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The Falkirk FC Thread

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If it was so serious then why was it not brought to the fore after it happening once?

Absolute fucking joke. I know the song that they are on about and it is not offensive in the slightest,

Police in Scotland at their best, target the minority and ignore the majority as per, cowards.

Get a grip ffs. It'll not be that when you need them saaaaaaan

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Apparently at 'our last two away games'. Absolute horse shite. Nothing more than complete barefaced lies from the Police. I was at Hamilton. There was no singing from the Falkirk end. None at all.

As for the Dundee game, I can only assume it referred to the "Hello hello how do you do, we hate the boys in royal blue, we hate the boys in emerald green, so f**k your pope and f**k your queen" chant. This has been sung many times by many clubs (Partick Thistle, Dundee Utd, St Johnstone to name a few) over the years. And lets not mention what is sung at Ibrox and Parkhead every other week...

The police can seriously go away and take a flying f**k to themselves. Justice for the 300.

I was at both Hamilton and Dundee games and don't remember that song being sung. In fact don't think I've heard that song ever at a Falkirk match. Keep this pish away from Falkirk games. The down in the town of Dunfermline was sung a few times, perhaps that's what this is about?

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There should be MORE offensive songs at Falkirk games, IMO. I honestly don't believe anyone could be truly offended by a group of 17 year olds singing "F**k your pope and F**k your queen."

Some of my funniest memories supporting the club have involved this type of 'banter'. I remember in the SPL a Falkirk fan turned up to Motherwell away in a santa outfit and got dogs abuse with Paedophilia songs. If the same was to happen now there would be banning orders and fines handed out - madness.

Then again... maybe I am just one sick puppy!

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According to OneF there were none of the songs were offensive but a female police officer did not like the songs and also should not be at the football.

Please get your facts straight.

I'm not a female police officer.

I also did not contact the police or the club about this

Simply voiced my opinion about shite songs which have no relevance to our club being sang by two wee fuds in our support

End of story

It was f**k the pope song and another.


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If its the f**k the pope and f**k the queen song then you should laugh in their faces. Don't know why your signing it at Hamilton tho I would leave it for when you play the sectarian sisters but absolutely ridiculous for it to be called offensive.


Can you explain what was sung?

Officer: they offensive words were f**k the pope and f**k the queen.

Judge: Why did you sing that song ?

Defendant : erm to attack both sides of a ridiculous divide in society.

Judge- thanks no case to answer.

Nb, I'm not a lawyer or anything so somebody could be found guilty given the ridiculousness of the new laws but anyone with common sense should see the song for what it is. When we were in the SPL(laugh now if you want) I'm sure a few pars fans we're arrested and charged with singing the wrong fucking country song to celtic fans waving tri-colours and those charges were dropped so if that song was considered ok then the f**k the pope and f**k the queen should be considered fine as well.

Oh and pars fans have song that song in the past as well, and I would stand by the statements as well as the sentiment behind them.

I say if that is the song that is an issue and people start getting pulled up for it then it should be sung by more people and louder as well, we've all seen the police not bother with the OF when it's done in numbers.

And I can't be nice to you guys all the time so

f**k you 6 fingered b*****ds.

It would be wrong if I didn't say at least something

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we've all seen the police not bother with the OF when it's done in numbers.

This 1000 X over.

I remember being at Tannadice about 5 years ago and before the game even started the police had removed about 4 Falkirk fans. Their crime? Standing.

Ironically this made a fairly friendly Falkirk crowd seething at the tactics of the police.

Fast forward a month and Celtic are in town with thousands of them standing all game.

Wonder how many were removed?

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Honestly have no problem with the song in question, immature, but were I on either side of the divide being attacked then I have to say I wouldn't give a f**k. Absolute joke, considering what Rangers and Celtic fans get away with.

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We have enuf songs of our own to not dip into this water.....

Im not offended, I cant think what will offend me but I dont like links towards either of the evil twins.....

We are the steeple for example was funny at the cup final, but tiresome now that I groan now when it comes out....

It doesnt bother me what they sing, but you have to question why when both the pope, queen and the evil twins mean nothing to the most of us, its not clever, controversial, simply bizarre or part of supporting the team which I thot most songs tend to represent

Edited by MrDust
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Correct me if I'm wrong, but was the offended lass on OneF not the same one that thought the boos at the end of the first half were for Roberts and not the ref? Or not for the Dundee players as they came out at the start of the second?

Going on about them 'fucking off to Ibrox' when the song was clearly audible as "f**k your pope and f**k your queen" too...

Genuinely think some folk get their jollies out of winding up their own supporters.

That aside, I'd still love to hear where the police got this 'last two away games' nonsense from. You couldn't make it up.

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One F seems to be the place that the Board/Police pick up a load of shite from.

You only have to look at some of the stuff Ritchie mentioned at the AGM to see that.

Most notably, the issue he said there was of folk actively trying to put off Season Ticket holders from renewing. You're talking at least 2 posters on that board that had mentioned it, hardly a load.

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I was told that Falkirk staff are told not to read OneF. Noticeable that the Falkirk Shop chose to post on P&B not OneF.

Whoever told you that must be blethering because the GM posts regularly with club info as does the programme editor

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