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King Kebab

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28 minutes ago, bennett said:

They're in a southern state where it's warm, yet negan stoats aboot wearing a leather Fonzy jacket.

DC's in the north chief, where the monthly average varies from 4 to 27.

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It's a shame how far this has fallen. It's been through some peaks and troughs before, but that whole series was just bad, from beginning to end. It was slow, boring and most of it was completely pointless. I think they probably need to call time on it now. Make next series the last, and make it good. 

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22 minutes ago, RandomGuy. said:

Felt like an older episode, and a huge improvement on the rest of the series. The Sasha bits were maybe one flashback/box clip more than needed, and the ending was over egged beyond belief, but I felt genuine tension the moment the rubbish folk heel turned on Rick and somehow completely forgot that this is a zombie show and Sasha would turn if she died, so got a surprise when she burst out.

A bit ridiculous no main character died considering they all had guns to their head, and disappointed to see Carl survive again. Also disappointed Michonne survived, in the first few seasons you'd be expecting her to have died there. A lot of plot protected characters these days though.

I guess the writers probably felt Sasha was a main character. It's just that nobody gives a flying f**k about her.

I also for a moment had completely forgotten that Sasha would have turned though.

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I'm not sure I get the hate. This season along with 6 for me has been hands down the best, far more interesting than oh look lots of dead things, smoosh them!

Characters have been more constant where as in previous seasons they were flipping about from one extreme to the other simply to create 'tension' in the group. 

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Thought that was brilliant, couple things I didn't fully get but it is a show about a zombie apocalypse so I probably don't have much of a point :lol: I'm just struggling to believe how after all that gunfire there wasn't a single walker in sight, and how Sasha, amongst the all the gunfire; a) didn't get shot, and b) walked away from all the noise/people.

Not too surprised to see people not happy with it, still too many words and not enough flashing lights and colours to keep them interested apparently.

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That was a good finale; plenty going on, with various twists and turns (however predictable some may have been). I'm glad Sasha is gone, because she was a bit of a damp squib. It's somewhat surprising that she was regarded by the creators as such a main character that it was felt all those flashbacks/forwards were necessary, particularly given her stunt didn't take out Negan, but they didn't take anything away from the episode as a whole. I'd agree with assessments that there are quite a lot of "meh" characters like her in the show, though none I think are completely shite. It's becoming harder to stay as invested in the "core" main characters - perhaps a slight case of familiarity breeding contempt. 

Looking at it from a wider angle, I'd say the fact the show's floundering a bit can be attributed to three things in the main. For clarity, I'm presenting these as someone who's never read the comics. Firstly, the fact they set the bar so high with an outstanding first few seasons doesn't help their case. Due to the fact the characters were all relatively new (and with other survivors appearing fairly regularly), you were constantly being fed new bits of information about them and had little idea of what the next plot development was set to be or who was going to get bitten/killed, which kept it fresh and exciting. Second is the fact that, as the show's elapsed, it has become increasingly apparent that there's unlikely to be a cure for the infection. In S1 you had the beacon of hope that was the CDC, then the next few seasons saw a lot of new blood/movement/deaths/drama before Eugene, Abraham and Rosita appeared (in S4?) with the promise of getting to Washington. Once that was burst (S5?), it became solely about survival (and in the one place) for the next two seasons. Even with the introduction of the fantastic ultimate b*****d Negan, sizeable losses in Alexandria and the deaths of some popular characters, it just feels a bit stale, particularly with the slow pace of most of S7. Lastly, and another result of the passage of time, is the fact that virtually every main character is now skilled in combat and dealing with walkers. It's another thing which removes a deal of unpredictability. The show does get a fair bit of heat for portraying "the untouchables" getting out of ridiculous situations a fair bit, which is something I'd certainly agree with. It can be difficult to believe some of the decisions they make to get into those scenarios in the first place. Another small point about the show that irks me somewhat is the idealism/(temporary) abandonment of principles in the show: there's the bit above about Sasha fucking off into the forest instead of staying around the gunfire (why did none of Negan's men kill her straight away?), and the fact that we were told a scratch would cause infection - yet we've only ever seen a bite cause someone to turn. Plenty of other examples of similar inconsistencies dotted throughout the show. That's only a minor gripe, though. 

