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The Falkirk FC Thread

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Ooft Ritchie doesn't give a f**k anymore. Surely a big sign that the club will be in new hands soon enough. 
Just hope the new regime punt McKinnon as soon as their in the door. The fans group will know that's what the majority of us want so it will probably happen. 
Kerr and Miller dream team please!
McKinnon will keep the job, which is mainly due to the fact that to change manager now would set us back even further in our preparations for next season.

You are kidding about Kerr and Miller though, aren't you?
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1 hour ago, LatapyBairn said:

I agree with the content of the statement, in that some of the venomous personal abuse and hatred directed towards Craig Campbell has been far too much for what is only at the end of the day a man doing his job(badly).  He’s been involved in some poor decision-making at a football club, so it is right he’s stepped down. But some people need to realise that it’s not a life or death situation. 

On the other hand, the timing of it is far from ideal with season ticket sales beginning and new ownership hopefully imminent. You can see why Martin Ritchie feels the way he does though when you see the physical and verbal abuse he has been subjected to, having invested millions of pounds into the club. 

So what physical abuse has Martin Ritchie been subjected to?



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So what physical abuse has Martin Ritchie been subjected to?

Martin Ritchie got involved to help us out when we were in financial difficulties. His ego probably was bigger than his ability but nevertheless less he “ lent “us some cash . In return for that cash he pounced about in our boardroom and the offices of the FSA - so what I would argue he was entitled to do so !
What I find more difficult to accept is his tirade at fans for having a go at Craig Campbell, when he could and should have binned him long ago !
What Martin and many others before him have to realize is that the real shareholders are the paying fans as without them the club is worth f—k all.
Sure the fans can be cruel unfair out of order even stupid on occasion but that’s fitba yeah pay yer money and can have yer say! - My say is GTF as many will withhold season ticket money if you don’t play ball . Disrespecting our right to be caring and yet scathing of the club we love in a public statement is evidence of the end - It would have been wiser not to get involved fitba st our level is not an investment its a bottomless pit of time money and effort for little thanks . Make way for the fans and make sure you don’t sell out to any bandits, that will be the test of your legacy .
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Avoided storming into here last night wae ma cock oot to lower the chance of me delivering an absolutely searing hot take. But here we are anyway..

Another absolute joke of a statement, the fans that they compliment so much are once again being dragged right through the mud.

While I've not personally seen any of the "threats" that he has received it is something that shouldn't happen at all. Calling him a useless baldy b*****d? Fire right into the c**t. Had he done his job well he wouldn't be on the receiving end of any, instead it's been almost continuous f**k ups from about two months into his job. The bottom part of the statement in isolation he has done a brilliant job, partner it up with everything else he has done and it doesn't come close to outweighing the negatives.

He's came out of this looking like the absolute victim when it's far from the case.

Martin Ritchie you can f**k off next. Wit a way to treat your fans especially with there being genuine worry that the fans won't buy season tickets.

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11 hours ago, virginton said:

First they racially abuse their own players, now they drive a fine custodian out of their club with threats against his family. Disgraceful.

Falkirk fans = Scotland's shame. 

Aye I don't understand the whining of the Bairns here.  I'm sure fans of every other club in the Championship would love a board that financed three new teams in as many years.    Ungrateful wretches.  They weren't greeting and moaning when the "Rayvolution"  began last year.     Sort yourselves out.

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Just now, LargsTON said:

Aye I don't understand the whining of the Bairns here.  I'm sure fans of every other club in the Championship would love a board that financed three new teams in as many years.    Ungrateful wretches.  They weren't greeting and moaning when the "Rayvolution"  began last year.     Sort yourselves out.

Its the fact 2 of those 3 teams were dire  arguably all 3 were tbh just individual players that helped paper over the cracks.

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24 minutes ago, Chinatoon Bairn said:

The bottom part of the statement in isolation he has done a brilliant job, partner it up with everything else he has done and it doesn't come close to outweighing the negatives.


He's obviously good at the Foundation stuff and raising investment in the business world.

But who on earth let him decide on the football strategy of the club with no experience, or indeed the day to day running of a football club's affairs - this over and above everything else is what lost him his job as he completely failed at it.   

The club was relegated to the 3rd tier and the divide between the club and fans has never been greater, and there is no riding that out.   

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1 minute ago, Hank von Hell said:

He's obviously good at the Foundation stuff and raising investment in the business world.

But who on earth let him decide on the football strategy of the club with no experience, or indeed the day to day running of a football club's affairs - this over and above everything else is what lost him his job as he completely failed at it.   

The club was relegated to the 3rd tier and the divide between the club and fans has never been greater, and there is no riding that out.   

The other thing you have to remember is it was CC that threatened supporters/fans with legal action over the club badge when the copyright had expired but theres no mention of that one.

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Guest Ecosse83
1 hour ago, Rocco said:

McKinnon will keep the job, which is mainly due to the fact that to change manager now would set us back even further in our preparations for next season.

You are kidding about Kerr and Miller though, aren't you?

Nope not kidding at all. Kerr and Miller would get the fans backing right away something that's badly needed. 

