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5 minutes ago, Relegator Ritchie said:

f**k off, you self-opinionated c**t!

“Guys like me” have travelled all over the country following this club through thick and thin all my life. Made sacrifices plenty of others wouldn’t have dreamed of making along the way to make sure I could watch my team on a Saturday. “Guys like me” have gone through every emotion there is to go through. I live and breath this football club and I’ll certainly not be lectured about what I deserve from anyone let alone a p***k like you.


Brilliant - quite the Head's Gone.

The fact that you've followed Falkirk all over the country makes your cavalier approach to its future all the more baffling.  Why on earth would you be prepared to take substantial risks with something that means so much to you?

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24 minutes ago, falkirkzombie said:

OK if you have, were you satisfied with his answers? i cant see any proof he has the kind of money he claims to have.

Did he give you a reason for the bankruptcy? i here his line is "i didn't know i was bankrupt"

has he provided the club with proof of source of funds? (if he said he has , hes lying).



Yes I was satisfied, and I’m saying that as someone who like you, wants nothing but the best for club. He gave me an answer for every concern I had. I’m still cautious but that’s a given considering what’s at stake. We’re all at risk of getting into tit-for-tats with one another on this forum, I’m as guilty of biting back as anyone, but genuinely, have you contacted him directly to ask him for yourself? If you do, and you’re still not satisfied then that is entirely your prerogative and I’d fully respect that. 

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30 minutes ago, Reggie Perrin said:


I never mentioned any of the rants directed at MC, and despite your snidey wee remark about where my (limited) information about Gow came from I absolutely trust the source.

My intention wasn’t to be snidey with you on a personal level, I’m trying to make the point that word of mouth wouldn’t be good enough to gain MC any credibility amongst the support so why should that be any different for Gow?

For the record, I too trust my source who has been in regular contact with Campbell for weeks.

Edited by Relegator Ritchie
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31 minutes ago, Relegator Ritchie said:

Yes I was satisfied, and I’m saying that as someone who like you, wants nothing but the best for club. He gave me an answer for every concern I had. I’m still cautious but that’s a given considering what’s at stake. We’re all at risk of getting into tit-for-tats with one another on this forum, I’m as guilty of biting back as anyone, but genuinely, have you contacted him directly to ask him for yourself? If you do, and you’re still not satisfied then that is entirely your prerogative and I’d fully respect that. 

Would you like to share some of his answers? it would maybe put a few others at ease with the deal.

I haven't contacted him myself but have read plenty of reply's of his to those who have, his answers mostly consisted of "cant discuss that because of NDA" and a lot of "trust me , it will be fine" nothing has said to date had put my mind to rest.

The clubs needs change, in that i am in no doubt but handing over 62% of our club to an unknown "business man" with no track record of success in any of the multiple fields he has operated in is not the way forward, If i'm being honest i don't like the the prospect of 1 person owing so much of the club - no matter who it was.

I know he has not provided proof of source of fund to the BOD yet, why is this taking so long?, there are so may unanswered questions about him but please if you have some of the answers folk are looking for please share them.

Edited by falkirkzombie
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1 hour ago, Relegator Ritchie said:

Yes I was satisfied, and I’m saying that as someone who like you, wants nothing but the best for club. He gave me an answer for every concern I had. I’m still cautious but that’s a given considering what’s at stake. We’re all at risk of getting into tit-for-tats with one another on this forum, I’m as guilty of biting back as anyone, but genuinely, have you contacted him directly to ask him for yourself? If you do, and you’re still not satisfied then that is entirely your prerogative and I’d fully respect that. 

Can you share with us these comments by him that have relaxed your fears? Please? I genuinely want to know.

You’re so wrong about this being personal against Mark Campbell. It’s not. It’s the opposite. I want nothing more than for our cool new Jeans and trainers wearing owner to see us up the divisions, build a 4th stand, reinstate the academy. It would be incredible, MC would be a hero. It just isn’t gonna feckin happen. Agreeing with monkey tennis, again, as someone who seems to follow the club as much as I do, home and away, with it meaning everything to us, how can you be so reckless with it’s future???

