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9 minutes ago, notanalias said:

what makes this bid such a mess

Apart from the amount of companies closed, liquidated, sexual harassment cases, no green card for the US and no evidence of any millions or anything to suggest he has any millions.

I think any one of us could have turned up in front of the MSG whats your plan for future of the club

A. re open the academy, go back to grass park, build a fourth stand  oh aye and we have a well known and successful scout working with us  (use Houstie as worked with scouting for Celtic) there you go bid done what everyone wanted to hear.

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I wasn’t at the egm, I just felt that stability was the best option.

What stability is that the club is in free fall. We are in the league below Alloa Arbroath and Morton and struggling . We don’t have any players of any value , we are playing shit football and may make the playoffs in div1. Meanwhile or MSG after years off appointing donkeys to take the flak are proposing to sell the club to dell boy ! Stability really !
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Is there one positive to come out about MC? No. That's telling.

It's at the point where it's not even a punt to sell to him, everything points to disaster.

Fraid so no one other than lex has a good word to say about him !
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2 hours ago, Back Post Misses said:



I live and breath my football club and I have exactly the same fear.


Me Too...….oh wait someone has already used that. 

Might have some relevance mind you with MC's pending sexual harassment court case.

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I had been give knowledge of the 2010 bankruptcy about 3 or 4 weeks ago, lets be honest it wasn't too hard to find,  just wondering why it took so long for others who presumably knew this too, to dump it in here and in the public domain? id be amazed if BPM, BTB etc had no knowledge of this weeks ago, prob months now, especially if they have found 31 failed businesses, why keep that quiet? these kind of games don't help anyone, if anything it just pisses off more real fans looking for answers and not agendas

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23 minutes ago, muppetshow said:

I had been give knowledge of the 2010 bankruptcy about 3 or 4 weeks ago, lets be honest it wasn't too hard to find,  just wondering why it took so long for others who presumably knew this too, to dump it in here and in the public domain? id be amazed if BPM, BTB etc had no knowledge of this weeks ago, prob months now, especially if they have found 31 failed businesses, why keep that quiet? these kind of games don't help anyone, if anything it just pisses off more real fans looking for answers and not agendas

Why didn’t you put it on here weeks ago then? The not so tech savvy fans would’ve had no chance of finding it, seems important given he seems close to having the keys to the club??

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3 hours ago, muppetshow said:

I had been give knowledge of the 2010 bankruptcy about 3 or 4 weeks ago, lets be honest it wasn't too hard to find,  just wondering why it took so long for others who presumably knew this too, to dump it in here and in the public domain? id be amazed if BPM, BTB etc had no knowledge of this weeks ago, prob months now, especially if they have found 31 failed businesses, why keep that quiet? these kind of games don't help anyone, if anything it just pisses off more real fans looking for answers and not agendas

Amazing stuff.

First they get grief for digging up his shady past , now they are getting grief for taking so long to dig up more.




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5 hours ago, Back Post Misses said:


I have said before it would probably start ok with MC but 2/3 years down the line his track record smells of either getting fed up or has made a mess of the business he is in.

There is nothing at all that tells you this guy has been successful at anything.

If you could see some success mixed in with the failure I could cut him some slack but there isn’t.


Come on BPM , Brooklyn Coffee is a big success & he's made a lot of money from it.

The minor details like it hasn't started trading yet should not come into it.

"It's time to take a punt" don't you know. 

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7 hours ago, AGPar said:

Could they really be that spiteful ? 😱 Having said that, could they really be that oblivious to the warning signals around this guy? Perhaps a collective decision has been taken to cut and run as soon as the cash hits the account and to hell with the consequences for the club and supporters.

Campbell is saying tonight that 99% of fans he meets are supportive and the 1% are "more interested in the past". He's suggesting another open meeting. Some of the stuff in the public domain is true, some not, no denial of the bankruptcy. He also says that it's a big decision for the MSG as "some of them have been there 25 years". Eh? What's left to decide? They've decided to sell up and selected him as preferred bigger, if it all checks out, he gets the club. It's scarcely believable that he has got this far down the line. If this has proved one thing it's that neither the present owners not potential future owner are in any way fit to lead the club forward.

