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Updates from last night, lifted from a message that was forwarded to myself 
Extremely nervous — gives the air of someone who knew she was in for a hard time. Admitted that mistakes had been made over the past year but that everyone had the club's best intentions at heart. The only mistakes she openly admitted to was that the academy announcement could have been better handled from a PR perspective.
Exciting times ahead off the pitch with the artificial pitch being built which would allow the club to generate extra income. Also the redevelopment of the mezzanine level of the south stand was bringing in extra income.
Admitted she was disappointed with how things worked out but that Hartley came with good references (Alex Smith and Craig Brown were quoted as providing these) and had experience of promotion and consolidating a team in the Premier League (these were the key selection criteria). Was surprised that the summer recruitment was so poor given that the Scout was the same guy who had identified guys like Jakubiak and Robson. Our record in the second half of the season (2nd highest points total being St Mirren) meant the club had faith in Hartley. It was clear from the start of this season that the record was not good enough and that change had to happen.
Never really covered the recruitment issue in much detail but needless to say they think McKinnon is the man to take us forward. They received notice of the SFAs decision to uphold Morton's appeal and are surprised and disappointed. Admitted they had not received full notice of the judgement. ML was unable to represent the club at the tribunal as she is a serving lawyer and as such is barred from appearing before tribunals. The club was represented by a firm of solicitors from Edinburgh.
ML then proceeded to outline the timeline for the academy and basically put the blame at the door of the SFA for 'moving the goalposts' in terms of funding via Project Brave. For the academy to have obtained 'elite status'  it would have been forced to have built an indoor facility which would have only been used for 10 weeks of the year — the club estimated this would cost in the region of £1 million. They explored options of using existing indoor facilities such as Grangemouth (rejected as not big enough) and the Oriam (outwit the 20 mile radius of FFC by 3 miles). The board made a decision that this was not financially viable and given that Stenny and the Shire had pulled funding the academy — the choice was clear that they should stop funding it. It was clear that the academy was entirely separate entity from the club and a consortium of 'local business men' had approached the academy and not the club to continue its funding. This proposal was then brought to the FFC board but would require FFC to provide a player a pathway for all academy kids. FFC was uncomfortable with this and decided not to do it.
FSC were first up with questions saying that the club had made a huge blunder with its statement which essentially branded Falkirk supporters as racists. They demanded a retraction ML body swerved the retraction comment but stated that the club had a duty of care to its employees and had to send a strong message that racism was unacceptable. It was then suggested the club had jumped the gun with condemning supports until guilt had been proven. ML said it was her understanding the Police enquires into the incident were still ongoing so this wasn't finished.
Ray McKinnon didn't make a statement but said he was more than happy to take questions. The football strategy is that he wants a first team squad of 20 (including two GKs) made up of players who are capable of playing in the top 4 of the Championship or bottom half of the Premiership. He wants a reserve squad of 10 (including one GK) who are capable of filling in gaps in the first team if required. Vital that all players in both squads have a medium to high chance of becoming sellable assets. Wants to move on 6-8 players in January and bring in a similar number. The board have made extra funds available (from cash reserves) to allow him to get players without being contingent on selling people first. Doesn't expect to get any money for any of those he wants to move on. Felt decision to move on guys like Owen-Evans and Froxylias was clear — didn't think the guys were of sufficient quality for FFC. McKinnon says he has a strong recruitment network and would watch every player personally. He has been to England many times as has Darren Taylor and let slip he was recently at a Blackburn Rovers game. He spoke to a potential player yesterday and is confident of getting that over the line. He also has someone coming into training on Friday and he is speaking regularly to agents and contacts (people he trusts). Admitted that January is very difficult to get players in as all the best ones are under contract at other clubs or there is fierce competition for the free agents.
Have over £600k in the bank and the club made a small profit last year (£130k) however this is set against losses for the past two financial years. The profit is largely driven by money received as part of transfer fees (Tony Gallacher, Stephen Kingsley transfer to Hull and Will Vaulks 50th appearance for Rotherham). The events at the stadium also bring in around £125k with zero risk to the club. There was also a small cost saving decision to withdraw funding for the academy. There is also still money out there which potentially could come our way. If Biabi appears for Swansea first team then we'll get £125k. Other payments will also be triggered if Gallacher features for Liverpool first team or Will Vaulks makes it to 100 appearances for Rotherham. Speculation that Vaulks may move on to bigger things so that will also trigger a payment. The club will dip into the £600k cash reserves to support McKinnon in January. Commercial avenues are drying up and difficult to squeeze more cash out of a small pool of sponsors. Club needs to diversify but recognition that KK had done well in difficult circumstances.

