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The get fit, stay fit thread

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You did the right thing I've learnt over time to stop if you think there's potential for injury.

Fancied a new routine for 2016 and wanted to give this one a try. Have done similar ones in the past but it's been a while since I last focused on strength. Paid the tenner for that power pack add on.

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Take a bit of time off to recover and then give stronglifts a try you wouldn't believe how low the weights you start on are. I did the first day today and was only squatting 45kg for 5x5, I usually warm up heavier than that.

Should have said I've been doing it for the past two months and reached a weight that's just killing my knees.

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Should have said I've been doing it for the past two months and reached a weight that's just killing my knees.

That's not so good I take it you did your research on correct form beforehand it's usually the issue.

I spent the last third of 2015 doing a 3 day split of 4 compounds (one leg/back/shoulders/chest all 8-12 reps) then added on a few isolation exercises for areas like hamstrings/calves/quads and arms and core. Was probably doing too much tbh with 3 days swimming as well which is why I chose a more back to basics strength program to begin 2016.

If you really can't squat (try front squats as well to see how you get on) then lunges and leg press are the best alternatives. If you have access to a hack squat machine that might help.

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Lost motivation for last 2 months due to my mum passing away. Lucky if i was hitting the gym twice a week.

Just got back from new york and went to the gym most days so got right bck into and got the motivation back. Annoyingly my gym got flooded in aberdeen so joined another one on a month to month contract. Back on the healthy eating train. Going to order a heep of chicken from muscle food tomorrow for my pre gym meal

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Thinking today and I'm going to take a break from lifting in order to train for the Inverness half marathon. I'll maybe do it once a week, rather than the three I've been doing but I need to focus on running.

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On losing weight...

The fast diet is amazing. I had turned into a typical middle-aged slob and was knocking on 15 stone. Lost about three stone in three months. Can keep the weight down with just one fast a week.

I train a fair bit and do a bit of boxing do that helps but I think just one or two days a week just only eating a small meal is the easiest way to keep the weight off.

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On losing weight... The fast diet is amazing. I had turned into a typical middle-aged slob and was knocking on 15 stone. Lost about three stone in three months. Can keep the weight down with just one fast a week.I train a fair bit and do a bit of boxing do that helps but I think just one or two days a week just only eating a small meal is the easiest way to keep the weight off.

Well done on the weight loss! On your "fast" days do you have your small meal at lunch time or dinner time? How many calories (roughly) would you say you have on one of those days?

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Well done on the weight loss! On your "fast" days do you have your small meal at lunch time or dinner time? How many calories (roughly) would you say you have on one of those days?

Suggests 500 for women and 600 for guys. Been fairly trim for a couple of years now. I think it's more effective just having one meal, rather than lots of wee snacks. If you've had that misery of trying to diet it's so much better as you know it's just one day of giving your stomach a break then you can eat as normal the next.

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Suggests 500 for women and 600 for guys. Been fairly trim for a couple of years now. I think it's more effective just having one meal, rather than lots of wee snacks. If you've had that misery of trying to diet it's so much better as you know it's just one day of giving your stomach a break then you can eat as normal the next.

Cheers for the info, might consider trying that - have lost 2.5st so far but still got a bit to go.

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Cheers for the info, might consider trying that - have lost 2.5st so far but still got a bit to go.

Well done! It's definitely worth a go - do it for a bit and you soon have folk telling you to stop it as the weight falls off so quick. Nowadays I get sent out by my better half to guzzle beer and pizza to stop me looking too skinny.

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Cutting out the carbs and the sugar (as best i can) as of tomorrow. Expecting the excess flab to be gone by the end of January.

You're in Edinburgh aren't you? Should come along to Castle Boxing gym. Loads of good fitness classes and you can get fit without getting hit.

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