last episode - and once the snowball starts rolling down the hill, it's only going to get bigger. Someone mentioned him having many enemies, but you could see from his "grunt work" comment to Dwight, it's unlikely he puts himself in many dangerous situations when he has plenty of followers to do it for him. The Saviours are essentially a cult, and he's the all powerful leader. Hope he's in it for a long time.

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I thought it was a good episode , at least compared to lasts weeks which was total garbage.  I wonder how long they will keep making this for?- I think the comic book is still getting made  - so I suppose they have the material to make plenty more. I hope they dont - it would be better if they wrapped it up in the next couple of years before it becomes utter shit. Its already a bit shit these days , its a bit like watching Emmerdale sometimes.

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Are we not just two episodes removed from two of the main characters - one of whom has been in from the very first episode - being brutally beaten to death with a barbed wire baseball bat by the guy currently keeping him captive?

Glenn's death was only a shock because we all expected one guy to be pummelled. When he was thumped I was more of the opinion - "Eventually". The time when we all thought he had been eaten was really shocking at the time and they really should have written him off there and then. He had that many escapes that it was an eased in death IMO.

Abraham was a good character so it was pretty disappointing to lose him but it certainly wasn't a shock. The only 3 characters that won't die* are Daryl, Rick and Michonne. I'd put good money on this. They are safe because they seem to have some kind of fanbase.

I'm absolutely certain Daryl won't die while in Negan's custody. It just won't happen. As a result, the suspense is really taken away from his capture.

For me TWD had a massive opportunity to really f**k shit up at the start. Had they killed off one of those 3 folk would have really been watching and thinking "Anyone can go here". They didn't though. They played it safe.

* Perhaps in the last episode or two, but not before.
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2 hours ago, 19QOS19 said:

The only 3 characters that won't die* are Daryl, Rick and Michonne



Those involved have suggested only Rick and Carol will make it the whole way

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Those involved have suggested only Rick and Carol will make it the whole way

Hypothetically if that were true then I'd be almost certain the Daryl and Michonne wouldn't be killed until the last or second last show.

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Just now, 19QOS19 said:



Hypothetically if that were true then I'd be almost certain the Daryl and Michonne wouldn't be killed until the last or second last show.



I'm not convinced. Michonnes just become Ricks love interest, which equals death

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I'm not convinced. Michonnes just become Ricks love interest, which equals death

I wish I had your optimism. I'd genuinely love her or Daryl to be killed off. I don't mind the characters I just want that buzz I used to get watching the show. When it began the only person you were certain would avoid death was Rick.

A character like Shane dying was for me at the time a big shock. He was such a big part of the show early on. It's slowly but surely became very safe I think. And as I said earlier. If they kill of Daryl with Lucille then everyone is warned not one is safe.

Or to put it another way. Had Negan killed Michonne then I'd be glued to the Daryl episode as I would genuinely be 'concerned' about his life.
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I wish I had your optimism. I'd genuinely love her or Daryl to be killed off. I don't mind the characters I just want that buzz I used to get watching the show. When it began the only person you were certain would avoid death was Rick.

A character like Shane dying was for me at the time a big shock. He was such a big part of the show early on. It's slowly but surely became very safe I think. And as I said earlier. If they kill of Daryl with Lucille then everyone is warned not one is safe.

Or to put it another way. Had Negan killed Michonne then I'd be glued to the Daryl episode as I would genuinely be 'concerned' about his life.

The amount of spoilers that go about ruin things now. I can't remember anyone predicting Shane or Andrea's deaths, yet Glenn was named as dying by Negan for about a year before he did.
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2 minutes ago, RandomGuy. said:

The amount of spoilers that go about ruin things now.


Agree with this. I remember the day of the season 7 premiere, I was avoiding Facebook and Twitter like the plague, but heard someone in work talking about Abraham dying. So I thought "f**k it" went onto Twitter and saw a load of people talking about Glenn dying too. I was raging!

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On 11/8/2016 at 22:05, RandomGuy. said:


The amount of spoilers that go about ruin things now. I can't remember anyone predicting Shane or Andrea's deaths, yet Glenn was named as dying by Negan for about a year before he did.


Totally agree with that.

It's exactly like GOT, the book/comic book readers pretty much know what's coming. It's only a minority that spoil it, on here its actually alright but if I don't understand something I'll maybe go to youtube for an explanation and unfortunately that is a hornets nest full of plukey wee virgins hell bent on spoiling the shows for everyone.

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13 minutes ago, sergie's no1 fan said:

Totally agree with that.

It's exactly like GOT, the book/comic book readers pretty much know what's coming. It's only a minority that spoil it, on here its actually alright but if I don't understand something I'll maybe go to youtube for an explanation and unfortunately that is a hornets nest full of plukey wee virgins hell bent on spoiling the shows for everyone.

TWD doesnt follow the comics that closely but that just means you end up seeing spoilers that arent actually spoilers

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Things falling into place nicely, now. Can tell some of Ricks folk are going to get themselves/someone else, skelped on the head at some point soon.

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