KK for chairman.
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16 minutes ago, Believe The Hype said:

Dallison Lewis Haber Fasan Russell Dumbuya O'Hara there's 7 easy options right away. Then you've got guys like rudden and irving who may be included plus Buaben whose contract is up. Then utter mince like kidd and mckee. 6-8 is a smaller figure. 

Miles away 

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17 minutes ago, PG.Colossus said:

KK for chairman.

He certainly has been an asset for the club, I met with him and was very impressed. 

However, I'm still awaiting the fucking apology statement for the false accusations, the case isn't still on going that's pish, the suspect has been been issued a warning on the lesser charge because they couldn't find f**k all to make it stick. If it was on going he'd be charged or it sent to the PF. 

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Because at the moment at least we have the MSG to stop idiots voting down directors appointments. With this model, we'll end up with well-meaning but completely useless individuals promising the earth and delivering nothing(or worse).
If a prospective director came along tomorrow promising to reopen the academy and invest £1 million in the squad, our fans would buy it like it's Black Friday. No matter that's it's completely undeliverable and would destroy the club.
I wouldn't trust the people on the COYB facebook page to run a bath never mind a multi-million pound business.

Again uttering garbage with no understanding of the facts.

This selection of office bearers hasn’t even been finalised however skill set and experience will be essential to anyone wishing to join the board.

Only people with the appropriate skill sets will have to opportunity to be selected would be my understanding.

you do realise we are bottom of the league, the worst full time team in Scotland and owned by a bunch of old men who have no interest in driving the club forward.

If this fails to take off (I don’t think it will) we are going no where and fast.

Why not support the people driving this rather then slaughter a plan from behind your keyboard and see how it develops. It is not finalised yet and things are to be iron out but the theory is sound and the Patron idea has already generated plenty interest.
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He certainly has been an asset for the club, I met with him and was very impressed. 

However, I'm still awaiting the fucking apology statement for the false accusations, the case isn't still on going that's pish, the suspect has been been issued a warning on the lesser charge because they couldn't find f**k all to make it stick. If it was on going he'd be charged or it sent to the PF. 


I believe the feds visited 4 people in the last week who were near the guys who were wrongly accused. Everyone allegedly heard no racist remarks.



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49 minutes ago, Poet of the Macabre said:

Actually surprised the board are willing to hand over more cash after the previous manager seemingly wasted so much in the summer. I'm guessing the fear of relegation makes it a risk worth taking.


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£800k of new shares available

Buying in from £10/month

Larger “Patrons” can own up to 100k of shares (7%) max.

Board to be chosen from all shareholders (not sure of mechanism)

Current MSG group shareholding would drop to under 33% if all the 800k is taken up.

Shares will be at 33p.

Looking to launch April

In the short term Patrons (larger donors) will be the key to raising the bulk of the money quickly IMO. I understand that work is well under way with the consortium guys involved.

MSG have agreed in “principle”.

Kenny Jamieson, who I know well, is a great guy, worked at a high level in business is pulling it all together. It will be put together very professionally.

We need to get behind this if we want change IMO.

Sounds exactly what is needed & fully onboard.
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1 minute ago, Stellaboz said:
9 minutes ago, badgerthewitness said:
You seem confident. I trust AJ has you well prepared for the forthcoming relegation dogfight?

Define prepared.

Can you keep hold of AJ until the January window is shut please

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23 minutes ago, Poet of the Macabre said:

"a deep knowledge of the subject matter"

Is every Falkirk fan ITK?

Nope. Just a friend with a great deal of experience in this type of subject matter. These things happen when you get on a bit. The uni mate in accountancy at 24 has a bit of a more senior role at 55. The daft twat who you reckon would never be a solicitor in a month of Sundays turns into one of the best, and goes way further in his chosen profession than you ever imagined possible. That’s how career progression tends to work for the lucky few.

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