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I honestly dont know enough about the board situation and all the behind the scenes. 
I am not prepared to blame them for what we are seeing on the park though. That goes to Hartley and Mitch. I think any shouts about how the board should have seen this coming or stepped in are unrealistic. 
Football is not about dropping down leagues in some strategic business plan. We will need to cut our cloth accordingly to stay in this league, then consolidate, then move on again. If we look like we have deliberately dropped a league without a fight, then I will be a seething mess at the board. 

Are you serious that the state this club is in after 10 years of mediocrity is all down to Hartley?

I don’t think it will be a strategic decision to go down but if it is made it will be made due to cash projections for the next 18 months
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Are you serious that the state this club is in after 10 years of mediocrity is all down to Hartley?

I don’t think it will be a strategic decision to go down but if it is made it will be made due to cash projections for the next 18 months

Well thats a strategic decision then surely?

Look I am no fan of the board. In my younger days I threw some vile abise at Fulston because of his running of the club. All I have said is I dont currently know enough. Not that I disbelieve the things you say. But the current and immediate predicament we are in is Hartleys. Even if our budget had remained static there would no excuse for this level of regression.

Bear in mind I am talking about football here. Not business.
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Well thats a strategic decision then surely?

Look I am no fan of the board. In my younger days I threw some vile abise at Fulston because of his running of the club. All I have said is I dont currently know enough. Not that I disbelieve the things you say. But the current and immediate predicament we are in is Hartleys. Even if our budget had remained static there would no excuse for this level of regression.

Bear in mind I am talking about football here. Not business.

It is a survival decision. I am only speculating - it is not my choice but knowing them it will be considered I am sure.

They allowed a manager to sign a heap of these players that he had not seen and trusted the recruitment to an unknown scout/agent. Sorry but for me means they are culpable in all this as much as those two.
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It is a survival decision. I am only speculating - it is not my choice but knowing them it will be considered I am sure.

They allowed a manager to sign a heap of these players that he had not seen and trusted the recruitment to an unknown scout/agent. Sorry but for me means they are culpable in all this as much as those two.
They cant be AS culpable. You can make your arguement about what could have been done differently and whether Mitchell was ever the right guy to be trusting but they hired a guy to do that job. They then let him do it. You dont go through the process of hiring a scout to backup your manager then immediately assume they need their hands held. I will buy into various criticisms of the board. I wont buy into the current playing situation being as much their fault as the teo guys who sold them (and us) their vision then royally fucked it.
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At the end of the day whether or not the fans thought Hartley was the right appointment the bod backed the wrong man again so its 100 percent their fault. Frankly I'd much rather they'd appointed someone we all felt was going to be utterly dreadful and he'd got us promotion.  Its not a one off feck up its 10 years of backing the wrong guy save a couple of decent efforts by Houston. 

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3 hours ago, Trump said:

Russell and McKinnon don’t see eye to eye after what happened with them at Morton. Although I’d at least have him in the squad, I can understand this situation.

Robson hasn’t played for two managers now. Unless he is playing at wing back, he won’t get a game.

Whilst it’s not McKinnons team, his team selection can be criticised. Paton every game? Apart from one decent half at Ayr, the guy offers nothing.

I've no idea if this Russell guy is an improvement on what you've got starting just now or not,   but if he is I'd be pretty pissed off with a  Manager that was leaving him out through some sort of petty pride issue.  Your not in the situation to ignore or dismiss anyone that would improve the team.  

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18 minutes ago, Bairn Necessities said:

I always hated the support rep on the board thing. 

Pat on the head and pass the biscuits round. Oh, were about to discuss something important.. off you pop. 

Fucking scandalous guys did that role, to get a club tie.

I know one of the guys that had that role, very ,very unfair comment.

Absolutely not a yes man.

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Quick question does anyone know if there is a list containing all MSG's and are they all Falkirk fans? 

Companies House shows all current shareholders (with it being an Ltd company) and members of the BoD. https://beta.companieshouse.gov.uk/company/SC005854/filing-history

Quite an interesting read if you’re as sad as me! [emoji23]
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6 minutes ago, NewBornBairn said:

If I wanted to buy just one or two shares - just to be a shareholder - how would I go about it?

You need to buy a minimum number of shares, was £200 worth a couple of years ago and I haven't seen anything that said this has changed. Back to the board, WITHOUT HINDSIGHT where does the board tell Hartley where to go? our best players (arguably) last season were 2 Watford under 23s, so Hartley says he's getting under 23 players from Chelsea and Brighton, does the board tell him where to go? He signs internationally capped players, does the board tell him where to go? He gets guys on loan from Dundee and hearts, does the board say "no paul"? Would anyone from port vale ever improve our team? If it was so obvious thing were going to be this bad, why weren't people complaining in the summer? Was hartley's record as a manager so bad before us he shouldn't have been taken on? Why didn't people complain then. 10 years down here and it seems the board are being blamed for not seeing setanta collapse, rangers going bust and backing our managers to sign players! 

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10 minutes ago, knee jerk reaction said:

You need to buy a minimum number of shares, was £200 worth a couple of years ago and I haven't seen anything that said this has changed. Back to the board, WITHOUT HINDSIGHT where does the board tell Hartley where to go? our best players (arguably) last season were 2 Watford under 23s, so Hartley says he's getting under 23 players from Chelsea and Brighton, does the board tell him where to go? He signs internationally capped players, does the board tell him where to go? He gets guys on loan from Dundee and hearts, does the board say "no paul"? Would anyone from port vale ever improve our team? If it was so obvious thing were going to be this bad, why weren't people complaining in the summer? Was hartley's record as a manager so bad before us he shouldn't have been taken on? Why didn't people complain then. 10 years down here and it seems the board are being blamed for not seeing setanta collapse, rangers going bust and backing our managers to sign players! 

The same people criticising the board now would've been straight on here demanding their resignations if it came out that they hadn't let Hartley sign the players he wanted. Hindsight is a wonderful thing.

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Just now, Sarcastic Bairn said:

I hate him higher than David Sinclair & by fk did I hate him, so that out trumps you.

Davie Sinclair absolutely screamed at my mate to give him the ball for a throw in once. He was fucking seething. Reckon we weould have been about 13 or 14. I dont recall hating him that much but he was certainly earmarked as a bell end for that instance. 

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2 hours ago, Reggie Perrin said:

I know one of the guys that had that role, very ,very unfair comment.

Absolutely not a yes man.

That was unfair. I agree  I don't know the motivation if all of these guys and I'm sure they weren't all arse licking yes men.

But I stand by saying they should have immediately resigned when they saw how the fans rep was to be treated. It was shabby by the board.

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The same people criticising the board now would've been straight on here demanding their resignations if it came out that they hadn't let Hartley sign the players he wanted. Hindsight is a wonderful thing.
This is correct and I am unsure if the folk saying it even believe it themselves. The board would have been correctly strung up if they had interfered.

The most you can say on this is that maybe it highlights the need for a football person on the board ie a DoF. It also is a lesson learned regarding maybe not buying into a wholesale change out of personnel at the same time as a total shift in resourcing of personnel. But as has been said before, I really dont think Hartley woudl have had any problems flannelling them even if they had decided to express concern.
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