It's hard to imagine a direction they could take it in after the Negan conflict is resolved which would make the show a compelling/worthwhile watch, so unless some drastic game-changer is afoot, I hope they can come up with a good ending and wrap things up fairly soon. 

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I'm, probably in the minority camp that thoroughly enjoyed the entire season but was a bit disappointed by last night's episode.  It just didn't feel like payoff for an entire season to me.  Negan's still stoating about with Lucille in the Savior's sanctuary, barkng out orders.  The only difference is, he's declared war.

I think some people's problem with it is that it's not all action, all the time.  I don't think it could be, nor should it be as it's became increasingly clear that "the walking dead" are the humans who are surviving the apocalypse rather than the walkers and a lot of the focus of the story is about their struggles with what the world has become and who they've lost along the way.

I hope they make many, many more seasons.

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One good thing about the finale was actually seeing Negan on the back foot and looking like he was in danger and scared for his life. Usually you see a cocky guy barking out orders with everyone bowing down at his feet, but it was different last night.

Still don't see the point in the garbage yard people. Strange characters who add nothing to the show. It was obviously they were going to turn on Rick's group when Negan arrived.

Also, and it's probably been mentioned before, but how does Carl manage to shoot anything when he doesn't have a right eye? :lol: 

Edited by IainMorton
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4 hours ago, IainMorton said:

One good thing about the finale was actually seeing Negan on the back foot and looking like he was in danger and scared for his life. Usually you see a cocky guy barking out orders with everyone bowing down at his feet, but it was different last night.

Still don't see the point in the garbage yard people. Strange characters who add nothing to the show. It was obviously they were going to turn on Rick's group when Negan arrived.

Also, and it's probably been mentioned before, but how does Carl manage to shoot anything when he doesn't have a right eye? :lol: 

Was thinking that about Carl as well. He couldn't hit a dartboard earlier on in the series :lol:. Maybe he just goes for the scatter gun approach

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Not too surprised to see people not happy with it, still too many words and not enough flashing lights and colours to keep them interested apparently.

I think some people's problem with it is that it's not all action, all the time.

I'm certainly in the 'Fed Up' camp but it's almost for the entirely opposite reason stated here. I don't expect or want action every single week as I'm a massive fan of character development. One of my most enjoyable episodes of the show was the one that probably got the most slating: the one where it was Beth and Daryl for a whole episode. It opened Daryl's character up and we got to see he was a softer person than he really portrayed,

My problem is that when it's a talking episode it's dull as shit because the characters are just boring. They aren't being developed any further IMO and most of the time they are complaining or moping about: Carol/Sasha/Rosita/Maggie/Lassie with the big jugs and even Michonne this season. It just makes me wish they get wiped out. Maggie and Sasha spent most of the season crying or tending a gravesite FFS.

I actually thought the finale was pretty 'meh'. I think that was because the show is completely predictable (and they let us know Negan would be here for another season). Did anyone GENUINELY think Michonne had fallen from the balcony? At no point did I. And similarly at no point did I think Coral was getting wiped out. The freaks turning on them was obvious from the very first meeting tbh.

Someone has completely nailed it in an earlier post and I think it's literally the reason I'm bored with the show. To begin with they were trying to find a cure or a sanctuary with the cure. Now they are just trying to live. That's what's boring me and makes me think I'll only be satisfied with an ending consisting of a cure being found and an explanation of how it started. Can't see it happening though.

Out of interest, did anyone think Abraham sounded totally different? And on two separate occasions it was said "you're already dead". I sincerely hope those weren't easter eggs. If the ending is something along those lines I think I'd lose the plot :lol:
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