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The Falkirk FC Thread

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Am not saying it is or isnt. What im saying is theres no doubt in my mind wev all said and sang horrible shit in the name of football rivalry, this high horse pish is tedious. Its not like Stubbs died and is being mocked, he had an illness, survived it and remains a fit and healthy young(ish) man

There's plenty normal football reason to slag/have a dig at Alan Stubbs, the fact some Falkirk fans feel the need to bring up his cancer shows how rattled he has them.

Keep it up, Stubbsy.

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Gordon Waddell, is he another one of the Falkirk fans who openly mock cancer survivors?


Who was the Hibs fan who posted on here that that Stubbs was clearly a winner as he didn't die, catching it was just unfortunate?  :lol:

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