So he's met 100 fans & only one cares enough about the club's future to enquire about his dodgy past - wow, his charm offensive is clearly working.

Another open meeting would be perfect for him to vaguely smooze over the dirt . The answers will be along the lines of what we have heard before - messy divorce, I've sold a hotel, there's a lot of money in coffee, some of it's true but that as a long time ago, that wasn't me that was another Mark Colin Campbell with the same birthday, she's lying, oh look at squirrel! Then someone will ask if we are going to be scouting the Highland Leagues & that will be that.     

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On 31/08/2018 at 22:39, superandy_07 said:



"Whurs oor gaffer?"

Unlucks x

I got thinking back to "happier" days and who can forget this absolutely belter of a post from superandy_07? For me, the funniest post I have seen on this thread, if not P & B. It had us all pissin' ourselves (maybe that's just me and my enlarged prostate) and it deservedly garnered greenies galore. I just wish that McKinnon's tenure with us had been as good as this post deserves. F*ck it!

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7 hours ago, MrDust said:

So you are saying all season ticket renewals wanted the MSG to stay ?

Not 100% but it certainly is an indicative number. Whether or not they wanted them to stay is irrelevant. They certainly didnt want them to go enough to make them sit and do nothing for a few weeks rather than act to renew. 

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I had been give knowledge of the 2010 bankruptcy about 3 or 4 weeks ago, lets be honest it wasn't too hard to find,  just wondering why it took so long for others who presumably knew this too, to dump it in here and in the public domain? id be amazed if BPM, BTB etc had no knowledge of this weeks ago, prob months now, especially if they have found 31 failed businesses, why keep that quiet? these kind of games don't help anyone, if anything it just pisses off more real fans looking for answers and not agendas


Another sent on try to discredit fans. I believe this is all coming from one Board member.


Be amazed then as I found out on Monday this week. Sent it to a member of the MSG who didn't know about it either as MC has always denied any bankrupcy.


If BtB knew about it then they didn't tell anyone and certainly not the Club till they did.


The old agenda one again getting thrown. It is also getting kicked about on Twitter too. Those who know me know what I am about that is all that matters.




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I wasn’t at the egm, I just felt that stability was the best option.

If you had been at e EGM you would have how little stability there was.

Directors openly discrediting each other, MSG critical of the BoD, one director denying he knew anything about stuff and a new director speaking about the finance when the man looking after the finance was sat next to him.

If that is what you call stability then I would hate to see turmoil.
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Another sent on try to discredit fans. I believe this is all coming from one Board member.
Be amazed then as I found out on Monday this week. Sent it to a member of the MSG who didn't know about it either as MC has always denied any bankrupcy.
If BtB knew about it then they didn't tell anyone and certainly not the Club till they did.
The old agenda one again getting thrown. It is also getting kicked about on Twitter too. Those who know me know what I am about that is all that matters.
The occasional emergence of new posters on here who wait about 2 posts before digging in to the nitty gritty with names and details available is fucking hilarious.

Honestly have said a few times the board/MSG genuinely think the fans are thick. I would never (among all the things I would call them) have said they were utter thickos befor, but I am starting to wonder now.
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Another sent on try to discredit fans. I believe this is all coming from one Board member.
Be amazed then as I found out on Monday this week. Sent it to a member of the MSG who didn't know about it either as MC has always denied any bankrupcy.
If BtB knew about it then they didn't tell anyone and certainly not the Club till they did.
The old agenda one again getting thrown. It is also getting kicked about on Twitter too. Those who know me know what I am about that is all that matters.

If you think it’s all coming from one board member why don’t you name them?
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See instead of posting the "im a newbie" lies before getting straight down to business, why dont you tell us what your agenda is/who you are? Dont ask BPM for honesty when even your presence here is built on dishonesty

If you think it’s all coming from one board member why don’t you name them?
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