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From the Raith match preview on the OS, it would suggest that we're either still looking to bring other players in, or that we'd failed in our attempts.

At the time of writing, other options were being actively pursued, but nothing definite had transpired.


Unfortunately I think it might mean the latter.

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Why hasn't your mystery benefactor taken the sensible option and punted Pressley with the cash? Worked for Dundee with their dud manager.

That would have been the sensible option rather than waste money signing players chasing a lost cause.

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Sorry for not keeping u lot up to date regarding the "good news" . The re-signing of pedro was what i heard/was told last week.

I am sure that 2 other ffc posters will confirm this ;)

Fwiw, hopefully another signing will be made. Unsure of the position tho :(

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Delighted that Pedro's back! :D I doubt he'll turn the season around, but at least he'll provide some entertainment.

If any more signings are going to be made, I'd rather it was a hatchet man midfielder, but by the sounds of it, it's going to be a central defender or a right back. I hope it's not Scott Wilson, I can only remember him being terrible. I doubt he's got better with age.

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I would presume that if the Moutinho cash is being paid by an internal member of the club and not the club itself than signing Pedro will make no difference to our financial situation. It is though obvious that by not replacing Marr or Deuchar the board have basically resigned themselves to us being stuck in this division next season and are already trying to balance the books. This would also tell me that theres no way we will see the clown in the dugout being repalced no matter how bad things get between now and May.

Yep, that's exactly the case. Were they to get rid of him now, and we aren't promoted (duh), then there would still be a serious season ticket impact for next season. If they keep him in post til the end of the season and then get rid, then you have something of an upswing in events, and change at a time when it might have a positive affect of the perception of the average support as to whether or not to renew STs.

Our promotion challenge has floundered on the layout of the team, the style of football we play, and the quality of recent signings. Getting rid of SP now would still leave at least one of the three shortcomings in place. Getting rid of him in May allows something of a clean slate to the new guy. However, should we finish mid table, I'm not overly convinced that SP will be out on his ear.

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I think anything other than promotion and we will see a new manager, especially for the following reasons;

1) Promotion was the clubs target

2) Pressleys contract is up at the season end, ie no compo required.

3) Supporter apathy is at an all time low

4) With the current man in place, ST sales will be massively down on next year. Unless an injection of feel good happens (ie a McCall type 02/03 impact) then the clubs resources will be VERY limited in the seasons ahead.

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2) Pressleys contract is up at the season end, ie no compo required.

That's been debated on here - I, and I think most folk, assumed he was on a one year deal but when it was suggested that he was on a rolling one year contract a link from the Daily Record was produced which seemed to confirm it.

It was the Daily Record mind, and I guess the 'rolling' part might have been a misinterpretation of an 'option'.

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Why is there so much pessimism from Falkirk fans? Beat Raith, and win the game in hand, and you're only four points off the top.

Is it just lack of faith in the manager? Looking from afar (pretty far actually) I reckoned The Bairns had a decent chance. I'm surprised the league has been written off so early.

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That's been debated on here - I, and I think most folk, assumed he was on a one year deal but when it was suggested that he was on a rolling one year contract a link from the Daily Record was produced which seemed to confirm it.

It was the Daily Record mind, and I guess the 'rolling' part might have been a misinterpretation of an 'option'.

Is a rolling contract not just one that continues annually, if neither party gives notice to terminate it? As I understand it the principle is the same, that if Falkirk gives sufficient notice to terminate at its expiry date then no pay-off would be due. Sort of tacit relocation, effectively.

Edited by Cliche Guevara
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Is it just lack of faith in the manager?

Mainly - he is fucking useless.

Looking from afar (pretty far actually) I reckoned The Bairns had a decent chance. I'm surprised the league has been written off so early.

We should have had a decent chance. If we had appointed someone verging towards competent.

In my opinion, someonw like McGlynn, or even Nicholl would have had us top 2 just now, either top or within a point or two of top.

Unfortunately having the biggest budget in the league is f**k all use if you appoint an abysmal manager, which we have done. Twice in two seasons.

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I mean from here though. I'm not sure Raith will last the pace and there are plenty of games to go. With the signing of Moutinho there's still a decent chance. Notwithstanding a clueless manager right enough.

You don't want to wish McGlynn on yourself. He'd take at least a couple of years to pack your team full of defensive midfielders and a WWF target man forward. Falkirk are better than that kind of awful style, and I think it would be even less palatable to your fans than what you seem to have gone through recently.

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We should have done better yes. I don't believe it's just Pressley who has caused this though. He will go as a result though which is fairly justified.

He wont be the only one out the door though.

Oh and we didn't have the biggest budget, another OneF myth. It wasn't far away but certainly a good few hundred 000s less than our friends from Dundee.

Next year we won't have either unless Uncle Sandy helps....again.

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I mean from here though. I'm not sure Raith will last the pace and there are plenty of games to go. With the signing of Moutinho there's still a decent chance. Notwithstanding a clueless manager right enough.

You don't want to wish McGlynn on yourself. He'd take at least a couple of years to pack your team full of defensive midfielders and a WWF target man forward. Falkirk are better than that kind of awful style, and I think it would be even less palatable to your fans than what you seem to have gone through recently.

Hark i taste the bitter grapes of the defeated.......

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Hark i taste the bitter grapes of the defeated.......


I knew it would only be a matter of minutes. My post was the equivalent of a drop of blood near shark infested waters.

I think Raith have done brilliantly well, actually, and am secretly quite pleased. I think the point stands though, and I doubt it's what Falkirk fans would really want.

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