If the fans takeover happens if say McKinnon's days are numbered!

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when did we ever need a chief executive to help run the club anyway...........complete waste of a wage and i for one  is looking forward to that wage being reinvested into the 1st team budget . the sooner the MSG sell up the better they are just prolonging the agony and they should be thankfull that it's the close season and they're not getting the weekly abuse outside the stadium after a matchday disaster. if only we had had social media back in the day of the Deans's or Fulstons :o

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Nope not kidding at all. Kerr and Miller would get the fans backing right away something that's badly needed. 
If the fans takeover happens if say McKinnon's days are numbered!
I'd be giving that pair zero time to settle in. As it was them, & their cronies, who kicked off the latest round of shitfest, by downing tools on Houston.
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So, we start June with a statement which is to try and get us geared up to buy into the new chapter of Falkirk's history. Not long after that, the "invites" to renew season tickets come out. There's no clear incentive other than the prices have been reduced (they have to be, this is not a token of appreciation to the supporters sticking by the club through thick and thin). No signings as yet, but then as there are more players behind the scenes wanting to take over the club, it can be understood to a certain extent.

In the previous statements, we're told of an extensive review of matters within the club, of how an interim chairman will steady the rudder and then the intensity of takeover seems to be a bit too much to deal with. So much so that the next act of wisdom is to annoy a party that has already been interested for several months to the point that they pull their bid. We don't know what we would have got but we're not in a position to be so careless. I'm sure the mantra of "Due Diligence" will come up, which gives me the idea that there will be none (after all, Hearts did quite well with Romanov, Dundee with Di Stefano...oh hang on). Of course, we are encouraged to sign up for season tickets.

And last night, Martin Ritchie speaks.

If you understand that it has been, to put it mildly, frustrating that we've been relegated when we supposedly pulled out all of the stops to stay up (financially speaking), then you announce that the CEO is leaving, thank him for his time and efforts and close it. To me, Falkirk has shown utter contempt and disdain for their support and this wouldn't be the first time. 

Football fans want the best for the team, some want to win the Champions League even with the squad that we have, but those in charge should already know that. Rather than just acknowledge the frustrations, or even ignore them, those in charge feel the need to tell us what a horrible lot we are, hurting a decent man and ram Craig Campbell's greatest achievements down our throats. Nice to have brought in that investment, but he was supposed to be at the head of the efforts to get us back to the Premiership in two years: instead of that, we've seen any money that we had blown on bad players, bad decisions and instead of accept that, the Falkirk fans are singled out as unworthy to be supporters of such an esteemed club.

Wonder how the season ticket sales will go now?

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I would take another season in League 1 after this one GB if it mesnt getting rid of Ritchie and his merry bunch of arseholes. I could feel the bile in me rising reading each word of that god awful statement.

What next, it was the fans fault we got relegated because we occassionally booed some of the shite they allowed to disgrace the navy blue. You honestly couldn't make this up.
Technically it would have been correct if the statement had attributed blame for relegation to the Falkirk support, given your premature Palmerston pitch invasion led directly to the added time that allowed QotS the opportunity to equalise, a goal which more than any other directly led to your relegation...
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Here’s the thing. Kenny and others pulled together the patrons & pledges package brilliantly. The BoD accepted it in principle while the whole time, working on alternative “investments” . One of those investors has since pulled the plug, and is no longer interested.

The BoD seem to have tried to work the Patrons and Pledges deal as some sort of backstop while they sought something more beneficial (for themselves) behind the scenes.

Kenny now needs to consider how the ground has shifted, and whether we are collectively willing to get into bed with the current BoD. I would guess not, and perhaps public announcements really are a two way street, and we collectively have the right to withdraw our proposal citing the BoD’s contempt for its own customers as the reason why. Personally, there is no way back for any of them now.

The support MUST stay together through this. We clearly now have a dragon to slay, and creating an enemy that all of the support can now recognise is about as big a tactical blunder as the BoD could have made. 

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Just now, rajamaki11 said:
12 hours ago, Harry Kinnear said:
I would take another season in League 1 after this one GB if it mesnt getting rid of Ritchie and his merry bunch of arseholes. I could feel the bile in me rising reading each word of that god awful statement.

What next, it was the fans fault we got relegated because we occassionally booed some of the shite they allowed to disgrace the navy blue. You honestly couldn't make this up.

Technically it would have been correct if the statement had attributed blame for relegation to the Falkirk support, given your premature Palmerston pitch invasion led directly to the added time that allowed QotS the opportunity to equalise, a goal which more than any other directly led to your relegation...

Complete and utter shite, and is an ample demonstration that you haven’t a clue as to how injury/added time is calculated. You have made a c**t of yourself. Off you pop.

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The other thing you have to remember is it was CC that threatened supporters/fans with legal action over the club badge when the copyright had expired but theres no mention of that one.

100% that is when this all started.

As fans we take everything that comes our way in terms of football (relegations etc) with only a few grumbles. But, if you attack the fans and make us feel like we are somehow a problem you are going to feel that attack back and then some. Whoever is next in the boardroom would be wise to remember that the fans are still in charge, we will always get our way eventually.
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