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1 hour ago, gav-ffc said:

Very good listen. 

Shows why a fourth stand should be built as football clubs need to make money bar the other 20 odd match days throughout a season. Rather than rely on money from owners businesses as they can go bust at any time like at Notts County.

Am all for a 4th Stand but only when it is financially viable.

But what has to come first is to buy out the other stakeholders in the Falkirk Stadium and have once again have FFC all the sole owners of the ground they play on.

Once that is done then a 4th Stand and hopefully attached to a Hotel/Sports facility can be part of a development plan.

Building a 4th stand now as you suggest add nothing to the club as long as we minor stakeholders.

That's reasonable !


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11 minutes ago, bairn88 said:

Can you share with us these comments by him that have relaxed your fears? Please? I genuinely want to know.

You’re so wrong about this being personal against Mark Campbell. It’s not. It’s the opposite. I want nothing more than for our cool new Jeans and trainers wearing owner to see us up the divisions, build a 4th stand, reinstate the academy. It would be incredible, MC would be a hero. It just isn’t gonna feckin happen. Agreeing with monkey tennis, again, as someone who seems to follow the club as much as I do, home and away, with it meaning everything to us, how can you be so reckless with it’s future???

You c**t, p***k etc.

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I'm currently doing a report as part of my coursework for Uni and I'm talking about the alienation and commodification in football, I'm speaking about the Wimbledon/MK Dons case and how the move alienated the fans. 

I am also mentioning how that this is going to become a more common thing for teams to move stadium, due to ageing stadiums. How did Falkirk fans feel about the move from Brockville to the new stadium? Any input would be appreciated.

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2 hours ago, bairn88 said:

Can you share with us these comments by him that have relaxed your fears? Please? I genuinely want to know?

You’re so wrong about this being personal against Mark Campbell. It’s not. It’s the opposite. I want nothing more than for our cool new Jeans and trainers wearing owner to see us up the divisions, build a 4th stand, reinstate the academy. It would be incredible, MC would be a hero. It just isn’t gonna feckin happen. Agreeing with monkey tennis, again, as someone who seems to follow the club as much as I do, home and away, with it meaning everything to us, how can you be so reckless with it’s future???

All valid points. I think the only way I can answer your last point is by saying I never thought I’d see the day where I point blank refuse to step foot in The Falkirk Stadium or refuse to spend a penny that will go into the Clubs coffers until now. I’m not trying to blow smoke up my own arse because I know full well there are plenty others who are every bit as passionate and loyal as I am, but for me it’s as low as it’s ever been. Downing tools when the going gets tough isn’t normally what I do. I threatened to stay away when Ritchie rewarded that fraud Pressley with a new 3yr contract but was back again 3/4 weeks later because it’s what I do. It’s different this time - I haven’t renewed our ST’s, I haven’t been back through the doors once since May, I haven’t bought my son the strip or the tracksuit as I do every season. I’ve stuck to my guns and I’ll continue to do so until there is change because I cannot accept what the current imposters have done to our Club any longer. I guess in my head the club feels as dead to me right now as it ever has, and I don’t feel like I’ve got anything to lose. Don’t expect everyone to agree with that logic but it’s the best I can do in terms of trying to explain it.

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I'm currently doing a report as part of my coursework for Uni and I'm talking about the alienation and commodification in football, I'm speaking about the Wimbledon/MK Dons case and how the move alienated the fans. 

I am also mentioning how that this is going to become a more common thing for teams to move stadium, due to ageing stadiums. How did Falkirk fans feel about the move from Brockville to the new stadium? Any input would be appreciated.

