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The Falkirk FC Thread

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Jumping into defenders with leading elbows and giving away stupid niggly fouls does not constitute an "aerial threat" or "being good in the air".

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Enoch Showumni has without question the worst skill set of any professional player I've seen. And that includes Mark "hooked 9 iron foot" Twaddle. A player of unimaginably little ability. And yet, he was a semi regular scorer for Tranmere.

Skills are over rated. I am pretty sure Kevin McBride would be able to trap a ball coming down from the moon. Yet he's still fucking shit.

I still rate Ally Graham and Brendan McIntyre lower......

Skills are over rated ? ......I take you hated the recent Champions league final.......

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Seeing as Falkirk are "linked" to Gareth Wardlaw, I posted this in the St Mirren thread, thought it would be more useful in here though.

The guy puts in 100% every game, with Wardlaw you can't ask for any more than he gives. He chases down seemingly lost causes, hassles defenders, goalkeepers, and he can win a good few headers too. The effort he puts in makes up for the fact he isn't the greatest of players. You wont be getting a skillful tricky player, but you'll get a guy who adds a lot to the team by never giving the defenders a minutes peace.

As a regular starter I reckon he could hit around 10 goals in the First Division. He only scored 4 for us by didn't start often and didn't get much game time in the 2nd half of the season. I think he scored around 19 for Cowdenbeath in their promotion season too. He didn't seem to get into great positions for scoring, but SPL level was a big step up for him and he will score more dropping down a tier.

The guy will be a good signing though, very few players put in the effort Gareth does. Also one of the fittest guys in the leagues too, can keep going and going forever.

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Skills are over rated ? ......I take you hated the recent Champions league final.......

To an extent I agree with HB.

Kevin McAllister was never the most technically gifted player. The boy could dribble though and had the heart of a lion.

Chris Mitchell springs to mind as the type of player who has all the 'skills'. To me he lacks the mind to apply these skills in an effective manner during a match. He's the new Jamie McCunnie, picking up wages and U-21 caps for zero return.

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I take you hated the recent Champions league final.......

Erm, no.

But I'm not thick enough to assume the ability to trap a ball in isolation is in any way an indication that you are a better player than someone who can't.

Your point is basically a stupid one (no surprise there). At this level or at lower English league level, players of little techincal ability can shine, if they are fast, or a good finisher or many other things. It's amusing that you bemoan the fact Stewart doesn't have silky skills, in the same thread where you tell us Tranmere played to Showumni's strengths. I wouldn't suggest anyone played Stewart in a Paolo Di Canio role either.

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Thoughts on the fixtures then?

Putting aside the fact the football will be dreadful, it's not looking too bad. Trips to Brechin and Albion in the cups, Raith away on the opening day, Ayr away not long after, and a couple of friendlies up north too. Very happy with all of that.

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To an extent I agree with HB.

Kevin McAllister was never the most technically gifted player. The boy could dribble though and had the heart of a lion.

Chris Mitchell springs to mind as the type of player who has all the 'skills'. To me he lacks the mind to apply these skills in an effective manner during a match. He's the new Jamie McCunnie, picking up wages and U-21 caps for zero return.

Aye Stainrod, Cadette and Stokes were horrible players to watch.......

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Erm, no.

But I'm not thick enough to assume the ability to trap a ball in isolation is in any way an indication that you are a better player than someone who can't.

Your point is basically a stupid one (no surprise there). At this level or at lower English league level, players of little techincal ability can shine, if they are fast, or a good finisher or many other things. It's amusing that you bemoan the fact Stewart doesn't have silky skills, in the same thread where you tell us Tranmere played to Showumni's strengths. I wouldn't suggest anyone played Stewart in a Paolo Di Canio role either.

All of which I have generally stated in a previous post...... :rolleyes:

I thought you had given up the ghost as far as Falkirk were concerned, toys pram etc.....?

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Aye Stainrod, Cadette and Stokes were horrible players to watch.......

Oh dear....

Please tell me you are intentionally missing the point.

The fact Stewart can't trap a ball doesn't make him a bad player, doomed to fail anywhere outside Scotland. Ally McCoist could trap a ball further than I can punt one but he still played in European competion and internationally.

Colin Hendry's positional sense and technique were all over the shop but he was a very effective player in his prime.

Some guys, such as Chris Mitchell, can have all the "skill" in the world. They are still crap.

This does not mean I think all "skillful" players are crap. Just the crap ones.

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I thought you had given up the ghost as far as Falkirk were concerned, toys pram etc.....?

Where did I say that? I won't be attending another game whilst Pressley is in charge. I'm very hopeful that won't be for very long.

You never got back to us incidentally about who Falkirk's top two earners were last season? Or did your source not divulge that to you ?

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Ah yes ... it was actually the day we won the title wasn't it ? couldn't think from going all misty eyed tongue.gif

watched that game on a pub telly in Cornwall !

4-1 Ayr on Sky TV?

We had to wait till the final day of the season against Meadowbank to confirm the title Ned.

I still love you though :)

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Wasn't that the first ever First division shown game on Sky?

I think it might have been - it was a bloody good watch from 600 miles away anyhoo - I remember Richard Keys declaring 'they can play a bit !" before showing highlights of the season with Sammy running riot.

I remember watching us beat Dundee 1-0 in the cup when I was down there as well ... Scott Sloan scored the goal IIRC.

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