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The Falkirk FC Thread

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10 minutes ago, HopeStreetWalker said:

The fact is FFC at present is not very marketable.

Minority part owners of the stadium. Bank balance ? but it won't be a lot once the lawyers and accounts get paid for the least few months shambles.

Playing squad that is worthless. No youth system in place so no income stream from that direction. Playing in the 3rd tier of Scottish football.

To turn that around will require deep pockets, time and a sound business plan

Buy out the other stakeholders in the stadium. Re introduce a youth system learning from what we did well and what we did not do well in the past.

Invest in a marketable product on the pitch. With that will come the fans, increased sponsorship and advertising revenue.

That is a long way off for at present we can't be sure what is happening today , next week , next month.




Unless the current MSG decide to leave the club isn't going anywhere, if we do go up i dont think RM has it in him to make top four i think we would be mid table at best with what he has shown so far and that is at a push.  The club needs a good look at itself as unless we have a change in ownership then we will continue treading water.

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If they stick with their current trend of appointments, they would appoint McKinnon again if we got promoted. I don’t think we would end up mid table safe either. I think he would have us on 6 points every 6 games type of pattern. We would be drawing at least a dozen games per season, and maybe even more.

He knows we are now about as big a club as he is ever going to manage, and his priority is to persuade them upstairs that if they stick with him, things will get better...you know, like the “ We will get stronger and better” stuff after the Clyde defeat....the first Clyde defeat...not the second one when we were supposedly “stronger and better”.


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Not being on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram means I have to miss those gems. That what comes of avidly reading Huxley and Orwell at an impressionable age.

Oh, and you can stick those Nectar and Tesco Club Cards an’ all.

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3 hours ago, Duncan Freemason said:

If they stick with their current trend of appointments, they would appoint McKinnon again if we got promoted. I don’t think we would end up mid table safe either. I think he would have us on 6 points every 6 games type of pattern. We would be drawing at least a dozen games per season, and maybe even more.

He knows we are now about as big a club as he is ever going to manage, and his priority is to persuade them upstairs that if they stick with him, things will get better...you know, like the “ We will get stronger and better” stuff after the Clyde defeat....the first Clyde defeat...not the second one when we were supposedly “stronger and better”.


In my 50 years watching Falkirk I can think of a handful of managers that walked in with a vision that the fans bought into and they were good times.

Cunningham - Totten - Jeffreys - Duffy - McColl.  They all had one thing in common. Players you wanted to see. Football played in a entertaining way. You looked forward to every game and you fancied your chances against anybody.

We require somebody to come in and drag this club up by the bootlaces as they did.


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In my 50 years watching Falkirk I can think of a handful of managers that walked in with a vision that the fans bought into and they were good times.
Cunningham - Totten - Jeffreys - Duffy - McColl.  They all had one thing in common. Players you wanted to see. Football played in a entertaining way. You looked forward to every game and you fancied your chances against anybody.
We require somebody to come in and drag this club up by the bootlaces as they did.

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2 hours ago, Back Post Misses said:

This was probably about my favourite from the weekend. “Hope to see you in the Howgate soon” emoji15.pngIMG_3311.jpg

Well naturally the Howgate is where a "tycoon" would be - I often seen Richard Branson & Rupert Murdoch in there,  like Mark that's where they ran their empires from.  

Alan Sugar always preferred Callender Square.

I can just see Trampy shuffling about there hoping to be recognised hopefully followed by more fans fawning to his Walter Mitty complex.  

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