Feel like pure shite mate. Just want Brockville back x
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27 minutes ago, Relegator Ritchie said:

All valid points. I think the only way I can answer your last point is by saying I never thought I’d see the day where I point blank refuse to step foot in The Falkirk Stadium or refuse to spend a penny that will go into the Clubs coffers until now. I’m not trying to blow smoke up my own arse because I know full well there are plenty others who are every bit as passionate and loyal as I am, but for me it’s as low as it’s ever been. Downing tools when the going gets tough isn’t normally what I do. I threatened to stay away when Ritchie rewarded that fraud Pressley with a new 3yr contract but was back again 3/4 weeks later because it’s what I do. It’s different this time - I haven’t renewed our ST’s, I haven’t been back through the doors once since May, I haven’t bought my son the strip or the tracksuit as I do every season. I’ve stuck to my guns and I’ll continue to do so until there is change because I cannot accept what the current imposters have done to our Club any longer. I guess in my head the club feels as dead to me right now as it ever has, and I don’t feel like I’ve got anything to lose. Don’t expect everyone to agree with that logic but it’s the best I can do in terms of trying to explain it.

In other words you're in the huff because the team got relegated.

You'd rather see the club jeopardized than tolerate such a thing.

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What a difference a few months make. I was hounded on here for even suggesting Campbell might be a shyster when the Mark Campbell guy was first unveiled, Falkirk fans were reeled in by the fourth stand, multi million pound squad investment and new hotel.

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What a difference a few months make. I was hounded on here for even suggesting Campbell might be a shyster when the Mark Campbell guy was first unveiled, Falkirk fans were reeled in by the fourth stand, multi million pound squad investment and new hotel.
there were a few of us from the start didn't fancy him
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23 minutes ago, Enigma said:

What a difference a few months make. I was hounded on here for even suggesting Campbell might be a shyster when the Mark Campbell guy was first unveiled, Falkirk fans were reeled in by the fourth stand, multi million pound squad investment and new hotel.

Nonsense. The huge majority of us were aggressively against MC at worst, non-committal at best. I was in the latter camp, but am firmly in the anti-MC squad now.

So away and make yourself a martyr elsewhere, no-one's interested.

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What a difference a few months make. I was hounded on here for even suggesting Campbell might be a shyster when the Mark Campbell guy was first unveiled, Falkirk fans were reeled in by the fourth stand, multi million pound squad investment and new hotel.

How many were “reeled in”? Precious few I think. A few months haven’t really made any difference whatsoever.
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1 hour ago, Relegator Ritchie said:

All valid points. I think the only way I can answer your last point is by saying I never thought I’d see the day where I point blank refuse to step foot in The Falkirk Stadium or refuse to spend a penny that will go into the Clubs coffers until now. I’m not trying to blow smoke up my own arse because I know full well there are plenty others who are every bit as passionate and loyal as I am, but for me it’s as low as it’s ever been. Downing tools when the going gets tough isn’t normally what I do. I threatened to stay away when Ritchie rewarded that fraud Pressley with a new 3yr contract but was back again 3/4 weeks later because it’s what I do. It’s different this time - I haven’t renewed our ST’s, I haven’t been back through the doors once since May, I haven’t bought my son the strip or the tracksuit as I do every season. I’ve stuck to my guns and I’ll continue to do so until there is change because I cannot accept what the current imposters have done to our Club any longer. I guess in my head the club feels as dead to me right now as it ever has, and I don’t feel like I’ve got anything to lose. Don’t expect everyone to agree with that logic but it’s the best I can do in terms of trying to explain it.

I get the logic, disillusioned so far that you’d rather give the club to absolutely anyone than the current BOD. If you can step back and look beyond that, at the greater problems that would occur if MC was to get control, you’d see that it can actually still get worse. A lot worse. Also staying away when Pressley got a new contract was a bit weird...

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11 minutes ago, bairn88 said:

I get the logic, disillusioned so far that you’d rather give the club to absolutely anyone than the current BOD. If you can step back and look beyond that, at the greater problems that would occur if MC was to get control, you’d see that it can actually still get worse. A lot worse. Also staying away when Pressley got a new contract was a bit weird...

Things are bad enough without you starting a whole new argument on that dunce Pressley. At the time, the standard of football was horrendous. He should’ve been punted along with Eddie May, and then definitely punted after relegation from the Premier. He then failed to get us promoted the following year yet was rewarded with a new 3 year contract by Ritchie. My eyes literally bled watching Falkirk under him.

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