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The Falkirk FC Thread

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Leggo took it too far when he started knocking the knots on our ties... I'll have you know mine was a pristine Windsor.

"All of that changed when Falkirk left the town and moved to a new ground where the press box is hard up against an area to its right, filled with cheap suits, unpolished down at the heel shoes and un-ironed dirty white shirts. And badly tied ties."

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Leggo took it too far when he started knocking the knots on our ties... I'll have you know mine was a pristine Windsor.

"All of that changed when Falkirk left the town and moved to a new ground where the press box is hard up against an area to its right, filled with cheap suits, unpolished down at the heel shoes and un-ironed dirty white shirts. And badly tied ties."

sounds about right.

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Kudos to Leggo for bringing up "being intoxicated in a football stadium" and the failure of Inspector Knacker to clamp down on this.

Mmmm... well.... yes. And you would know.

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Bad news Falkirk fans, you are today the subject of a stinging rebuke from one of the internet's top bloggers: http://leggoland2.blogspot.co.uk/2012/08/anti-rangers-bile-is-nothing-new-for.html

well I feel thoroughly ashamed of my club after such a renowned authority on the Scottish game has put finger to keyboard.

Irony is, our ST seats used to be in front of the corporate seats, and any time either of the Ugly Sisters came to play they were entirely filled with Rangers or Celtic fans (no doubt from the Falkirk area, but hey ho). In fact, that's the reason we moved to the South Stand - fed up with Weeeearrrrapeeeepulllll being bellowed in my ear by some gorilla in a River Island £30 suit.

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Kudos to Leggo for bringing up "being intoxicated in a football stadium" and the failure of Inspector Knacker to clamp down on this.

Mmmm... well.... yes. And you would know.

Again on the subject of Leggo, from his "blog"

It is as though nobody at the wee back of beyond ground has ever heard of the Criminal Justice Act, which makes it a criminal offence to be intoxicated inside a football stadium.

Quite right they've not heard of it because it doesn't exist here. A simple wee bit of research, probably a dirty word for a fucking nugget like him, would point him in the direction of The Criminal Law (Consolidation) (Scotland) Act 1995

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As if any further proof were needed that 'the 29' made a complete hash of The Vote, this whole sorry saga sums it up. The sorry-assed institution that they are and stand for should have been consigned to oblivion. Out the leagues altogether. "Apply next year, we'll consider it, if you're lucky, and if you've paid your debts" should have been the SFL/SFA stand. We'll never get that chance again.

Outraged from Govan puffs out his chest, complaining about injustice and inappropriate language. You couldn't make it up. In my lifetime and for the decades before that, everyone else has to suffer their bile and bigotry, songs about Irish wars and catholic blood, yet they're all indignant about the nothing term Sevco, which was in their own legal paperwork.

The franchise from Govan has no moral standing whatsoever, and still they play the indignant victim. Just pay your unpaid taxes, you cheats.

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Well done Falkirk FC. blink.gif

This is definitely a case of biting the hand that feeds you in order to suck up to some greeting faced, overly sensitive Rangers fans, there is no chance they would have reacted like that to any other club!

I know the tannoy guy & not only does he do that voluntarily but he does other things for the club too so the board seem to have shot themselves in the foot with this one. If I was him I'd tell them to do one. It might get worse though as you might get the Livi guy doing the banned shift as they are good mates who cover for each other & he can be a damn sight more controversial. Oh I really hope he puts the cat among the pigeons.

Rangers fans need to grow a pair and stop acting so precious and looking to be the victim all the time, it's a football game not a feckin soap opera, man up! rolleyes.gif

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Bad news Falkirk fans, you are today the subject of a stinging rebuke from one of the internet's top bloggers: http://leggoland2.blogspot.co.uk/2012/08/anti-rangers-bile-is-nothing-new-for.html

All you diddy clubs are just jealous that you can't provoke the wrath from such a trenchant, ascerbic tongue.

You can only quiver in our stead. :lol::lol::lol:

Edited by kiddy
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Falkirk fans accusing other fans of being mopes, i accuse of them of being hypocrites.


Controversial St Mirren Football Club mascot Paisley Panda has been given the boot after he pretended to use a rival club's jersey as toilet paper on the pitch.

The decision came after 24-year-old sales rep Chris Kelso, who was performing inside the bear suit, was warned about his on-field behaviour by police.And the Buddies' commercial manager, Campbell Kennedy, told his club's website: "Following several complaints from Falkirk fans at yesterday's First Division match at St Mirren Park, the club have accepted the resignation of Chris Kelso, who acted as club mascot Paisley Panda.

It was only a bit of banter lads ;)

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Falkirk fans accusing other fans of being mopes, i accuse of them of being hypocrites.


Controversial St Mirren Football Club mascot Paisley Panda has been given the boot after he pretended to use a rival club's jersey as toilet paper on the pitch.

The decision came after 24-year-old sales rep Chris Kelso, who was performing inside the bear suit, was warned about his on-field behaviour by police.And the Buddies' commercial manager, Campbell Kennedy, told his club's website: "Following several complaints from Falkirk fans at yesterday's First Division match at St Mirren Park, the club have accepted the resignation of Chris Kelso, who acted as club mascot Paisley Panda.

It was only a bit of banter lads ;)

I was at that game and remember laughing. The Falkirk fans who complained must've been precious little p***ks. Most of us were laughing.
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Unfortunately every team has their fans who cant take a laugh. The big difference here though is that probably the fact that paisley panda was doing it straight in front of Falkirk fans could've been seen as inflammatary. In the case of our P.A. man though his comments were made at a Falkirk v Raith Rovers game where your hardly likely to be offending anyone apart from the usual sevco crew who don't actually know where ibrox is.

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It makes no difference what was said, where and when.

The shitty aspect is our club chairman is willing to drop the guy after years of voluntary service for the sake of a few Sevco fans.

If his comments about the attendences at our Sevco cup games are true then he's fucked the budget again. A possible boycott could lead to Pressley having to sell a player? These cup draws are bonuses. A proper budget for the season would not be counting on drawing either former Old Firm side.

A proper budget would ensure that the squad that started the season would stay together. We cannot count on a favourable cup draw, a cuo run or indeed any club paying money for any player we make available as and when we run out of cash mid-season.

If what he has said is true then we are either staring at more financial strife this season or he is acting just as the SPL/SFA did in the summer(i.e. idle threats to cover up ineptitude).

The more I think of it the more this guy needs removed.

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Alot of my friends say they hate scottish fitbaw and will never watch it,

I don't but by fcuk it can do my head in sometimes. Is our football so poor we spend more time talking about the politics of the game than the game itself? Lets just move on from this and support our clubs!

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I was at that game and remember laughing. The Falkirk fans who complained must've been precious little p***ks. Most of us were laughing.

Wouldn't surprise me if it was the same Falkirk fans who complained each time!

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So we now have enough in the kitty to sign one more player. I know I have said in the past that we have one decent striker so we should be looking for another but now I have changed my mind. We have got to do something about the defence we are leaking goals far to easily.

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Falkirk fans, what a motely bunch they are :lol: Any of you lot going to own up to being the large guy?

Have to admit we've got some weird looking fans in that picture. Thought for a mo that was Jocky Scott down the front..blink.gif

Anyways, here's some more everyday folks from Orcland.. laugh.gif


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